BQBON @id: unlocode-bq:BQBON @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Bonaire rdfs:comment: Bonaire rdf:value: BQBON BQRIN @id: unlocode-bq:BQRIN @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Dorp Rincon rdfs:comment: Dorp Rincon rdf:value: BQRIN BQDTK @id: unlocode-bq:BQDTK @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Dorp Tera Kora rdfs:comment: Dorp Tera Kora rdf:value: BQDTK BQGOT @id: unlocode-bq:BQGOT @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Goto rdfs:comment: Goto rdf:value: BQGOT BQKRA @id: unlocode-bq:BQKRA @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Kralendijk rdfs:comment: Kralendijk rdf:value: BQKRA BQORA @id: unlocode-bq:BQORA @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Oranjestad rdfs:comment: Oranjestad rdf:value: BQORA BQSAB @id: unlocode-bq:BQSAB @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Saba rdfs:comment: Saba rdf:value: BQSAB BQEUX @id: unlocode-bq:BQEUX @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: Sint Eustatius rdfs:comment: Sint Eustatius rdf:value: BQEUX BQBOT @id: unlocode-bq:BQBOT @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: The Bottom rdfs:comment: The Bottom rdf:value: BQBOT BQ @id: unlocode-bq:BQ @type: uncefact:UNLOCODE Comment: BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA rdfs:comment: BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA rdf:value: BQ