United Nations Directories
for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


Change indicators a plus sign (+) for an addition an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure a hash sign (#) for changes to names a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and notes a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either batch and interactive messages) a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch and interactive messages)

4451 Text subject code qualifier [C]

Desc: Code qualifying the subject of the text. Repr: an..3 Code Values: AAA Goods description [7002] Plain language description of the nature of the goods sufficient to identify them at the level required for banking, Customs, statistical or transport purposes, avoiding unnecessary detail (Generic term). AAB Terms of payments [4276] Conditions of payment between the parties to a transaction (generic term). AAC Dangerous goods additional information Additional information concerning dangerous goods. AAD Dangerous goods, technical name Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available literature. AAE Acknowledgement description The content of an acknowledgement. AAF Rate additional information Specific details applying to rates. AAG Party instructions Indicates that the segment contains instructions to be passed on to the identified party. AAH Customs information [4034] Information entered by Customs on the CIM. | AAI General information The text contains general information. AAJ Additional conditions of sale/purchase Additional conditions specific to this order or project. AAK Price conditions Information on the price conditions that are expected or given. AAL Goods dimensions in characters Expression of a number in characters as length of ten meters. AAM Equipment re-usage restrictions Technical or commercial reasons why a piece of equipment may not be re-used after the current transport terminates. AAN Handling restriction Restrictions in handling depending on the technical characteristics of the piece of equipment or on the nature of the goods. AAO Error description (free text) Error described by a free text. AAP Response (free text) Free text of the response to a communication. AAQ Package content's description A description of the contents of a package. AAR Terms of delivery (4053) Free text of the non Incoterms terms of delivery. For Incoterms, use: 4053. AAS Bill of lading remarks The remarks printed or to be printed on a bill of lading. AAT Mode of settlement information Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate means by which account is to be settled. AAU Consignment invoice information Information pertaining to the invoice covering the consignment. AAV Clearance invoice information Information pertaining to the invoice covering clearance of the cargo. AAW Letter of credit information Information pertaining to the letter of credit. AAX License information Information pertaining to a license. | AAY Certification statements The text contains certification statements. | AAZ Additional export information The text contains additional export information. ABA Tariff statements Description of parameters relating to a tariff. ABB Medical history Historical details of a patients medical events. ABC Conditions of sale or purchase Additional information regarding terms and conditions which apply to the transaction. ABD Nature of transaction An indication for customs of the type of contract under which goods are supplied. ABE Additional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit) Additional terms and/or conditions to the documentary credit. ABF Instructions or information about standby documentary credit Instruction or information about a standby documentary credit. ABG Instructions or information about partial shipment(s) Instructions or information about partial shipment(s). ABH Instructions or information about transhipment(s) Instructions or information about transhipment(s). ABI Additional handling instructions documentary credit Additional handling instructions for a documentary credit. ABJ Domestic routing information Information regarding the domestic routing. ABK Chargeable category of equipment Equipment types are coded by category for financial purposes. ABL Government information Information pertaining to government. ABM Onward routing information Self explanatory. ABN Accounting information Self explanatory. ABO Discrepancy information Free text or coded information to indicate a specific discrepancy. ABP Confirmation instructions Documentary credit confirmation instructions. ABQ Method of issuance Method of issuance of documentary credit. ABR Documents delivery instructions Delivery instructions for documents required under a documentary credit. ABS Additional conditions Additional conditions to the issuance of a documentary credit. ABT Information/instructions about additional amounts covered Additional amounts information/instruction. ABU Deferred payment termed additional Additional terms concerning deferred payment. ABV Acceptance terms additional Additional terms concerning acceptance. ABW Negotiation terms additional Additional terms concerning negotiation. ABX Document name and documentary requirements Document name and documentary requirements. X ABY Regulatory information The free text contains information for regulatory authority. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.02B. ABZ Instructions/information about revolving documentary credit Instructions/information about a revolving documentary credit. ACA Documentary requirements Specification of the documentary requirements. | ACB Additional information The text contains additional information. ACC Factor assignment clause Assignment based on an agreement between seller and factor. ACD Reason Reason for a request or response. ACE Dispute A notice, usually from buyer to seller, that something was found wrong with goods delivered or the services rendered, or with the related invoice. ACF Additional attribute information The text refers to information about an additional attribute not otherwise specified. ACG Absence declaration A declaration on the reason of the absence. ACH Aggregation statement A statement on the way a specific variable or set of variables has been aggregated. ACI Compilation statement A statement on the compilation status of an array or other set of figures or calculations. ACJ Definitional exception An exception to the agreed definition of a term, concept, formula or other object. ACK Privacy statement A statement on the privacy or confidential nature of an object. ACL Quality statement A statement on the quality of an object. ACM Statistical description The description of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition. ACN Statistical definition The definition of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition. ACO Statistical name The name of a statistical object such as a value list, concept or structure definition. ACP Statistical title The title of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition. ACQ Off-dimension information Information relating to differences between the actual transport dimensions and the normally applicable dimensions. ACR Unexpected stops information Information relating to unexpected stops during a conveyance. ACS Principles Text subject is principles section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ACT Terms and definition Text subject is terms and definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ACU Segment name Text subject is segment name. ACV Simple data element name Text subject is name of simple data element. ACW Scope Text subject is scope section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ACX Message type name Text subject is name of message type. ACY Introduction Text subject is introduction section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ACZ Glossary Text subject is glossary section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ADA Functional definition Text subject is functional definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ADB Examples Text subject is examples as given in the example(s) section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ADC Cover page Text subject is cover page of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ADD Dependency (syntax) notes Denotes that the associated text is a dependency (syntax) note. ADE Code value name Text subject is name of code value. ADF Code list name Text subject is name of code list. ADG Clarification of usage Text subject is an explanation of the intended usage of a segment or segment group. ADH Composite data element name Text subject is name of composite data element. ADI Field of application Text subject is field of application of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation. ADJ Type of assets and liabilities Information describing the type of assets and liabilities. ADK Promotion information The text contains information about a promotion. ADL Meter condition Description of the condition of a meter. ADM Meter reading information Information related to a particular reading of a meter. ADN Type of transaction reason Information describing the type of the reason of transaction. ADO Type of survey question Type of survey question. ADP Carrier's agent counter information Information for use at the counter of the carrier's agent. ADQ Description of work item on equipment Description or code for the operation to be executed on the equipment. ADR Message definition Text subject is message definition. ADS Booked item information Information pertaining to a booked item. ADT Source of document Text subject is source of document. ADU Note Text subject is note. ADV Fixed part of segment clarification text Text subject is fixed part of segment clarification text. ADW Characteristics of goods Description of the characteristics of goods in addition to the description of the goods [7002]. ADX Additional discharge instructions Special discharge instructions concerning the goods. ADY Container stripping instructions Instructions regarding the stripping of container(s). ADZ CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information Information on the CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate that is attached to the container. AEA Cargo remarks Additional remarks concerning the cargo. AEB Temperature control instructions Instruction regarding the temperature control of the cargo. AEC Text refers to expected data Remarks refer to data that was expected. AED Text refers to received data Remarks refer to data that was received. AEE Section clarification text Text subject is section clarification text. AEF Information to the beneficiary Information given to the beneficiary. AEG Information to the applicant Information given to the applicant. AEH Instructions to the beneficiary Instructions made to the beneficiary. AEI Instructions to the applicant Instructions given to the applicant. AEJ Controlled atmosphere Information about the controlled atmosphere. AEK Take off annotation Additional information in plain text to support a take off annotation. Taking off is the process of assessing the quantity work from extracting the measurement from construction documentation. AEL Price variation narrative Additional information in plain language to support a price variation. AEM Documentary credit amendment instructions Documentary credit amendment instructions. AEN Standard method narrative Additional information in plain language to support a standard method. AEO Project narrative Additional information in plain language to support the project. AEP Radioactive goods, additional information Additional information related to radioactive goods. AEQ Bank-to-bank information Information given from one bank to another. AER Reimbursement instructions Instructions given for reimbursement purposes. AES Reason for amending a message Identification of the reason for amending a message. AET Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or negotiating bank Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or negotiating bank. AEU Interest instructions Instructions given about the