Name_given_at_birth @id: uncl3397:Name_given_at_birth @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: The name of an individual assigned at birth. rdfs:comment: The name of an individual assigned at birth. rdf:value: 1 Current_name @id: uncl3397:Current_name @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: Name currently used by the person. rdfs:comment: Name currently used by the person. rdf:value: 2 Previous_name @id: uncl3397:Previous_name @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: The previous name which was used but is no longer used by the person. rdfs:comment: The previous name which was used but is no longer used by the person. rdf:value: 3 Original_name_of_an_entity @id: uncl3397:Original_name_of_an_entity @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: Identifies the name that existed in the beginning. rdfs:comment: Identifies the name that existed in the beginning. rdf:value: 7 Corrected_name_of_an_entity @id: uncl3397:Corrected_name_of_an_entity @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: Identifies a name substituted for one that was wrong. rdfs:comment: Identifies a name substituted for one that was wrong. rdf:value: 8 Name_of_an_entity_changed_to @id: uncl3397:Name_of_an_entity_changed_to @type: uncefact:UNCL3397Code Comment: Identifies a name to which a previous name was changed. rdfs:comment: Identifies a name to which a previous name was changed. rdf:value: 9