United Nations Directories  for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport



CHAPTER 5 Data element directory EDED

1.   Indexes

1.1  Index of data elements by numeric sequence by tag

     Change indicators

     a plus sign (+)    for an addition
     an asterisk (*)    for an amendment to structure
     a hash sign (#)    for changes to names
     a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
     a minus sign (-)   for marked for deletion (within either
                        batch and interactive messages)
     a letter X (X)     for marked for deletion (within both batch
                        and interactive messages)

     Usage indicators

     [B] = used in batch messages only
     [I] = used in interactive messages only
     [C] = common usage in both batch and interactive messages

     Tag   Name

     1000  Document name                                           [B]
     1001  Document name code                                      [C]
     1004  Document identifier                                     [C]
     1049  Message section code                                    [B]
     1050  Sequence position identifier                            [C]
     1052  Message item identifier                                 [B]
     1054  Message sub-item identifier                             [B]
     1056  Version identifier                                      [B]
     1058  Release identifier                                      [B]
     1060  Revision identifier                                     [B]
     1073  Document line action code                               [B]
     1082  Line item identifier                                    [C]
     1131  Code list identification code                           [C]
     1145  Traveller reference identifier                          [I]
     1146  Account name                                            [B]
     1147  Account identifier                                      [B]
     1148  Account abbreviated name                                [B]
     1153  Reference code qualifier                                [C]
     1154  Reference identifier                                    [C]
     1156  Document line identifier                                [C]
     1159  Sequence identifier source code                         [B]
     1170  Accounting journal name                                 [B]
     1171  Accounting journal identifier                           [B]
     1218  Document originals required quantity                    [B]
     1220  Document copies required quantity                       [B]
     1222  Configuration level number                              [B]
     1225  Message function code                                   [C]
     1227  Calculation sequence code                               [B]
     1228  Action request/notification description                 [B]
     1229  Action request/notification description code            [C]
     1230  Allowance or charge identifier                          [B]
     1312  Consignment load sequence identifier                    [B]
     1366  Document source description                             [B]
     1373  Document status code                                    [B]
     1475  Message type code                                       [B]
     1476  Controlling agency identifier                           [B]
     1490  Consolidation item number                               [B]
     1496  Goods item number                                       [B]
     1501  Computer environment details code qualifier             [B]
     1502  Data format description                                 [B]
     1503  Data format description code                            [C]
     1505  Value list type code                                    [B]
     1507  Designated class code                                   [B]
     1508  File name                                               [B]
     1510  Computer environment name                               [B]
     1511  Computer environment name code                          [C]
     1514  Value list name                                         [B]
     1516  File format name                                        [B]
     1518  Value list identifier                                   [B]
     1520  Data set identifier                                     [B]
     1523  Message implementation identification code              [B]
#|   2000  Date                                                    [I]
#|   2002  Time                                                    [I]
     2005  Date or time or period function code qualifier          [C]
     2009  Terms time relation code                                [B]
     2013  Frequency code                                          [C]
     2015  Despatch pattern code                                   [C]
     2017  Despatch pattern timing code                            [C]
#|   2018  Age                                                     [I]
#    2020  Time zone difference quantity                           [I]
     2023  Period type code qualifier                              [B]
     2024  Period detail description                               [B]
     2025  Period detail description code                          [B]
     2029  Time zone identifier                                    [I]
     2031  Time variation quantity                                 [I]
     2148  Date variation number                                   [I]
     2151  Period type code                                        [C]
     2152  Period count quantity                                   [C]
     2155  Charge period type code                                 [I]
#|   2156  Check-in time                                           [I]
     2160  Days of week set identifier                             [I]
#    2162  Journey leg duration quantity                           [I]
#|   2164  Millisecond time                                        [I]
     2379  Date or time or period format code                      [C]
     2380  Date or time or period value                            [C]
     2475  Time reference code                                     [B]
     3005  Maintenance operation operator code                     [B]
     3009  Maintenance operation payer code                        [B]
     3035  Party function code qualifier                           [C]
     3036  Party name                                              [C]
     3039  Party identifier                                        [C]
     3042  Street and number or post office box identifier         [C]
