Vocabulary Definition of UN/EDIFACT Consolidated Code List 4451 - Text subject code qualifier (20B) semantics in HTML format. JSON-LD format is available at uncl4451.jsonld
Comment: [7002] Plain language description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
rdfs:comment: [7002] Plain language description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
rdf:value: AAA
@id: uncl4451:Payment_term
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: [4276] Free form description of the conditions of payment between the parties to a transaction.
rdfs:comment: [4276] Free form description of the conditions of payment between the parties to a transaction.
Comment: [7488] Additional information concerning dangerous substances and/or article in a consignment.
rdfs:comment: [7488] Additional information concerning dangerous substances and/or article in a consignment.
rdf:value: AAC
@id: uncl4451:Dangerous_goods_technical_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: [7254] Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified, or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available literature.
rdfs:comment: [7254] Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified, or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available literature.
rdf:value: AAD
@id: uncl4451:Acknowledgement_description
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The content of an acknowledgement.
rdfs:comment: The content of an acknowledgement.
rdf:value: AAE
@id: uncl4451:Rate_additional_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Specific details applying to rates.
rdfs:comment: Specific details applying to rates.
rdf:value: AAF
@id: uncl4451:Party_instructions
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Indicates that the segment contains instructions to be passed on to the identified party.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that the segment contains instructions to be passed on to the identified party.
rdf:value: AAG
@id: uncl4451:General_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The text contains general information.
rdfs:comment: The text contains general information.
Comment: Instructions/information about a revolving documentary credit.
rdfs:comment: Instructions/information about a revolving documentary credit.
rdf:value: ABZ
@id: uncl4451:Documentary_requirements
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Specification of the documentary requirements.
rdfs:comment: Specification of the documentary requirements.
rdf:value: ACA
@id: uncl4451:Additional_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: (4270) The text contains additional information.
rdfs:comment: (4270) The text contains additional information.
rdf:value: ACB
@id: uncl4451:Factor_assignment_clause
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Assignment based on an agreement between seller and factor.
rdfs:comment: Assignment based on an agreement between seller and factor.
rdf:value: ACC
@id: uncl4451:Reason
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Reason for a request or response.
rdfs:comment: Reason for a request or response.
rdf:value: ACD
@id: uncl4451:Dispute
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A notice, usually from buyer to seller, that something was found wrong with goods delivered or the services rendered, or with the related invoice.
rdfs:comment: A notice, usually from buyer to seller, that something was found wrong with goods delivered or the services rendered, or with the related invoice.
rdf:value: ACE
@id: uncl4451:Additional_attribute_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The text refers to information about an additional attribute not otherwise specified.
rdfs:comment: The text refers to information about an additional attribute not otherwise specified.
rdf:value: ACF
@id: uncl4451:Absence_declaration
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A declaration on the reason of the absence.
rdfs:comment: A declaration on the reason of the absence.
rdf:value: ACG
@id: uncl4451:Aggregation_statement
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A statement on the way a specific variable or set of variables has been aggregated.
rdfs:comment: A statement on the way a specific variable or set of variables has been aggregated.
rdf:value: ACH
@id: uncl4451:Compilation_statement
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A statement on the compilation status of an array or other set of figures or calculations.
rdfs:comment: A statement on the compilation status of an array or other set of figures or calculations.
rdf:value: ACI
@id: uncl4451:Definitional_exception
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: An exception to the agreed definition of a term, concept, formula or other object.
rdfs:comment: An exception to the agreed definition of a term, concept, formula or other object.
rdf:value: ACJ
@id: uncl4451:Privacy_statement
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A statement on the privacy or confidential nature of an object.
rdfs:comment: A statement on the privacy or confidential nature of an object.
rdf:value: ACK
@id: uncl4451:Quality_statement
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: A statement on the quality of an object.
rdfs:comment: A statement on the quality of an object.
rdf:value: ACL
@id: uncl4451:Statistical_description
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The description of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdfs:comment: The description of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdf:value: ACM
@id: uncl4451:Statistical_definition
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The definition of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdfs:comment: The definition of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdf:value: ACN
@id: uncl4451:Statistical_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The name of a statistical object such as a value list, concept or structure definition.
rdfs:comment: The name of a statistical object such as a value list, concept or structure definition.
rdf:value: ACO
@id: uncl4451:Statistical_title
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The title of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdfs:comment: The title of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
rdf:value: ACP
@id: uncl4451:Off-dimension_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information relating to differences between the actual transport dimensions and the normally applicable dimensions.
rdfs:comment: Information relating to differences between the actual transport dimensions and the normally applicable dimensions.
rdf:value: ACQ
@id: uncl4451:Unexpected_stops_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information relating to unexpected stops during a conveyance.
rdfs:comment: Information relating to unexpected stops during a conveyance.
