Vocabulary Definition of UN/EDIFACT Consolidated Code List 5153 - Duty or tax or fee type name code (20B) semantics in HTML format. JSON-LD format is available at uncl5153.jsonld
Comment: Countervailing duty paid by posting a bond during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on subsidization by Customs.
rdfs:comment: Countervailing duty paid by posting a bond during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on subsidization by Customs.
rdf:value: AAC
@id: uncl5153:Tobacco_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied on tobacco products.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied on tobacco products.
rdf:value: AAD
@id: uncl5153:Energy_fee
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: General fee or tax for the use of energy.
rdfs:comment: General fee or tax for the use of energy.
rdf:value: AAE
@id: uncl5153:Coffee_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied specifically on coffee products.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied specifically on coffee products.
rdf:value: AAF
@id: uncl5153:Harmonised_sales_tax_Canadian
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A harmonized sales tax consisting of a goods and service tax, a Canadian provincial sales tax and, as applicable, a Quebec sales tax which is recoverable.
rdfs:comment: A harmonized sales tax consisting of a goods and service tax, a Canadian provincial sales tax and, as applicable, a Quebec sales tax which is recoverable.
rdf:value: AAG
@id: uncl5153:Quebec_sales_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A sales tax charged within the Canadian province of Quebec which is recoverable.
rdfs:comment: A sales tax charged within the Canadian province of Quebec which is recoverable.
rdf:value: AAH
@id: uncl5153:Canadian_provincial_sales_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A sales tax charged within Canadian provinces which is non-recoverable.
rdfs:comment: A sales tax charged within Canadian provinces which is non-recoverable.
rdf:value: AAI
@id: uncl5153:Tax_on_replacement_part
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied on a replacement part, where the original part is returned.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied on a replacement part, where the original part is returned.
rdf:value: AAJ
@id: uncl5153:Mineral_oil_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax that is levied specifically on products containing mineral oil.
rdfs:comment: Tax that is levied specifically on products containing mineral oil.
rdf:value: AAK
@id: uncl5153:Special_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: To indicate a special type of tax.
rdfs:comment: To indicate a special type of tax.
rdf:value: AAL
@id: uncl5153:Insurance_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied specifically on insurances.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied specifically on insurances.
rdf:value: AAM
@id: uncl5153:Anti-dumping_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duty applied to goods ruled to have been dumped in an import market at a price lower than that in the exporter's domestic market.
rdfs:comment: Duty applied to goods ruled to have been dumped in an import market at a price lower than that in the exporter's domestic market.
rdf:value: ADD
@id: uncl5153:Stamp_duty_(Imposta_di_Bollo)
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax required in Italy, which may be fixed or graduated in various circumstances (e.g. VAT exempt documents or bank receipts).
rdfs:comment: Tax required in Italy, which may be fixed or graduated in various circumstances (e.g. VAT exempt documents or bank receipts).
rdf:value: BOL
@id: uncl5153:Agricultural_levy
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Levy imposed on agricultural products where there is a difference between the selling price between trading countries.
rdfs:comment: Levy imposed on agricultural products where there is a difference between the selling price between trading countries.
rdf:value: CAP
@id: uncl5153:Car_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax that is levied on the value of the automobile.
rdfs:comment: A tax that is levied on the value of the automobile.
rdf:value: CAR
@id: uncl5153:Paper_consortium_tax_(Italy)
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Italian Paper consortium tax.
rdfs:comment: Italian Paper consortium tax.
rdf:value: COC
@id: uncl5153:Commodity_specific_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax related to a specified commodity, e.g. illuminants, salts.
rdfs:comment: Tax related to a specified commodity, e.g. illuminants, salts.
rdf:value: CST
@id: uncl5153:Customs_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duties laid down in the Customs tariff, to which goods are liable on entering or leaving the Customs territory (CCC).
rdfs:comment: Duties laid down in the Customs tariff, to which goods are liable on entering or leaving the Customs territory (CCC).
rdf:value: CUD
@id: uncl5153:Countervailing_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A duty on imported goods applied for compensate for subsidies granted to those goods in the exporting country.
rdfs:comment: A duty on imported goods applied for compensate for subsidies granted to those goods in the exporting country.
rdf:value: CVD
@id: uncl5153:Environmental_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax assessed for funding or assuring environmental protection or clean-up.
rdfs:comment: Tax assessed for funding or assuring environmental protection or clean-up.
rdf:value: ENV
@id: uncl5153:Excise_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Customs or fiscal authorities code to identify a specific or ad valorem levy on a specific commodity, applied either domestically or at time of importation.
rdfs:comment: Customs or fiscal authorities code to identify a specific or ad valorem levy on a specific commodity, applied either domestically or at time of importation.
rdf:value: EXC
@id: uncl5153:Agricultural_export_rebate
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Monetary rebate given to the seller in certain circumstances when agricultural products are exported.
rdfs:comment: Monetary rebate given to the seller in certain circumstances when agricultural products are exported.
rdf:value: EXP
@id: uncl5153:Federal_excise_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax levied by the federal government on the manufacture of specific items.
rdfs:comment: Tax levied by the federal government on the manufacture of specific items.
rdf:value: FET
@id: uncl5153:Free
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: No tax levied.
rdfs:comment: No tax levied.
rdf:value: FRE
@id: uncl5153:General_construction_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: General tax for construction.
