Arithmetic_operation @id: uncl9507:Arithmetic_operation @type: uncefact:UNCL9507Code Comment: An individual arithmetic operation within a formula. rdfs:comment: An individual arithmetic operation within a formula. rdf:value: 1 Open_bracket @id: uncl9507:Open_bracket @type: uncefact:UNCL9507Code Comment: An open bracket indicates the beginning of a specific series of arithmetic operations. rdfs:comment: An open bracket indicates the beginning of a specific series of arithmetic operations. rdf:value: 2 Close_bracket @id: uncl9507:Close_bracket @type: uncefact:UNCL9507Code Comment: A close bracket indicates the end of a specific series of arithmetic operations. rdfs:comment: A close bracket indicates the end of a specific series of arithmetic operations. rdf:value: 3 Disjoint_value @id: uncl9507:Disjoint_value @type: uncefact:UNCL9507Code Comment: A value which is disjoint. rdfs:comment: A value which is disjoint. rdf:value: 4