rdf:value: ACR
@id: uncl4451:Principles
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is principles section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is principles section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ACS
@id: uncl4451:Terms_and_definition
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is terms and definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is terms and definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ACT
@id: uncl4451:Segment_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is segment name.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is segment name.
rdf:value: ACU
@id: uncl4451:Simple_data_element_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is name of simple data element.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is name of simple data element.
rdf:value: ACV
@id: uncl4451:Scope
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is scope section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is scope section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ACW
@id: uncl4451:Message_type_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is name of message type.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is name of message type.
rdf:value: ACX
@id: uncl4451:Introduction
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is introduction section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is introduction section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ACY
@id: uncl4451:Glossary
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is glossary section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is glossary section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ACZ
@id: uncl4451:Functional_definition
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is functional definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is functional definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ADA
@id: uncl4451:Examples
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is examples as given in the example(s) section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is examples as given in the example(s) section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ADB
@id: uncl4451:Cover_page
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is cover page of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is cover page of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ADC
@id: uncl4451:Dependency_(syntax)_notes
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Denotes that the associated text is a dependency (syntax) note.
rdfs:comment: Denotes that the associated text is a dependency (syntax) note.
rdf:value: ADD
@id: uncl4451:Code_value_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is name of code value.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is name of code value.
rdf:value: ADE
@id: uncl4451:Code_list_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is name of code list.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is name of code list.
rdf:value: ADF
@id: uncl4451:Clarification_of_usage
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is an explanation of the intended usage of a segment or segment group.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is an explanation of the intended usage of a segment or segment group.
rdf:value: ADG
@id: uncl4451:Composite_data_element_name
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is name of composite data element.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is name of composite data element.
rdf:value: ADH
@id: uncl4451:Field_of_application
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is field of application of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is field of application of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
rdf:value: ADI
@id: uncl4451:Type_of_assets_and_liabilities
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information describing the type of assets and liabilities.
rdfs:comment: Information describing the type of assets and liabilities.
rdf:value: ADJ
@id: uncl4451:Promotion_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: The text contains information about a promotion.
rdfs:comment: The text contains information about a promotion.
rdf:value: ADK
@id: uncl4451:Meter_condition
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Description of the condition of a meter.
rdfs:comment: Description of the condition of a meter.
rdf:value: ADL
@id: uncl4451:Meter_reading_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information related to a particular reading of a meter.
rdfs:comment: Information related to a particular reading of a meter.
rdf:value: ADM
@id: uncl4451:Type_of_transaction_reason
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information describing the type of the reason of transaction.
rdfs:comment: Information describing the type of the reason of transaction.
rdf:value: ADN
@id: uncl4451:Type_of_survey_question
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Type of survey question.
rdfs:comment: Type of survey question.
rdf:value: ADO
@id: uncl4451:Carrier's_agent_counter_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information for use at the counter of the carrier's agent.
rdfs:comment: Information for use at the counter of the carrier's agent.
Comment: Information on the CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate that is attached to the container.
rdfs:comment: Information on the CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate that is attached to the container.
rdf:value: ADZ
@id: uncl4451:Cargo_remarks
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Additional remarks concerning the cargo.
rdfs:comment: Additional remarks concerning the cargo.
rdf:value: AEA
@id: uncl4451:Temperature_control_instructions
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Instruction regarding the temperature control of the cargo.
rdfs:comment: Instruction regarding the temperature control of the cargo.
rdf:value: AEB
@id: uncl4451:Text_refers_to_expected_data
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Remarks refer to data that was expected.
rdfs:comment: Remarks refer to data that was expected.
rdf:value: AEC
@id: uncl4451:Text_refers_to_received_data
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Remarks refer to data that was received.
rdfs:comment: Remarks refer to data that was received.
rdf:value: AED
@id: uncl4451:Section_clarification_text
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text subject is section clarification text.
rdfs:comment: Text subject is section clarification text.
rdf:value: AEE
@id: uncl4451:Information_to_the_beneficiary
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information given to the beneficiary.
rdfs:comment: Information given to the beneficiary.
rdf:value: AEF
@id: uncl4451:Information_to_the_applicant
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information given to the applicant.
rdfs:comment: Information given to the applicant.
rdf:value: AEG
@id: uncl4451:Instructions_to_the_beneficiary
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Instructions made to the beneficiary.
rdfs:comment: Instructions made to the beneficiary.
rdf:value: AEH
@id: uncl4451:Instructions_to_the_applicant
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Instructions given to the applicant.
rdfs:comment: Instructions given to the applicant.
rdf:value: AEI
@id: uncl4451:Controlled_atmosphere
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information about the controlled atmosphere.
rdfs:comment: Information about the controlled atmosphere.
rdf:value: AEJ
@id: uncl4451:Take_off_annotation
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Additional information in plain text to support a take off annotation. Taking off is the process of assessing the quantity work from extracting the measurement from construction documentation.
rdfs:comment: Additional information in plain text to support a take off annotation. Taking off is the process of assessing the quantity work from extracting the measurement from construction documentation.
rdf:value: AEK
@id: uncl4451:Price_variation_narrative
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Additional information in plain language to support a price variation.
rdfs:comment: Additional information in plain language to support a price variation.
