United Nations Directories
for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


Change indicators a plus sign (+) for an addition an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure a hash sign (#) for changes to names a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and notes a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either batch and interactive messages) a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch and interactive messages)

7383 Surface or layer code [C]

Desc: Code specifying the surface or layer of an object. Repr: an..3 Code Values: 1S Side one Self explanatory. 2S Side two Self explanatory. AA On surface To indicate that the entity being specified is on the surface. AB Off surface To indicate that the entity being specified is off the surface. AC Soluble Specifies that the surface/layer/position being described is the soluble portion. AD Opposite corners The surface or layer of the product being described is the opposite corners. AE Corner Diagonals The surface or layer of the product being described are the corner diagonals. AF Port The left-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat or aircraft. AG Starboard The right-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat or aircraft. AH Tooth facial surface Surface of a tooth directed toward the face and opposite the lingual surface. AI Tooth incisal surface Surface of the tooth relating to the cutting edge of the anterior teeth, incisors or canines. AJ Tooth distal surface Surface of the tooth toward the back of the dental arch, or away from the midline. AK Tooth buccal surface Surface of the tooth pertaining to or around the cheek. AL Tooth occlusal surface Surface of the tooth pertaining to the masticating surfaces of the posterior teeth. AM Tooth lingual surface Surface of the tooth pertaining to or around the tongue. AN Tooth mesial surface Surface of the tooth toward the midline of the dental arch. BC Back of cab Self explanatory. BS Both sides Self explanatory. BT Bottom Self explanatory. DF Dual fuel tank positions Self explanatory. FR Front Self explanatory. IN Inside Self explanatory. LE Left Self explanatory. OA Overall Self explanatory. OS One side Self explanatory. OT Outside Self explanatory. RI Right Self explanatory. RR Rear Self explanatory. ST Spare tyre position Self explanatory. TB Tank bottom Self explanatory. TP Top Self explanatory. TS Two sides Self explanatory. UC Under cab Self explanatory.

Data Element Cross Reference

DataElement 7383 is used in the following Batch Segments:


DataElement 7383 is used in the following Interactive Segments:


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UN/EDIFACT Directories