     3045  Party name format code                                  [C]
     3055  Code list responsible agency code                       [C]
     3077  Test medium code                                        [B]
     3079  Organisation classification code                        [B]
     3082  Organisational class name                               [B]
     3083  Organisational class name code                          [B]
     3124  Name and address description                            [C]
     3127  Carrier identifier                                      [B]
     3128  Carrier name                                            [B]
     3131  Address type code                                       [C]
     3139  Contact function code                                   [B]
     3148  Communication address identifier                        [C]
     3153  Communication medium type code                          [C]
     3155  Communication address code qualifier                    [B]
     3164  City name                                               [C]
     3192  Account holder name                                     [B]
     3194  Account holder identifier                               [B]
     3197  Agent identifier                                        [I]
     3207  Country name code                                       [C]
     3222  First related location name                             [B]
     3223  First related location name code                        [C]
     3224  Location name                                           [C]
*    3225  Location name code                                      [C]
     3227  Location function code qualifier                        [C]
     3228  Country sub-entity name                                 [C]
     3229  Country sub-entity name code                            [C]
     3232  Second related location name                            [B]
     3233  Second related location name code                       [C]
     3236  Sample location description                             [B]
     3237  Sample location description code                        [B]
     3239  Country of origin name code                             [B]
     3251  Postal identification code                              [C]
     3279  Geographic area code                                    [B]
     3285  Instruction receiving party identifier                  [B]
     3286  Address component description                           [C]
     3289  Person characteristic code qualifier                    [B]
     3292  Nationality name                                        [B]
     3293  Nationality name code                                   [B]
     3295  Name original alphabet code                             [B]
     3299  Address purpose code                                    [C]
     3301  Enacting party identifier                               [B]
     3310  Inherited characteristic description                    [B]
     3311  Inherited characteristic description code               [B]
#|   3397  Name status code                                        [C]
     3398  Name component description                              [B]
     3401  Name component usage code                               [B]
     3403  Name type code                                          [B]
     3405  Name component type code qualifier                      [B]
     3412  Department or employee name                             [B]
     3413  Department or employee name code                        [C]
     3432  Institution name                                        [B]
     3433  Institution name code                                   [B]
     3434  Institution branch identifier                           [B]
     3436  Institution branch location name                        [B]
     3446  Party tax identifier                                    [B]
     3449  Bank identifier                                         [I]
     3452  Language name                                           [C]
     3453  Language name code                                      [C]
     3455  Language code qualifier                                 [C]
     3457  Originator type code                                    [I]
     3459  Frequent traveller identifier                           [I]
     3460  Given name                                              [I]
     3463  Gate identifier                                         [I]
     3465  In-house identifier                                     [I]
     3475  Address status code                                     [C]
     3477  Address format code                                     [C]
     3478  Marital status description                              [B]
     3479  Marital status description code                         [C]
     3482  Religion name                                           [B]
     3483  Religion name code                                      [B]
     3493  Nationality code qualifier                              [B]
     3494  Job title description                                   [B]
     3496  Sales channel identifier                                [B]
     3499  Gender code                                             [C]
     3500  Family name                                             [I]
     3503  Access authorisation identifier                         [I]
     3504  Given name title description                            [I]
+    3507  Benefit coverage constituents code                      [I]
     4000  Reference version identifier                            [C]
     4009  Option code                                             [I]
     4017  Delivery plan commitment level code                     [B]
     4018  Related information description                         [I]
     4022  Business description                                    [B]
     4025  Business function code                                  [C]
     4027  Business function type code qualifier                   [B]
     4035  Priority type code qualifier                            [B]
     4036  Priority description                                    [B]
     4037  Priority description code                               [B]
     4038  Additional safety information description               [B]
     4039  Additional safety information description code          [B]
     4043  Trade class code                                        [B]
     4044  Safety section name                                     [B]
     4046  Safety section number                                   [B]
     4048  Certainty description                                   [C]
