Vocabulary Definition of UN/EDIFACT Consolidated Code List 8459 - Excess transportation responsibility code (20B) semantics in HTML format. JSON-LD format is available at uncl8459.jsonld
Comment: The responsibility for excess transportation is with the material release issuer.
rdfs:comment: The responsibility for excess transportation is with the material release issuer.
rdf:value: B
@id: uncl8459:Supplier_authority
@type: uncefact:UNCL8459Code
Comment: The responsibility for excess transportation is with the supplier authority.
rdfs:comment: The responsibility for excess transportation is with the supplier authority.
rdf:value: S
@id: uncl8459:Responsibility_to_be_determined
@type: uncefact:UNCL8459Code
Comment: The responsibility for the excess transportation is to be determined.
rdfs:comment: The responsibility for the excess transportation is to be determined.
rdf:value: X
@id: uncl8459:Mutually_defined
@type: uncefact:UNCL8459Code
Comment: A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
rdfs:comment: A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.