United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
4439 Payment conditions code [C]
Desc: Code specifying the payment conditions.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
| 1 Direct payment
An assigned invoice has been paid by the buyer to the
| 2 Automatic clearing house credit
Credit transaction via an ACH (Automated Clearing
| 3 Automatic clearing house debit
Debit transaction via an ACH (Automated Clearing House).
| 4 Automatic clearing house credit-savings account
Credit transaction via an ACH (Automated Clearing House)
to an interest bearing deposit account without a stated
| 5 Automatic clearing house debit-demand account
Debit transaction via an ACH (Automated Clearing House)
to an account paying funds on demand without notice of
intended withdrawal.
| 6 Bank book transfer (credit)
Current value of an asset, moved from one account to
another, as it appears on the balance sheet (credit).
| 7 Bank book transfer (debit)
Current value of an asset, moved from one account to
another, as it appears on the balance sheet (debit).
| 8 Doc collection via 3rd party with bill of EX
Presentment of negotiable instruments to the point of
origin, and receiving payment from the paying bank,
using a 3rd party with bill of exchange.
| 9 Doc collection via 3rd party no bill of EX
Presentment of negotiable instruments to the point of
origin, and receiving payment from the paying bank,
using a 3rd party without bill of exchange.
| 10 Irrevocable documentary credit
Written undertaking by a bank to pay a seller against
stipulated documents that cannot be amended or cancelled
without the consent of all parties involved.
| 11 Transferable irrevocable documentary credit
Written undertaking by a bank to pay a seller against
stipulated documents that cannot be amended or cancelled
without the consent of all parties involved and that can
be transferred by the first beneficiary to one or more
| 12 Confirmed irrevocable documentary credit
Written undertaking by a bank to pay a seller against
credit conform stipulated documents that cannot be
amended or cancelled without the consent of all parties
| 13 Transferable confirmed irrevocable documentary credit
Written undertaking by a bank to pay a seller against
credit conform stipulated documents that cannot be
amended or cancelled without the consent of all parties
involved and that can be transferred by the first
beneficiary to one or more beneficiaries.
| 14 Revocable documentary credit
Written undertaking by a bank to pay a seller against
stipulated documents that can be amended or cancelled at
any time.
| 15 Irrevocable letter of credit-confirmed
Letter of credit that cannot be cancelled or amended
without agreement by all the parties involved, and
carries the endorsement of both the issuing bank and its
correspondent, guaranteeing payment of all drafts
written against.
| 16 Letter of guarantee
Any guarantee, bond or other payment undertaking given
for the payment of money on presentation in conformity
with the terms of the undertaking of a demand for
payment and other documents specified.
| 17 Revocable letter of credit
Letter of credit that can be cancelled or amended at any
time by the issuing bank.
| 18 Standby letter of credit
Letter of credit which is a contingent (future)
obligation of the issuing bank to make payment to the
designated beneficiary if the bank’s customer fails to
perform as called for under the terms of a contract.
| 19 Irrevocable letter of credit unconfirmed
Letter of credit that cannot be cancelled or amended
before a specific date without agreement by all the
parties involved, and carries no guarantee that a
correspondent will honour drafts presented for payment.
20 Clean collection (ICC)
Self explanatory.
21 Documentary collection (ICC)
Self explanatory.
22 Documentary sight collection (ICC)
Self explanatory.
23 Documentary collection with date of expiry (ICC)
Self explanatory.
| 24 Documentary collection: bill of exchange against acceptance
A collection in which the bill of exchange is handed
over on acceptance and the payment will take place on a
future date.
| 25 Documentary collection: bill of exchange against payment
A collection in which the bill of exchange is handed
over when payment is obtained.
26 Collection subject to buyer's approval (ICC)
27 Collection by a bank consignee for the goods (ICC)
Self explanatory.
28 Collection under CMEA rules with immediate payment and
subsequent AC
Self explanatory.
29 Collection under CMEA rules with prior acceptance
Self explanatory.
30 Other collection
Self explanatory.
31 Open account against payment in advance
Self explanatory.
32 Open account for contra
Self explanatory.
33 Open account for payment
Self explanatory.
| 34 Seller to advise buyer
Payment conditions to be advised by the seller to the
| 35 Documents through banks
Also known as 'documents against presentation', the
documents are sent to a bank, and the buyer obtains the
documents by paying the invoice amount to the bank.
36 Charging (to account)
Amount due booked to accounts payable/accounts
receivables accordingly.
37 Available with issuing bank
Documentary credit is available with the issuing bank.
38 Available with advising bank
Documentary credit is available with the advising bank.
39 Available with named bank
Documentary credit is available with the financial
institution identified in the FII segment.
40 Available with any bank
Documentary credit is available with any bank.
41 Available with any bank in ...
Documentary credit is available with any bank located in
a place identified in the LOC segment.
42 Indirect payment
An assigned invoice has been paid by the buyer to the
seller or to the seller's agent instead of to the
43 Reassignment
An invoice or credit note assigned to a factor has been
reassigned back to the seller or to another factor.
44 Offset
An invoice/credit note has been (partly) offset against
other items on the seller's or buyer's account.
45 Special entries
Payment to be treated as special booking entry by the
46 Instalment payment
Payment is to be made in one or more instalments.
47 Instalment payment with draft
Payment is to be made by bank draft in one or more
48 Available with advise through bank
Available with the financial institution through which
the advising bank is to advise the documentary credit.
49 General conditions of sale
Refer to general conditions of sale for payment
condition information.
50 Special payment
Payment with special condition(s).
| 61 Set-off by exchange of documents
Payment will be initiated by the exchange of documents.
| 62 Set-off by reciprocal credits
Payment will be initiated by the settling of reciprocal
63 Set-off by "linkage" (against reciprocal benefits)
Self explanatory.
| 64 Set-off by exchange of goods
Payment will be initiated by the exchange of goods.
| 69 Other set-off
Payment will be initiated by an action not otherwise
70 Supplier to invoice
To identify in an order that the supplier is required to
invoice for payment.
71 Recipient to self bill
To identify in an order that the receiver of the goods
is expected to self bill.
ZZZ Mutually defined
Self explanatory.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 4439 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
DataElement 4439 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
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