     4049  Certainty description code                              [C]
     4051  Characteristic relevance code                           [B]
     4052  Delivery or transport terms description                 [B]
     4053  Delivery or transport terms description code            [B]
     4055  Delivery or transport terms function code               [B]
     4056  Question description                                    [B]
     4057  Question description code                               [B]
     4059  Clause code qualifier                                   [B]
     4065  Contract and carriage condition code                    [B]
     4068  Clause name                                             [B]
     4069  Clause name code                                        [B]
     4071  Proviso code qualifier                                  [B]
     4072  Proviso type description                                [B]
     4073  Proviso type description code                           [B]
     4074  Proviso calculation description                         [B]
     4075  Proviso calculation description code                    [B]
     4078  Handling instruction description                        [B]
     4079  Handling instruction description code                   [B]
     4183  Special condition code                                  [C]
     4184  Special requirement description                         [I]
     4187  Special requirement type code                           [I]
     4215  Transport charges payment method code                   [B]
     4219  Transport service priority code                         [B]
     4221  Discrepancy nature identification code                  [B]
     4233  Marking instructions code                               [B]
     4237  Payment arrangement code                                [B]
     4276  Payment terms description                               [B]
     4277  Payment terms description identifier                    [B]
     4279  Payment terms type code qualifier                       [B]
     4294  Change reason description                               [B]
     4295  Change reason description code                          [B]
     4343  Response type code                                      [C]
     4344  Response description                                    [B]
     4345  Response description code                               [B]
     4347  Product identifier code qualifier                       [B]
     4383  Bank operation code                                     [B]
     4400  Instruction description                                 [B]
     4401  Instruction description code                            [C]
     4403  Instruction type code qualifier                         [C]
     4404  Status description                                      [B]
     4405  Status description code                                 [C]
     4407  Sample process step code                                [B]
     4415  Test method identifier                                  [B]
     4416  Test description                                        [B]
     4419  Test administration method code                         [B]
     4424  Test reason name                                        [B]
     4425  Test reason name code                                   [B]
     4431  Payment guarantee means code                            [B]
     4435  Payment channel code                                    [B]
     4437  Account type code qualifier                             [B]
     4439  Payment conditions code                                 [C]
#    4440  Free text                                               [C]
#    4441  Free text description code                              [B]
     4447  Free text format code                                   [B]
     4451  Text subject code qualifier                             [C]
     4453  Free text function code                                 [B]
     4455  Back order arrangement type code                        [B]
     4457  Substitution condition code                             [B]
     4461  Payment means code                                      [B]
     4463  Intra-company payment indicator code                    [B]
     4465  Adjustment reason description code                      [C]
     4467  Payment method code                                     [I]
     4469  Payment purpose code                                    [I]
     4471  Settlement means code                                   [B]
     4473  Information type code                                   [I]
     4474  Accounting entry type name                              [B]
     4475  Accounting entry type name code                         [B]
     4487  Financial transaction type code                         [B]
     4493  Delivery instruction code                               [B]
     4494  Insurance cover description                             [B]
     4495  Insurance cover description code                        [B]
     4497  Insurance cover type code                               [C]
     4499  Inventory movement reason code                          [B]
     4501  Inventory movement direction code                       [B]
     4503  Inventory balance method code                           [B]
     4505  Credit cover request type code                          [B]
     4507  Credit cover response type code                         [B]
     4509  Credit cover response reason code                       [B]
     4510  Requested information description                       [C]
     4511  Requested information description code                  [B]
     4513  Maintenance operation code                              [C]
     4517  Seal condition code                                     [B]
     4519  Definition identifier                                   [B]
     4521  Premium calculation component identifier                [B]
     4522  Premium calculation component value category identifier [B]
     5004  Monetary amount                                         [C]
     5006  Monetary amount function description                    [B]
     5007  Monetary amount function description code               [B]
     5013  Index code qualifier                                    [B]
     5025  Monetary amount type code qualifier                     [C]
     5027  Index type identifier                                   [B]
#    5030  Index text                                              [C]
#    5039  Index representation code                               [B]
     5047  Contribution code qualifier                             [B]
