United Nations Directories  for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


1.2  Index of composites by alphabetic sequence by name

     Change indicators

     a plus sign (+)    for an addition
     an asterisk (*)    for an amendment to structure
     a hash sign (#)    for changes to names
     a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions or
     a letter X (X)     for marked for deletion

    C078 Account holder identification
    C593 Account identification
    C596 Accounting entry type details
    C595 Accounting journal identification
    C826 Action
    C815 Additional safety information
    C090 Address details
    C817 Address usage
    C543 Agreement type identification
    C552 Allowance/charge information
    C973 Applicability type
    C901 Application error detail
    C770 Array cell details
    C779 Array structure identification
    C840 Attendance admission details
    C841 Attendance discharge details
    C839 Attendee category
    C956 Attribute detail
    C955 Attribute type
    C551 Bank operation
    C974 Basis type
    C045 Bill level identification
    C521 Business function
    C040 Carrier
    C837 Certainty details
#|  C240 Characteristic description
    C889 Characteristic value
    C200 Charge
    C229 Charge category
    C878 Charge/allowance account
    C970 Clause name
    C836 Clinical information details
    C828 Clinical intervention details
    C702 Code set identification
    C528 Commodity/rate detail
    C076 Communication contact
    C824 Component material
    C079 Computer environment identification
    C536 Contract and carriage condition
    C953 Contribution type
    C270 Control
    C819 Country sub-entity details
    C504 Currency details
    C246 Customs identity codes
    C822 Damage area
    C825 Damage severity
    C236 Dangerous goods label
    C223 Dangerous goods shipment flashpoint
    C782 Data set identification
    C507 Date/time/period
    C056 Department or employee details
    C211 Dimensions
    C503 Document/message details
    C106 Document/message identification
    C002 Document/message name
    C838 Dosage details
    C533 Duty/tax/fee account detail
    C243 Duty/tax/fee detail
    C241 Duty/tax/fee type
    C948 Employment category
    C237 Equipment identification
    C224 Equipment size and type
    C701 Error point details
    C853 Error segment point details
    C004 Event category
    C063 Event identification
    C030 Event type
    C401 Excess transportation information
    C099 File details
    C077 File identification
    C784 Footnote identification
    C783 Footnote set identification
    C961 Formula complexity
    C526 Frequency details
    C232 Government action
    C524 Handling instructions
    C205 Hazard code
    C235 Hazard identification placard details
    C218 Hazardous material
    C206 Identification number
    C208 Identity number range
    C545 Index identification
    C546 Index value
    C009 Information category
    C011 Information detail
    C333 Information request
    C010 Information type
    C088 Institution identification
    C522 Instruction
    C331 Insurance cover details
    C330 Insurance cover type
    C272 Item characteristic
    C273 Item description
    C212 Item number identification
    C508 Language details
    C517 Location identification
    C085 Marital status details
    C210 Marks & labels
    C502 Measurement details
    C848 Measurement unit details
    C942 Membership category
    C945 Membership level
    C944 Membership status
    C709 Message identifier
    C231 Method of payment
    C220 Mode of transport
    C516 Monetary amount
    C549 Monetary amount function
    C008 Monetary amount function detail
    C219 Movement type
    C058 Name and address
    C816 Name component details
    C042 Nationality details
    C703 Nature of cargo
    C213 Number and type of packages
    C523 Number of unit details
    C951 Occupation
    C844 Organisation classification detail
    C202 Package type
    C402 Package type identification
    C531 Packaging details
    C849 Parties to instruction
    C082 Party identification details
    C080 Party name
    C329 Pattern description
    C534 Payment instruction details
    C019 Payment terms
X   C110 Payment terms
    C501 Percentage details
    C977 Period detail
    C818 Person inherited characteristic details
    C564 Physical or logical state information
    C778 Position identification
    C820 Premium calculation component
    C292 Price change information
    C509 Price information
    C138 Price multiplier information
    C585 Priority details
    C830 Process identification details
    C242 Process type and description
    C012 Processing indicator
X   C529 Processing indicator
    C288 Product group
    C972 Proviso calculation
    C971 Proviso type
    C525 Purpose of conveyance call
    C950 Qualification classification
    C186 Quantity details
    C279 Quantity difference information
    C811 Question details
    C280 Range
    C128 Rate details
    C203 Rate/tariff class
    C554 Rate/tariff class detail
    C960 Reason for change
    C506 Reference
    C519 Related location one identification
    C553 Related location two identification
    C941 Relationship
    C101 Religion details
    C049 Remuneration type identification
    C550 Requirement/condition identification
    C812 Response details
    C831 Result details
    C532 Returnable package details
    C852 Risk object sub-type
    C851 Risk object type
    C814 Safety section
    C332 Sales channel identification
    C514 Sample location details
    C215 Seal issuer
    C286 Sequence information
    C233 Service
    C512 Size details
    C214 Special services identification
    C785 Statistical concept identification
    C527 Statistical details
    C555 Status
    C601 Status category
    C850 Status of instruction
    C556 Status reason
    C059 Street
    C786 Structure component identification
    C829 Sub-line information
    C239 Temperature setting
    C100 Terms of delivery or transport
X   C112 Terms/time information
    C244 Test method
    C515 Test reason
    C108 Text literal
    C107 Text reference
    C222 Transport identification
    C228 Transport means
    C537 Transport priority
    C821 Type of damage
    C827 Type of marking
    C823 Type of unit/component
    C234 UNDG information
    C780 Value list identification
    C174 Value/range

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UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 2016 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: [email protected]
UN/EDIFACT Directories