Draft(s)_drawn_on_issuing_bank @id: uncl4277:Draft(s)_drawn_on_issuing_bank @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the issuing bank. rdfs:comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the issuing bank. rdf:value: 1 Draft(s)_drawn_on_advising_bank @id: uncl4277:Draft(s)_drawn_on_advising_bank @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the advising bank. rdfs:comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the advising bank. rdf:value: 2 Draft(s)_drawn_on_reimbursing_bank @id: uncl4277:Draft(s)_drawn_on_reimbursing_bank @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the reimbursing bank. rdfs:comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the reimbursing bank. rdf:value: 3 Draft(s)_drawn_on_applicant @id: uncl4277:Draft(s)_drawn_on_applicant @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the applicant. rdfs:comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on the applicant. rdf:value: 4 Draft(s)_drawn_on_any_other_drawee @id: uncl4277:Draft(s)_drawn_on_any_other_drawee @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on any other drawee. rdfs:comment: Draft(s) must be drawn on any other drawee. rdf:value: 5 No_drafts @id: uncl4277:No_drafts @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: No drafts required. rdfs:comment: No drafts required. rdf:value: 6 Payment_means_specified_in_commercial_account_summary @id: uncl4277:Payment_means_specified_in_commercial_account_summary @type: uncefact:UNCL4277Code Comment: An indication that the payment means are specified in a commercial account summary. rdfs:comment: An indication that the payment means are specified in a commercial account summary. rdf:value: 7