Stop_only_for_boarding @id: uncl8015:Stop_only_for_boarding @type: uncefact:UNCL8015Code Comment: Travel service stops at a given location, only to pick up travellers. rdfs:comment: Travel service stops at a given location, only to pick up travellers. rdf:value: 1 Stop_only_for_alighting @id: uncl8015:Stop_only_for_alighting @type: uncefact:UNCL8015Code Comment: Travel service stops at a given location, only to allow disembarkation. rdfs:comment: Travel service stops at a given location, only to allow disembarkation. rdf:value: 2 Technical_stop_without_boarding_or_alighting @id: uncl8015:Technical_stop_without_boarding_or_alighting @type: uncefact:UNCL8015Code Comment: Location where a travel service makes a technical stop without allowing passengers to board or to disembark. rdfs:comment: Location where a travel service makes a technical stop without allowing passengers to board or to disembark. rdf:value: 3 Passing_location @id: uncl8015:Passing_location @type: uncefact:UNCL8015Code Comment: Location where a travel service passes without stopping. rdfs:comment: Location where a travel service passes without stopping. rdf:value: 4