Value @id: uncl5273:Value @type: uncefact:UNCL5273Code Comment: (5316) To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the Customs value (CCC). rdfs:comment: (5316) To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the Customs value (CCC). rdf:value: 1 Weight @id: uncl5273:Weight @type: uncefact:UNCL5273Code Comment: To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the weight of the item (CCC). rdfs:comment: To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the weight of the item (CCC). rdf:value: 2 Quantity @id: uncl5273:Quantity @type: uncefact:UNCL5273Code Comment: (6060) To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the quantity of the item (CCC). rdfs:comment: (6060) To specify that the applicable rate of duty, tax or fee is based on the quantity of the item (CCC). rdf:value: 3