Payable_elsewhere @id: uncl4237:Payable_elsewhere @type: uncefact:UNCL4237Code Comment: Responsibility for payment of transport charges unknown at time of departure. rdfs:comment: Responsibility for payment of transport charges unknown at time of departure. rdf:value: A Third_party_to_pay @id: uncl4237:Third_party_to_pay @type: uncefact:UNCL4237Code Comment: A third party to pay the freight bill is known at the time of shipment. rdfs:comment: A third party to pay the freight bill is known at the time of shipment. rdf:value: B Collect @id: uncl4237:Collect @type: uncefact:UNCL4237Code Comment: Charges are (to be) collected from the consignee at the destination. rdfs:comment: Charges are (to be) collected from the consignee at the destination. rdf:value: C Prepaid @id: uncl4237:Prepaid @type: uncefact:UNCL4237Code Comment: Charges are (to be) prepaid before the transport actually leaves. rdfs:comment: Charges are (to be) prepaid before the transport actually leaves. rdf:value: P