Condition @id: uncl9641:Condition @type: uncefact:UNCL9641Code Comment: The service was performed based on a condition. rdfs:comment: The service was performed based on a condition. rdf:value: 1 Occurrence @id: uncl9641:Occurrence @type: uncefact:UNCL9641Code Comment: The service was performed based on an occurrence. rdfs:comment: The service was performed based on an occurrence. rdf:value: 2 Occurrence_span @id: uncl9641:Occurrence_span @type: uncefact:UNCL9641Code Comment: The service was performed based on an event occurring over a period of time. rdfs:comment: The service was performed based on an event occurring over a period of time. rdf:value: 3 Procedure @id: uncl9641:Procedure @type: uncefact:UNCL9641Code Comment: The service was performed based on a procedure. rdfs:comment: The service was performed based on a procedure. rdf:value: 4 Value_code @id: uncl9641:Value_code @type: uncefact:UNCL9641Code Comment: The service was performed based on a value code. rdfs:comment: The service was performed based on a value code. rdf:value: 5