     5048  Contribution type description                           [B]
     5049  Contribution type description code                      [B]
     5104  Monetary amount function detail description             [B]
     5105  Monetary amount function detail description code        [B]
     5118  Price amount                                            [C]
     5125  Price code qualifier                                    [C]
     5152  Duty or tax or fee type name                            [B]
     5153  Duty or tax or fee type name code                       [C]
     5160  Total monetary amount                                   [I]
     5189  Allowance or charge identification code                 [B]
     5213  Sub-line item price change operation code               [C]
     5237  Charge category code                                    [B]
     5242  Rate or tariff class description                        [B]
     5243  Rate or tariff class description code                   [C]
     5245  Percentage type code qualifier                          [B]
     5249  Percentage basis identification code                    [B]
     5261  Charge unit code                                        [I]
     5263  Rate type identifier                                    [I]
     5267  Service type code                                       [I]
     5273  Duty or tax or fee rate basis code                      [B]
     5275  Supplementary rate or tariff code                       [B]
     5278  Duty or tax or fee rate                                 [C]
     5279  Duty or tax or fee rate code                            [B]
     5283  Duty or tax or fee function code qualifier              [B]
     5284  Unit price basis value                                  [B]
     5286  Duty or tax or fee assessment basis value               [B]
     5289  Duty or tax or fee account code                         [B]
     5305  Duty or tax or fee category code                        [B]
     5314  Remuneration type name                                  [B]
     5315  Remuneration type name code                             [B]
     5375  Price type code                                         [C]
     5377  Price change type code                                  [C]
     5379  Product group type code                                 [B]
     5387  Price specification code                                [B]
     5388  Product group name                                      [B]
     5389  Product group name code                                 [C]
     5393  Price multiplier type code qualifier                    [B]
     5394  Price multiplier rate                                   [B]
     5402  Currency exchange rate                                  [C]
     5419  Rate type code qualifier                                [B]
     5420  Unit price basis rate                                   [B]
     5463  Allowance or charge code qualifier                      [B]
     5479  Relation code                                           [C]
     5482  Percentage                                              [C]
     5495  Sub-line indicator code                                 [B]
     5501  Rate plan code                                          [I]
#|   6000  Latitude degree                                         [I]
#    6002  Longitude degree                                        [I]
#    6008  Height measure                                          [C]
     6060  Quantity                                                [C]
     6063  Quantity type code qualifier                            [C]
     6064  Quantity variance value                                 [B]
     6066  Control total value                                     [B]
     6069  Control total type code qualifier                       [B]
     6071  Frequency code qualifier                                [B]
#    6072  Frequency rate                                          [C]
     6074  Confidence percent                                      [B]
     6077  Result representation code                              [B]
     6079  Result normalcy code                                    [B]
     6082  Dosage description                                      [B]
     6083  Dosage description identifier                           [B]
     6085  Dosage administration code qualifier                    [B]
     6087  Result value type code qualifier                        [B]
#    6140  Width measure                                           [C]
     6145  Dimension type code qualifier                           [B]
#    6152  Range maximum quantity                                  [C]
     6154  Non-discrete measurement name                           [B]
     6155  Non-discrete measurement name code                      [B]
#    6162  Range minimum quantity                                  [C]
     6167  Range type code qualifier                               [B]
#    6168  Length measure                                          [C]
     6173  Size type code qualifier                                [B]
#|   6174  Size measure                                            [B]
     6176  Occurrences maximum number                              [B]
#|   6178  Edit field length measure                               [B]
     6245  Temperature type code qualifier                         [B]
#    6246  Temperature degree                                      [B]
     6311  Measurement purpose code qualifier                      [B]
     6313  Measured attribute code                                 [C]
#    6314  Measure                                                 [C]
     6321  Measurement significance code                           [C]
     6331  Statistic type code qualifier                           [B]
     6341  Exchange rate currency market identifier                [C]
     6343  Currency type code qualifier                            [C]
     6345  Currency identification code                            [C]
     6347  Currency usage code qualifier                           [C]
     6348  Currency rate value                                     [C]
     6350  Units quantity                                          [C]
     6353  Unit type code qualifier                                [C]
     6411  Measurement unit code                                   [C]
     6412  Clinical information description                        [B]
     6413  Clinical information description identifier             [B]
     6415  Clinical information type code qualifier                [B]
     6416  Measurement unit name                                   [B]
     6417  Measurement unit name code                              [B]
