ASCII @id: uncl1503:ASCII @type: uncefact:UNCL1503Code Comment: Code to identify the ASCII format (American Standard Code II). rdfs:comment: Code to identify the ASCII format (American Standard Code II). rdf:value: 1 EBCDIC @id: uncl1503:EBCDIC @type: uncefact:UNCL1503Code Comment: Code to identify the EBCDIC format (Extended Binary Character Decimal Interchange Code). rdfs:comment: Code to identify the EBCDIC format (Extended Binary Character Decimal Interchange Code). rdf:value: 2 Binary @id: uncl1503:Binary @type: uncefact:UNCL1503Code Comment: Code to identify a binary format. rdfs:comment: Code to identify a binary format. rdf:value: 3 Analogue @id: uncl1503:Analogue @type: uncefact:UNCL1503Code Comment: Code to identify an analogue format. rdfs:comment: Code to identify an analogue format. rdf:value: 4