Operating_system @id: uncl1501:Operating_system @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Code to identify the operating system, like DOS, VMS, etc. used in a computer environment. rdfs:comment: Code to identify the operating system, like DOS, VMS, etc. used in a computer environment. rdf:value: 2 Application_software @id: uncl1501:Application_software @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Code to identify an application software, like AutoCad, WinWord, etc. used in a computer environment. rdfs:comment: Code to identify an application software, like AutoCad, WinWord, etc. used in a computer environment. rdf:value: 3 Network @id: uncl1501:Network @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Code to identify a network like Ethernet, Token Ring, etc. implemented in a computer environment. rdfs:comment: Code to identify a network like Ethernet, Token Ring, etc. implemented in a computer environment. rdf:value: 4 Sending_system @id: uncl1501:Sending_system @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Code to identify the system, which acts as a sending system in an interchange. rdfs:comment: Code to identify the system, which acts as a sending system in an interchange. rdf:value: 5 File_generating_software @id: uncl1501:File_generating_software @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Software used to generate a file. rdfs:comment: Software used to generate a file. rdf:value: 6 File_compression_software @id: uncl1501:File_compression_software @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Software used for the compression of a file. rdfs:comment: Software used for the compression of a file. rdf:value: 7 File_compression_method @id: uncl1501:File_compression_method @type: uncefact:UNCL1501Code Comment: Method used for the compression of a file. rdfs:comment: Method used for the compression of a file. rdf:value: 8