Normal @id: uncl5047:Normal @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: As normally agreed between parties. rdfs:comment: As normally agreed between parties. rdf:value: 1 Special @id: uncl5047:Special @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: A contribution not usually made. rdfs:comment: A contribution not usually made. rdf:value: 2 Reversal @id: uncl5047:Reversal @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: Reversing a previous contribution. rdfs:comment: Reversing a previous contribution. rdf:value: 3 Back_payment @id: uncl5047:Back_payment @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: Payment is a period prior to the normal period. rdfs:comment: Payment is a period prior to the normal period. rdf:value: 4 Advanced_payment @id: uncl5047:Advanced_payment @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: Payment is for a period post the normal period. rdfs:comment: Payment is for a period post the normal period. rdf:value: 5 Ceasing_contributions @id: uncl5047:Ceasing_contributions @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: Payment is irregular as contributions ceased from the specified date. rdfs:comment: Payment is irregular as contributions ceased from the specified date. rdf:value: 6 Mutually_defined @id: uncl5047:Mutually_defined @type: uncefact:UNCL5047Code Comment: Mutually defined contribution qualifier. rdfs:comment: Mutually defined contribution qualifier. rdf:value: ZZZ