interest. AEV Agent commission Instructions about agent commission. AEW Remitting bank instructions Instructions to the remitting bank. AEX Instructions to the collecting bank Instructions to the bank, other than the remitting bank, involved in processing the collection. AEY Collection amount instructions Instructions about the collection amount. AEZ Internal auditing information Text relating to internal auditing information. AFA Constraint Denotes that the associated text is a constraint. AFB Comment Denotes that the associated text is a comment. AFC Semantic note Denotes that the associated text is a semantic note. AFD Help text Denotes that the associated text is an item of help text. AFE Legend Denotes that the associated text is a legend. AFF Batch code structure A description of the structure of a batch code. AFG Product application A general description of the application of a product. AFH Customer complaint Complaint of customer. AFI Probable cause of fault The probable cause of fault. AFJ Defect description Description of the defect. AFK Repair description The description of the work performed during the repair. AFL Review comments Comments relevant to a review. AFM Title Denotes that the associated text is a title. AFN Description of amount An amount description in clear text. AFO Responsibilities Information describing the responsibilities. AFP Supplier Information concerning suppliers. AFQ Purchase region Information concerning the region(s) where purchases are made. AFR Affiliation Information concerning an association of one party with another party(ies). AFS Borrower Information concerning the borrower. AFT Line of business Information concerning an entity's line of business. AFU Financial institution Description of financial institution(s) used by an entity. AFV Business founder Information about the business founder. AFW Business history Description of the business history. AFX Banking arrangements Information concerning the general banking arrangements. AFY Business origin Description of the business origin. AFZ Brand names' description Description of the entity's brands. AGA Business financing details Details about the financing of the business. AGB Competition Information concerning an entity's competition. AGC Construction process details Details about the construction process. AGD Construction specialty Information concerning the line of business of a construction entity. AGE Contract information Details about contract(s). AGF Corporate filing Details about a corporate filing. AGG Customer information Description of customers. AGH Copyright notice Information concerning the copyright notice. AGI Contingent debt Details about the contingent debt. AGJ Conviction details Details about the law or penal codes that resulted in conviction. AGK Equipment Description of equipment. AGL Workforce description Comments about the workforce. AGM Exemption Description about exemptions. AGN Future plans Information on future plans. AGO Interviewee conversation information Information concerning the interviewee conversation. AGP Intangible asset Description of intangible asset(s). AGQ Inventory Description of the inventory. AGR Investment Description of the investments. AGS Intercompany relations information Description of the intercompany relations. AGT Joint venture Description of the joint venture. AGU Loan Description of a loan. AGV Long term debt Description of the long term debt. AGW Location Description of a location. AGX Current legal structure Details on the current legal structure. AGY Marital contract Details on a marital contract. AGZ Marketing activities Information concerning marketing activities. AHA Merger Description of a merger. AHB Marketable securities Description of the marketable securities. AHC Business debt Description of the business debt(s). AHD Original legal structure Information concerning the original legal structure. AHE Employee sharing arrangements Information describing how a company uses employees from another company. AHF Organization details Description about the organization of a company. AHG Public record details Information concerning public records. AHH Price range Information concerning the price range of products made or sold. AHI Qualifications Information on the accomplishments fitting a party for a position. AHJ Registered activity Information concerning the registered activity. AHK Criminal sentence Description of the sentence imposed in a criminal proceeding. AHL Sales method Description of the selling means. AHM Educational institution information Free form description relating to the school(s) attended. AHN Status details Describes the status details. AHO Sales Description of the sales. AHP Spouse information Information about the spouse. AHQ Educational degree information Details about the educational degree received from a school. AHR Shareholding information General description of shareholding. AHS Sales territory Information on the sales territory. AHT Accountant's comments Comments made by an accountant regarding a financial statement. AHU Exemption law location Description of the exemption provided to a location by a law. AHV Share classifications Information about the classes or categories of shares. AHW Forecast Description of a prediction. AHX Event location Description of the location of an event. AHY Facility occupancy Information related to occupancy of a facility. AHZ Import and export details Specific information provided about the importation and exportation of goods. AIA Additional facility information Additional information about a facility. AIB Inventory value Description of the value of inventory. AIC Education Description of the education of a person. AID Event Description of a thing that happens or takes place. AIE Agent Information about agents the entity uses. AIF Domestically agreed financial statement details Details of domestically agreed financial statement. AIG Other current asset description Description of other current asset. AIH Other current liability description Description of other current liability. AII Former business activity