United Nations Directories
for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


Change indicators a plus sign (+) for an addition an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure a hash sign (#) for changes to names a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and notes a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either batch and interactive messages) a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch and interactive messages)

7073 Packaging terms and conditions code [B]

Desc: Code specifying the packaging terms and conditions. Repr: an..3 Code Values: 1 Packaging cost paid by supplier The cost of packaging is paid by the supplier. 2 Packaging cost paid by recipient The cost of packaging is paid by the recipient. 3 Packaging cost not charged (returnable) There is no charge for packaging because it is returnable. 4 Buyer's The packaging terms and conditions are specified by the buyer. 5 Carrier's durable Reusable packaging owned by the carrier. 6 Carrier's expendable Disposable packaging supplied by the carrier. 7 Seller's durable Reusable packaging owned by the seller. 8 Seller's expendable Disposable packaging supplied by the seller. 9 Special purpose buyer's durable Reusable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item and owned by the buyer. 10 Special purpose buyer's expendable Disposable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item. 11 Multiple usage buyer's durable Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the buyer. 12 Multiple usage seller's durable Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the seller. 13 Not packed The referenced item is to be supplied without packaging. 14 Special purpose seller's durable Non-standard reusable packaging owned by the seller. 15 Export quality The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for item export. 16 Domestic quality The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for domestic usage. 17 Packaging included in price The cost of packaging is included in the item price. 18 Packaging costs split The cost of packaging is shared equally between the buyer and seller. 19 Packaging costs invoiced separately The packaging cost will be invoiced on a separate message or document. 20 Nil packaging costs The packaging is free of charge. 21 Nil packaging costs if packaging returned The costs of packaging is reimbursed by the seller to buyer if packaging is returned. 22 Return chargeable The return of packaging/empties is chargeable. 23 Chargeable, two thirds of paid amount with credit note on return of loaned package The buyer receives two thirds of paid amount with credit note if loaned package is returned. 24 Rented The package has been, or will be, rented. 25 Safe return deposit A deposit paid to guarantee the safe return of the package. 26 Not reusable The package is not reusable. 27 Package exchangeable at the point of delivery The package may be exchanged at the point of delivery. 28 Tamper evident package The package should give easy or immediate recognition that the package has been tampered with after it has been sealed. 29 Labeled The package is labeled.

Data Element Cross Reference

DataElement 7073 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:


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