     6426  Process stages quantity                                 [B]
     6428  Process stages actual quantity                          [B]
     6432  Significant digits quantity                             [B]
     6434  Statistical concept identifier                          [B]
     7001  Physical or logical state type code qualifier           [B]
     7006  Physical or logical state description                   [B]
     7007  Physical or logical state description code              [B]
     7008  Item description                                        [C]
     7009  Item description code                                   [C]
     7011  Item availability code                                  [B]
     7036  Characteristic description                              [C]
     7037  Characteristic description code                         [C]
     7039  Sample selection method code                            [B]
     7045  Sample state code                                       [B]
     7047  Sample direction code                                   [B]
     7059  Class type code                                         [B]
     7064  Type of packages                                        [B]
|    7065  Package type description code                           [B]
     7073  Packaging terms and conditions code                     [B]
     7075  Packaging level code                                    [B]
     7077  Description format code                                 [B]
     7081  Item characteristic code                                [B]
     7083  Configuration operation code                            [B]
     7085  Cargo type classification code                          [B]
#|   7088  Dangerous goods flashpoint description                  [B]
     7102  Shipping marks description                              [B]
#    7106  Shipment flashpoint degree                              [B]
     7110  Characteristic value description                        [B]
     7111  Characteristic value description code                   [C]
     7124  United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) identifier        [B]
     7130  Customer shipment authorisation identifier              [B]
     7133  Product details type code qualifier                     [I]
     7135  Product identifier                                      [I]
     7139  Product characteristic identification code              [I]
     7140  Item identifier                                         [C]
     7143  Item type identification code                           [C]
     7160  Special service description                             [C]
     7161  Special service description code                        [C]
     7164  Hierarchical structure level identifier                 [C]
     7166  Hierarchical structure parent identifier                [B]
     7168  Level number                                            [B]
     7171  Hierarchical structure relationship code                [B]
     7173  Hierarchy object code qualifier                         [B]
     7175  Rule part identifier                                    [B]
     7176  Risk object sub-type description                        [B]
     7177  Risk object sub-type description identifier             [B]
     7179  Risk object type identifier                             [B]
     7186  Process type description                                [B]
     7187  Process type description code                           [B]
     7188  Test method revision identifier                         [B]
     7190  Process description                                     [B]
     7191  Process description code                                [C]
     7224  Package quantity                                        [B]
     7233  Packaging related description code                      [B]
     7240  Item total quantity                                     [B]
     7273  Service requirement code                                [C]
     7293  Sector area identification code qualifier               [B]
     7294  Requirement or condition description                    [B]
     7295  Requirement or condition description identifier         [B]
     7297  Set type code qualifier                                 [B]
     7299  Requirement designator code                             [C]
     7357  Commodity identification code                           [B]
     7361  Customs goods identifier                                [B]
     7364  Processing indicator description                        [B]
     7365  Processing indicator description code                   [C]
     7383  Surface or layer code                                   [C]
     7402  Object identifier                                       [C]
     7405  Object identification code qualifier                    [C]
     7418  Hazardous material category name                        [B]
     7419  Hazardous material category name code                   [B]
     7429  Indexing structure code qualifier                       [B]
     7431  Agreement type code qualifier                           [B]
     7433  Agreement type description code                         [B]
     7434  Agreement type description                              [B]
     7436  Level one identifier                                    [B]
     7438  Level two identifier                                    [B]
     7440  Level three identifier                                  [B]
     7442  Level four identifier                                   [B]
     7444  Level five identifier                                   [B]
     7446  Level six identifier                                    [B]
     7449  Membership type code qualifier                          [B]
     7450  Membership category description                         [B]
     7451  Membership category description code                    [B]
     7452  Membership status description                           [B]
     7453  Membership status description code                      [B]
     7455  Membership level code qualifier                         [B]
     7456  Membership level description                            [B]
     7457  Membership level description code                       [B]
     7458  Attendee category description                           [B]
     7459  Attendee category description code                      [B]
     7491  Inventory type code                                     [B]
     7493  Damage details code qualifier                           [B]
     7495  Object type code qualifier                              [B]