Description of the former line of business. AIJ Trade name use Description of how a trading name is used. AIK Signing authority Description of the authorized signatory. AIL Guarantee Description of guarantee. AIM Holding company operation Description of the operation of a holding company. AIN Consignment routing Information on routing of the consignment. AIO Letter of protest A letter citing any condition in dispute. AIP Question A free text question. AIQ Party information Free text information related to a party. AIR Area boundaries description Description of the boundaries of a geographical area. AIS Advertisement information The free text contains advertisement information. AIT Financial statement details Details regarding the financial statement in free text. AIU Access instructions Description of how to access an entity. AIV Liquidity Description of an entity's liquidity. AIW Credit line Description of the line of credit available to an entity. AIX Warranty terms Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service. AIY Division description Plain language description of a division of an entity. AIZ Reporting instruction Instruction on how to report. AJA Examination result The result of an examination. AJB Laboratory result The result of a laboratory investigation. ALC Allowance/charge information Information referring to allowance/charge. ALD X-ray result The result of an X-ray examination. ALE Pathology result The result of a pathology investigation. ALF Intervention description Details of an intervention. ALG Summary of admittance Summary description of admittance. ALH Medical treatment course detail Details of a course of medical treatment. ALI Prognosis Details of a prognosis. ALJ Instruction to patient Instruction given to a patient. ALK Instruction to physician Instruction given to a physician. ALL All documents The note implies to all documents. ALM Medicine treatment Details of medicine treatment. ALN Medicine dosage and administration Details of medicine dosage and method of administration. ALO Availability of patient Details of when and/or where the patient is available. ALP Reason for service request Details of the reason for a requested service. ALQ Purpose of service Details of the purpose of a service. ARR Arrival conditions Conditions under which arrival takes place. ARS Service requester's comment Comment by the requester of a service. AUT Authentication Name, code, password etc. given for authentication purposes. AUU Requested location description The description of the location requested. AUV Medicine administration condition The event or condition that initiates the administration of a single dose of medicine or a period of treatment. AUW Patient information Information concerning a patient. AUX Precautionary measure Action to be taken to avert possible harmful affects. AUY Service characteristic Free text description is related to a service characteristic. AUZ Planned event comment Comment about an event that is planned. AVA Expected delay comment Comment about the expected delay. AVB Transport requirements comment Comment about the requirements for transport. BLC Bill of lading clause Clause on the bill of lading regarding the cargo being shipped. BLD Instruction to prepare the patient Instruction with the purpose of preparing the patient. BLE Medicine treatment comment Comment about treatment with medicine. BLF Examination result comment Comment about the result of an examination. BLG Service request comment Comment about the requested service. BLH Prescription reason Details of the reason for a prescription. BLI Prescription comment Comment concerning a specified prescription. BLJ Clinical investigation comment Comment concerning a clinical investigation. BLK Medicinal specification comment Comment concerning the specification of a medicinal product. BLL Economic contribution comment Comment concerning economic contribution. BLM Status of a plan Comment about the status of a plan. BLN Random sample test information Information regarding a random sample test. BLR Transport document remarks Remarks concerning the complete consignment to be printed on the bill of lading. CCI Customs clearance instructions Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the declaration of the goods. CEX Customs clearance instructions export Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the export declaration of the goods. CHG Change information Note contains change information. CIP Customs clearance instruction import Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the import declaration of the goods. CLP Clearance place requested Name of the place where Customs clearance is asked to be executed as requested by the consignee/consignor. CLR Loading remarks Instructions concerning the loading of the container. COI Order information Additional information related to an order. CUR Customer remarks Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services. CUS Customs declaration information Note contains customs declaration information. DAR Damage remarks Remarks concerning damage on the cargo. DCL Declaration [4020] Text of a declaration made by the issuer of the document (CIM 12). DEL Delivery information Information about delivery. DIN Delivery instructions Instructions regarding the delivery of the cargo. DOC Documentation instructions Instructions pertaining to the documentation. | DUT Duty declaration The text contains a statement constituting a duty declaration. EUR Effective used routing Physical route effectively used for the movement of the means of transport. FBC First block to be printed on the transport contract The first block of text to be printed on the transport contract. GBL Government bill of lading information Free text information on a transport document to indicate payment information by Government Bill of Lading. GEN Entire transaction set Note is general in nature, applies to entire transaction segment. GS7 Further information concerning GGVS par. 7 Special permission for road transport of certain goods in the German dangerous goods regulation for road