Postal_address @id: uncl3131:Postal_address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: The address is representing a postal address. rdfs:comment: The address is representing a postal address. rdf:value: 1 Fiscal_address @id: uncl3131:Fiscal_address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Identification of an address as required by fiscal administrations. rdfs:comment: Identification of an address as required by fiscal administrations. rdf:value: 2 Physical_address @id: uncl3131:Physical_address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: The address represents an actual physical location. rdfs:comment: The address represents an actual physical location. rdf:value: 3 Business_address @id: uncl3131:Business_address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Address is the business address. rdfs:comment: Address is the business address. rdf:value: 4 Delivery_To_Address @id: uncl3131:Delivery_To_Address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Address is the address to which delivery is to take place. rdfs:comment: Address is the address to which delivery is to take place. rdf:value: 5 Residential_Address @id: uncl3131:Residential_Address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Address is the home address. rdfs:comment: Address is the home address. rdf:value: 6 Mail_To_Address @id: uncl3131:Mail_To_Address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Address is the address to which mail is sent. rdfs:comment: Address is the address to which mail is sent. rdf:value: 7 Postbox_Address @id: uncl3131:Postbox_Address @type: uncefact:UNCL3131Code Comment: Address is a postal office (PO) box. rdfs:comment: Address is a postal office (PO) box. rdf:value: 8