     7497  Structure component function code qualifier             [B]
     7500  Damage type description                                 [B]
     7501  Damage type description code                            [B]
     7502  Damage area description                                 [B]
     7503  Damage area description code                            [B]
     7504  Unit or component type description                      [B]
     7505  Unit or component type description code                 [B]
     7506  Component material description                          [B]
     7507  Component material description code                     [B]
     7508  Damage severity description                             [B]
     7509  Damage severity description code                        [B]
     7511  Marking type code                                       [B]
     7512  Structure component identifier                          [B]
     7515  Structure type code                                     [B]
+    7517  Benefit and coverage code                               [I]
     8015  Traffic restriction code                                [I]
     8017  Traffic restriction application code                    [I]
     8022  Freight and other charges description                   [B]
     8023  Freight and other charges description identifier        [B]
     8024  Conveyance call purpose description                     [B]
     8025  Conveyance call purpose description code                [B]
     8028  Means of transport journey identifier                   [B]
     8035  Traffic restriction type code qualifier                 [I]
     8051  Transport stage code qualifier                          [B]
     8053  Equipment type code qualifier                           [C]
     8066  Transport mode name                                     [B]
     8067  Transport mode name code                                [B]
     8077  Equipment supplier code                                 [B]
     8078  Additional hazard classification identifier             [B]
     8092  Hazard code version identifier                          [B]
     8101  Transit direction indicator code                        [B]
     8126  Transport emergency card identifier                     [B]
     8154  Equipment size and type description                     [C]
     8155  Equipment size and type description code                [B]
     8158  Orange hazard placard upper part identifier             [B]
     8169  Full or empty indicator code                            [B]
     8178  Transport means description                             [B]
     8179  Transport means description code                        [C]
     8186  Orange hazard placard lower part identifier             [B]
     8211  Hazardous cargo transport authorisation code            [B]
     8212  Transport means identification name                     [B]
     8213  Transport means identification name identifier          [B]
     8215  Transport means change indicator code                   [I]
     8216  Journey stops quantity                                  [I]
     8219  Traveller accompanied by infant indicator code          [I]
     8246  Dangerous goods marking identifier                      [B]
     8249  Equipment status code                                   [B]
     8255  Packing instruction type code                           [B]
     8260  Equipment identifier                                    [B]
     8273  Dangerous goods regulations code                        [B]
     8275  Container or package contents indicator code            [B]
     8281  Transport means ownership indicator code                [B]
     8323  Transport movement code                                 [B]
     8325  Hazardous means of transport category code              [B]
     8332  Equipment plan description                              [B]
     8334  Movement type description                               [B]
     8335  Movement type description code                          [B]
     8339  Packaging danger level code                             [B]
     8341  Haulage arrangements code                               [B]
     8351  Hazard identification code                              [B]
     8364  Emergency procedure for ships identifier                [B]
     8393  Returnable package load contents code                   [B]
     8395  Returnable package freight payment responsibility code  [B]
     8410  Hazard medical first aid guide identifier               [B]
     8453  Transport means nationality code                        [B]
     8457  Excess transportation reason code                       [B]
     8459  Excess transportation responsibility code               [B]
     9003  Employment details code qualifier                       [B]
     9004  Employment category description                         [B]
     9005  Employment category description code                    [C]
     9006  Qualification classification description                [B]
     9007  Qualification classification description code           [B]
     9008  Occupation description                                  [B]
     9009  Occupation description code                             [B]
     9012  Status reason description                               [B]
     9013  Status reason description code                          [C]
     9015  Status category code                                    [B]
     9017  Attribute function code qualifier                       [C]
     9018  Attribute description                                   [C]
     9019  Attribute description code                              [B]
     9020  Attribute type description                              [B]
     9021  Attribute type description code                         [C]
     9023  Definition function code                                [B]
     9025  Definition extent code                                  [B]
     9026  Edit mask format identifier                             [B]
     9029  Value definition code qualifier                         [B]
     9031  Edit mask representation code                           [B]
     9035  Qualification application area code                     [B]
     9037  Qualification type code qualifier                       [B]
     9038  Facility type description                               [I]
     9039  Facility type description code                          [I]
     9040  Reservation identifier                                  [I]
     9043  Reservation identifier code qualifier                   [I]
     9045  Basis code qualifier                                    [B]