transport. HAN Handling instructions [4078] Instructions on how specified goods, packages or containers should be handled. HAZ Hazard information Information pertaining to a hazard. ICN Information for consignee [4070] Any remark given for the information of the consignee (CIM 21). IIN Insurance instructions Instructions regarding the cargo insurance. IMI Invoice mailing instructions Instructions as to which freight and charges components have to be mailed to whom. IND Commercial invoice item description Free text describing goods on a commercial invoice line. INS Insurance information Specific note contains insurance information. INV Invoice instruction Note contains invoice instructions. IRP Information for railway purpose [4090] Date entered by railway stations when required, e.g. specified trains, additional sheets for freight calculations, special measures, etc. (CIM 8). ITR Inland transport details Information concerning the pre-carriage to the port of discharge if by other means than a vessel. ITS Testing instructions Instructions regarding the testing that is required to be carried out on the items in the transaction. LIN Line item Note contains line item information. LOI Loading instruction Instructions where specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport. MCO Miscellaneous charge order Free text accounting information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate payment information by Miscellaneous charge order. MKS Additional marks/numbers information Additional information regarding the marks and numbers. ORI Order instruction Free text contains order instructions. OSI Other service information General information created by the sender of general or specific value. PAC Packing/marking information Information regarding the packaging and/or marking of goods. PAI Payment instructions information The free text contains payment instructions information relevant to the message. PAY Payables information Note contains payables information. PKG Packaging information Note contains packaging information. | PKT Packaging terms information The text contains packaging terms information. PMD Payment detail/remittance information The free text contains payment details. PMT Payment information Note contains payments information. | PRD Product information The text contains product information. PRF Price calculation formula Additional information regarding the price formula used for calculating the item price. PRI Priority information Note contains priority information. PUR Purchasing information Note contains purchasing information. QIN Quarantine instructions Instructions regarding quarantine, i.e. the period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease. QQD Quality demands/requirements Specification of the quality/performance expectations or standards to which the items must conform. QUT Quotation instruction/information Note contains quotation information. RAH Risk and handling information Information concerning risks induced by the goods and/or handling instruction. REG Regulatory information The free text contains information for regulatory authority. RET Return to origin information Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate consignment returned because of non delivery. | REV Receivables The text contains receivables information. RQR Requested routes/routing instructions [3074] Names of places via which the consignor requests a consignment to be routed. RQT Tariffs and route requested [4120] Stipulation of the tariffs to be applied showing, where applicable, special-agreement numbers or references; indication of routes by frontier points or by frontier stations and, when necessary, by transit stations between. | SAF Safety information The text contains safety information. SIC Sender's instruction to carrier [4284] Instructions given and declarations made by the sender to the carrier concerning Customs, insurance, and other formalities. SIN Special instructions Special instructions like licence no, high value, handle with care, glass. SLR Ship line requested Shipping line requested to be used for traffic between European continent and U.K. for Ireland. SPA Special permission for transport, generally Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) in general, and reference to such permission. SPG Special permission concerning the goods to be transported Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) of the goods specified, and reference to such permission. SPH Special handling Note contains special handling information. SPP Special permission concerning package Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the packaging, and reference to such permission. SPT Special permission concerning transport means Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the use of the means transport, and reference to such permission. SRN Subsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR) Number(s) of subsidiary risks, induced by the goods, according to the valid classification. SSR Special service request Request for a special service concerning the transport of the goods. SUR Supplier remarks Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services. TCA Tariff applied [5430] Specification of the tariff applied. TDT Transport details remarks Additional information related to transport details. TRA Transportation information General information regarding the transport of the cargo. TRR Requested tariff Stipulation of the tariffs to be applied showing, where applicable, special agreement numbers or references. | TXD Tax declaration The text contains a statement constituting a tax declaration. WHI Warehouse instruction/information Note contains warehouse information. ZZZ Mutually defined Note contains information mutually defined by trading partners.

Data Element Cross Reference

DataElement 4451 is used in the following Batch Segments:


DataElement 4451 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:


Copyright 1995-2000 United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 2773 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories