United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
| 7273 Service requirement code [C]
Desc: Code specifying a service requirement.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
1 Carrier loads
The cargo is loaded in the equipment by the carrier.
2 Full loads
Container to be stuffed or stripped under responsibility
and for account of the shipper or the consignee.
3 Less than full loads
Container to be stuffed and stripped for account and
risk of the carrier.
4 Shipper loads
The cargo is loaded in the equipment by the shipper.
5 To be delivered
The cargo is to be delivered as instructed.
6 To be kept
The cargo is to be retained awaiting further
7 Transhipment allowed
Transhipment of goods is allowed.
8 Transhipment not allowed
Transhipment of goods is not allowed.
9 Partial shipment allowed
Partial shipment is allowed.
10 Partial shipment not allowed
Partial shipment is not allowed.
11 Partial shipment and/or drawing allowed
Partial shipment and/or drawing is allowed.
12 Partial shipment and/or drawing not allowed
Partial shipment and/or drawing is not allowed.
13 Carrier unloads
The cargo is to be unloaded from the equipment by the
14 Shipper unloads
The cargo is to be unloaded from the equipment by the
15 Consignee unloads
The cargo is to be unloaded from the equipment by the
16 Consignee loads
The cargo is to be loaded in the equipment by the
17 Exclusive usage of equipment
Usage of the equipment is reserved for exclusive use.
18 Non exclusive usage of equipment
Usage of the equipment is not reserved for exclusive
19 Direct delivery
Consignment for direct delivery to the consignee.
20 Direct pick-up
Consignment for direct pick-up from the consignee.
21 Request for delivery advice services
The service provider is requested to advise about
22 Do not arrange customs clearance
Indication that the recipient of the message is not to
arrange customs clearance.
23 Arrange customs clearance
Indication that the recipient of the message is to
arrange customs clearance.
24 Check container condition
Condition of the container is to be checked.
25 Damaged containers allowed
Damaged containers are allowed.
26 Dirty containers allowed
Dirty containers are allowed.
27 Fork lift holes not required
Container needs not to be equipped with pocket holes,
but they are allowed.
28 Fork lift holes required
Container must be equipped with pocket holes.
29 Insure goods during transport
Indication that the recipient of the message is to
insure the goods during transport.
30 Arrange main-carriage
Indication that the recipient of the message is to
arrange the main-carriage.
31 Arrange on-carriage
Indication that the recipient of the message is to
arrange the on-carriage.
32 Arrange pre-carriage
Indication that the recipient of the message is to
arrange the pre-carriage.
33 Report container safety convention information
Indication that the information on the Container Safety
Convention plate (CSC-plate) should be reported.
34 Check seals
Sealing up of the container is to be checked.
35 Container must be clean
Container is to be released or delivered clean.
36 Request for proof of delivery
The service provider is requested to provide proof of
37 Request for Customs procedure
The service provider is requested to perform Customs
38 Request for administration services
The service provider is requested to perform
administration services.
39 Transport insulated under Intercontainer INTERFRIGO
Insulated transport under Intercontainer INTERFRIGO
(joint European railways agreement) conditions.
40 Transport mechanically refrigerated under Intercontainer
INTERFRIGO conditions
Mechanically refrigerated transport under Intercontainer
INTERFRIGO (joint European railways agreement)
41 Cool or freeze service, not under Intercontainer INTERFRIGO
Cool or freeze service not under Intercontainer
INTERFRIGO (joint European railways agreement)
42 Transhipment overseas
Transport equipment is to be transferred overseas.
43 Station delivery
The specified equipment destination station is also the
place of delivery of the goods.
44 Non station delivery
The specified equipment destination station is not the
place of delivery of the goods.
45 Cleaning or disinfecting
The service required is cleaning or disinfection.
46 Close ventilation valve
The ventilation valve of the equipment must be closed.
47 Consignment held for pick-up
The consignment is to be held until it is picked up.
48 Refrigeration unit check
Refrigeration unit has to be checked.
49 Customs clearance at arrival country by carrier
The carrier is to arrange customs clearance in the
arrival country.
50 Customs clearance at departure country by carrier
The carrier is to arrange customs clearance in the
departure country.
51 Heating for live animals
Heating for live animals has to be provided.
52 Goods humidification
Humidification of the goods has to be performed.
53 Ensure load is secure
The load must be checked for correct stowage.
54 Open ventilation valve
The ventilation valve of the equipment must be opened.
55 Phytosanitary control
Phytosanitary control to be performed.
56 Tare check by carrier
Carrier must check the tare of the equipment and
attached items.
57 Temperature check
The temperature must be checked.
58 Weighing of goods
The goods have to be weighed.
59 Escort
An escort is required.
60 No escort
An escort is not required.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 7273 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
DataElement 7273 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
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UN Economic Commission for Europe
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Tel: +41-22 917 2773 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
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