     9046  Basis type description                                  [B]
     9047  Basis type description code                             [B]
     9048  Applicability type description                          [B]
     9049  Applicability type description code                     [B]
     9051  Applicability code qualifier                            [B]
     9141  Relationship type code qualifier                        [C]
     9142  Relationship description                                [C]
     9143  Relationship description code                           [C]
     9146  Composite data element tag identifier                   [B]
     9148  Directory status identifier                             [B]
     9150  Simple data element tag identifier                      [B]
     9153  Simple data element character representation code       [B]
     9155  Length type code                                        [B]
#    9156  Simple data element maximum length measure              [B]
#    9158  Simple data element minimum length measure              [B]
     9161  Code set indicator code                                 [B]
     9162  Data element tag identifier                             [B]
     9164  Group identifier                                        [B]
     9166  Segment tag identifier                                  [B]
     9169  Data representation type code                           [B]
     9170  Event type description                                  [B]
     9171  Event type description code                             [B]
     9172  Event                                                   [B]
     9173  Event description code                                  [B]
     9175  Data element usage type code                            [B]
     9213  Duty regime type code                                   [B]
#    9280  Validation result text                                  [B]
     9282  Validation key identifier                               [B]
     9285  Validation criteria code                                [B]
     9302  Sealing party name                                      [B]
     9303  Sealing party name code                                 [B]
     9308  Seal identifier                                         [B]
     9321  Application error code                                  [C]
     9353  Government procedure code                               [B]
     9411  Government involvement code                             [B]
     9415  Government agency identification code                   [B]
     9417  Government action code                                  [B]
     9419  Service layer code                                      [B]
     9421  Process stage code qualifier                            [B]
#    9422  Value text                                              [B]
     9424  Array cell data description                             [B]
#    9426  Code value text                                         [B]
     9428  Array cell structure identifier                         [B]
     9430  Footnote set identifier                                 [B]
     9432  Footnote identifier                                     [B]
     9434  Code name                                               [B]
     9436  Clinical intervention description                       [B]
     9437  Clinical intervention description code                  [B]
     9441  Clinical intervention type code qualifier               [B]
     9443  Attendance type code qualifier                          [B]
     9444  Admission type description                              [B]
     9445  Admission type description code                         [C]
     9446  Discharge type description                              [B]
     9447  Discharge type description code                         [C]
     9448  File generation command name                            [B]
     9450  File compression technique name                         [B]
     9453  Code value source code                                  [B]
     9501  Formula type code qualifier                             [B]
     9502  Formula name                                            [B]
     9505  Formula complexity code                                 [B]
     9507  Formula sequence code qualifier                         [B]
     9509  Formula sequence operand code                           [B]
     9510  Formula sequence name                                   [B]
     9601  Information category code                               [I]
X    9603  Information detail identifier                           [I]
     9605  Data code qualifier                                     [I]
     9607  Yes or no indicator code                                [I]
     9608  Product name                                            [I]
     9612  Information type description                            [B]
     9613  Information type description code                       [B]
     9614  Information category description                        [B]
     9615  Information category description code                   [B]
     9616  Information detail description                          [B]
     9617  Information detail description code                     [B]
     9619  Adjustment category code                                [I]
     9620  Policy limitation identifier                            [I]
     9623  Diagnosis type code                                     [I]
     9625  Related cause code                                      [I]
     9627  Admission source code                                   [I]
     9629  Procedure modification code                             [I]
     9631  Invoice type code                                       [I]
     9633  Information details code qualifier                      [B]
     9635  Event details code qualifier                            [B]
     9636  Event category description                              [B]
     9637  Event category description code                         [B]
     9639  Diagnosis category code                                 [I]
     9641  Service basis code qualifier                            [I]
     9643  Supporting evidence type code qualifier                 [I]
     9645  Payer responsibility level code                         [I]
     9647  Cavity zone code                                        [I]
     9649  Processing information code qualifier                   [B]

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UN Economic Commission for Europe
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Tel: +41-22 917 2016 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: [email protected]
UN/EDIFACT Directories