Comment: Text describing the security information as applicable at the port facility in the previous port where a ship/port interface was conducted.
rdfs:comment: Text describing the security information as applicable at the port facility in the previous port where a ship/port interface was conducted.
rdf:value: BLS
@id: uncl4451:Security_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text describing security related information (e.g security measures currently in force on a vessel).
rdfs:comment: Text describing security related information (e.g security measures currently in force on a vessel).
rdf:value: BLT
@id: uncl4451:Waste_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Text describing waste related information.
rdfs:comment: Text describing waste related information.
Comment: Special permission for road transport of certain goods in the German dangerous goods regulation for road transport.
rdfs:comment: Special permission for road transport of certain goods in the German dangerous goods regulation for road transport.
rdf:value: GS7
@id: uncl4451:Consignment_handling_instruction
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: [4078] Free form description of a set of handling instructions. For example how specified goods, packages or transport equipment (container) should be handled.
rdfs:comment: [4078] Free form description of a set of handling instructions. For example how specified goods, packages or transport equipment (container) should be handled.
Comment: [4070] Any remarks given for the information of the consignee.
rdfs:comment: [4070] Any remarks given for the information of the consignee.
rdf:value: ICN
@id: uncl4451:Insurance_instructions
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: (4112) Instructions regarding the cargo insurance.
rdfs:comment: (4112) Instructions regarding the cargo insurance.
rdf:value: IIN
@id: uncl4451:Invoice_mailing_instructions
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Instructions as to which freight and charges components have to be mailed to whom.
rdfs:comment: Instructions as to which freight and charges components have to be mailed to whom.
rdf:value: IMI
@id: uncl4451:Commercial_invoice_item_description
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Free text describing goods on a commercial invoice line.
rdfs:comment: Free text describing goods on a commercial invoice line.
rdf:value: IND
@id: uncl4451:Insurance_information
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Specific note contains insurance information.
rdfs:comment: Specific note contains insurance information.
rdf:value: INS
@id: uncl4451:Invoice_instruction
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Note contains invoice instructions.
rdfs:comment: Note contains invoice instructions.
rdf:value: INV
@id: uncl4451:Information_for_railway_purpose
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Data entered by railway stations when required, e.g. specified trains, additional sheets for freight calculations, special measures, etc.
rdfs:comment: Data entered by railway stations when required, e.g. specified trains, additional sheets for freight calculations, special measures, etc.
rdf:value: IRP
@id: uncl4451:Inland_transport_details
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information concerning the pre-carriage to the port of discharge if by other means than a vessel.
rdfs:comment: Information concerning the pre-carriage to the port of discharge if by other means than a vessel.
rdf:value: ITR
@id: uncl4451:Testing_instructions
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Instructions regarding the testing that is required to be carried out on the items in the transaction.
rdfs:comment: Instructions regarding the testing that is required to be carried out on the items in the transaction.
rdf:value: ITS
@id: uncl4451:Location_Alias
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Alternative name for a location.
rdfs:comment: Alternative name for a location.
rdf:value: LAN
@id: uncl4451:Line_item
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Note contains line item information.
rdfs:comment: Note contains line item information.
rdf:value: LIN
@id: uncl4451:Loading_instruction
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: [4080] Instructions where specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport.
rdfs:comment: [4080] Instructions where specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport.
rdf:value: LOI
@id: uncl4451:Miscellaneous_charge_order
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Free text accounting information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate payment information by Miscellaneous charge order.
rdfs:comment: Free text accounting information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate payment information by Miscellaneous charge order.
rdf:value: MCO
@id: uncl4451:Maritime_Declaration_of_Health
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Information about Maritime Declaration of Health.
rdfs:comment: Information about Maritime Declaration of Health.
Comment: Instructions regarding quarantine, i.e. the period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease.
rdfs:comment: Instructions regarding quarantine, i.e. the period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease.
rdf:value: QIN
@id: uncl4451:Quality_demands/requirements
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Specification of the quality/performance expectations or standards to which the items must conform.
rdfs:comment: Specification of the quality/performance expectations or standards to which the items must conform.
Comment: Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) of the goods specified, and reference to such permission.
rdfs:comment: Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) of the goods specified, and reference to such permission.
rdf:value: SPG
@id: uncl4451:Special_handling
@type: uncefact:UNCL4451Code
Comment: Note contains special handling information.
rdfs:comment: Note contains special handling information.