rdfs:comment: General tax for construction.
rdf:value: GCN
@id: uncl5153:Goods_and_services_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax levied on the final consumption of goods and services throughout the production and distribution chain.
rdfs:comment: Tax levied on the final consumption of goods and services throughout the production and distribution chain.
rdf:value: GST
@id: uncl5153:Illuminants_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax of illuminants.
rdfs:comment: Tax of illuminants.
rdf:value: ILL
@id: uncl5153:Import_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax assessed on imports.
rdfs:comment: Tax assessed on imports.
rdf:value: IMP
@id: uncl5153:Individual_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied based on an individual's ability to pay.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied based on an individual's ability to pay.
rdf:value: IND
@id: uncl5153:Business_license_fee
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Government assessed charge for permit to do business.
rdfs:comment: Government assessed charge for permit to do business.
rdf:value: LAC
@id: uncl5153:Local_construction_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Local tax for construction.
rdfs:comment: Local tax for construction.
rdf:value: LCN
@id: uncl5153:Light_dues_payable
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Fee levied on a vessel to pay for port navigation lights.
rdfs:comment: Fee levied on a vessel to pay for port navigation lights.
rdf:value: LDP
@id: uncl5153:Local_sales_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Assessment charges on sale of goods or services by city, borough country or other taxing authorities below state or provincial level.
rdfs:comment: Assessment charges on sale of goods or services by city, borough country or other taxing authorities below state or provincial level.
rdf:value: LOC
@id: uncl5153:Lust_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax imposed for clean-up of leaky underground storage tanks.
rdfs:comment: Tax imposed for clean-up of leaky underground storage tanks.
rdf:value: LST
@id: uncl5153:Monetary_compensatory_amount
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Levy on Common Agricultural Policy (European Union) goods used to compensate for fluctuating currencies between member states.
rdfs:comment: Levy on Common Agricultural Policy (European Union) goods used to compensate for fluctuating currencies between member states.
rdf:value: MCA
@id: uncl5153:Miscellaneous_cash_deposit
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an investigation period prior to a final decision being made on any aspect related to imported goods (except valuation) by Customs.
rdfs:comment: Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an investigation period prior to a final decision being made on any aspect related to imported goods (except valuation) by Customs.
Comment: Anti-dumping duty paid by posting a bond during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on dumping by Customs.
rdfs:comment: Anti-dumping duty paid by posting a bond during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on dumping by Customs.
rdf:value: PDB
@id: uncl5153:Provisional_duty_cash
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Anti-dumping duty paid in cash prior to a formal finding of dumping by Customs.
rdfs:comment: Anti-dumping duty paid in cash prior to a formal finding of dumping by Customs.
rdf:value: PDC
@id: uncl5153:Preference_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duties laid down in the Customs tariff, to which goods are liable on entering or leaving the Customs territory falling under a preferential regime such as Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).
rdfs:comment: Duties laid down in the Customs tariff, to which goods are liable on entering or leaving the Customs territory falling under a preferential regime such as Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).
rdf:value: PRF
@id: uncl5153:Special_construction_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Special tax for construction.
rdfs:comment: Special tax for construction.
rdf:value: SCN
@id: uncl5153:Shifted_social_securities
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Social securities share of the invoice amount to be paid directly to the social securities collector.
rdfs:comment: Social securities share of the invoice amount to be paid directly to the social securities collector.
rdf:value: SSS
@id: uncl5153:State/provincial_sales_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: All applicable sale taxes by authorities at the state or provincial level, below national level.
rdfs:comment: All applicable sale taxes by authorities at the state or provincial level, below national level.
rdf:value: STT
@id: uncl5153:Suspended_duty
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duty suspended or deferred from payment.
rdfs:comment: Duty suspended or deferred from payment.
rdf:value: SUP
@id: uncl5153:Surtax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax or duty applied on and in addition to existing duties and taxes.
rdfs:comment: A tax or duty applied on and in addition to existing duties and taxes.
rdf:value: SUR
@id: uncl5153:Shifted_wage_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Wage tax share of the invoice amount to be paid directly to the tax collector(s office).
rdfs:comment: Wage tax share of the invoice amount to be paid directly to the tax collector(s office).
rdf:value: SWT
@id: uncl5153:Alcohol_mark_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax levied based on the type of alcohol being obtained.
rdfs:comment: A tax levied based on the type of alcohol being obtained.
rdf:value: TAC
@id: uncl5153:Total
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: The summary amount of all taxes.
rdfs:comment: The summary amount of all taxes.
rdf:value: TOT
@id: uncl5153:Turnover_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax levied on the total sales/turnover of a corporation.
rdfs:comment: Tax levied on the total sales/turnover of a corporation.
rdf:value: TOX
@id: uncl5153:Tonnage_taxes
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Tax levied based on the vessel's net tonnage.
rdfs:comment: Tax levied based on the vessel's net tonnage.
rdf:value: TTA
@id: uncl5153:Valuation_deposit
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on valuation of the goods being made.
rdfs:comment: Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an investigation period prior to a formal decision on valuation of the goods being made.
rdf:value: VAD
@id: uncl5153:Value_added_tax
@type: uncefact:UNCL5153Code
Comment: A tax on domestic or imported goods applied to the value added at each stage in the production/distribution cycle.
rdfs:comment: A tax on domestic or imported goods applied to the value added at each stage in the production/distribution cycle.