Accepted_product_inventory @id: uncl7491:Accepted_product_inventory @type: uncefact:UNCL7491Code Comment: Inventory of products accepted by control of incoming products. rdfs:comment: Inventory of products accepted by control of incoming products. rdf:value: 1 Damaged_product_inventory @id: uncl7491:Damaged_product_inventory @type: uncefact:UNCL7491Code Comment: Inventory of damaged products. rdfs:comment: Inventory of damaged products. rdf:value: 2 Bonded_inventory @id: uncl7491:Bonded_inventory @type: uncefact:UNCL7491Code Comment: Inventory of products bonded for customs reasons. rdfs:comment: Inventory of products bonded for customs reasons. rdf:value: 3 Reserved_inventory @id: uncl7491:Reserved_inventory @type: uncefact:UNCL7491Code Comment: Inventory related to reserved products. rdfs:comment: Inventory related to reserved products. rdf:value: 4 Awaiting_inspection_inventory @id: uncl7491:Awaiting_inspection_inventory @type: uncefact:UNCL7491Code Comment: Inventory of products awaiting quality inspection. rdfs:comment: Inventory of products awaiting quality inspection. rdf:value: 5