Vocabulary Definition of UN/EDIFACT Consolidated Code List 8169 - Full or empty indicator code (20B) semantics in HTML format. JSON-LD format is available at uncl8169.jsonld
Comment: Indicates that there is more than three quarters of the volume available.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that there is more than three quarters of the volume available.
rdf:value: 3
@id: uncl8169:Empty
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Indicates that the object is empty.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that the object is empty.
rdf:value: 4
@id: uncl8169:Full
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Indicates that the object is full.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that the object is full.
rdf:value: 5
@id: uncl8169:No_volume_available
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Indicates that there is no space available in the object.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that there is no space available in the object.
rdf:value: 6
@id: uncl8169:Full_mixed_consignment
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Indicates that the equipment is fully loaded, and includes a number LCL (Less Than Container Load) consignments.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that the equipment is fully loaded, and includes a number LCL (Less Than Container Load) consignments.
rdf:value: 7
@id: uncl8169:Full_single_consignment
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Indicates that the container is fully loaded with a single FCL (Full Container Load) consignment.
rdfs:comment: Indicates that the container is fully loaded with a single FCL (Full Container Load) consignment.
rdf:value: 8
@id: uncl8169:Part_load
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Container represents part of a consignment declared on a single Customs declaration (i.e. the Customs declaration covers more than one container).
rdfs:comment: Container represents part of a consignment declared on a single Customs declaration (i.e. the Customs declaration covers more than one container).
rdf:value: 9
@id: uncl8169:Part_load_mixed_consignments
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Container represents part of the consignment declared on a single Customs declaration with the remainder being in other containers. Other goods, related to other declarations, are also in the container.
rdfs:comment: Container represents part of the consignment declared on a single Customs declaration with the remainder being in other containers. Other goods, related to other declarations, are also in the container.
rdf:value: 10
@id: uncl8169:Single_invoiced_load
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Merchandise within a container/package covered by a single invoice.
rdfs:comment: Merchandise within a container/package covered by a single invoice.
rdf:value: 11
@id: uncl8169:Multi_invoiced_load
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: Merchandise within a container/package covered by more than one invoice.
rdfs:comment: Merchandise within a container/package covered by more than one invoice.
rdf:value: 12
@id: uncl8169:Full_load_multiple_bills
@type: uncefact:UNCL8169Code
Comment: A container representing a consignment of goods for one consignee with multiple bill of lading numbers.
rdfs:comment: A container representing a consignment of goods for one consignee with multiple bill of lading numbers.