Unmarried_and_never_been_married @id: uncl3479:Unmarried_and_never_been_married @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: Person is unmarried and has never been married. rdfs:comment: Person is unmarried and has never been married. rdf:value: 1 Married @id: uncl3479:Married @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: Person is married. rdfs:comment: Person is married. rdf:value: 2 Unmarried_and_been_married_before @id: uncl3479:Unmarried_and_been_married_before @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: Person is unmarried but has been married before. rdfs:comment: Person is unmarried but has been married before. rdf:value: 3 Separated @id: uncl3479:Separated @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: Person is still married but living apart from spouse. rdfs:comment: Person is still married but living apart from spouse. rdf:value: 4 Widow_or_widower @id: uncl3479:Widow_or_widower @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: Person is a widow or widower. rdfs:comment: Person is a widow or widower. rdf:value: 5 Unknown @id: uncl3479:Unknown @type: uncefact:UNCL3479Code Comment: The marital status is unknown. rdfs:comment: The marital status is unknown. rdf:value: 6