United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
7431 Agreement type code qualifier [B]
Desc: Code qualifying the type of agreement.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
1 Type of participation
The subject of the agreement is the type of
2 Credit cover agreement
Agreement on protection against risk of credit losses on
sales to buyers.
3 Cedent's treaty identifier
Identifies the treaty as assigned by the cedent.
4 Reinsurer's treaty identifier
Identifies the treaty as assigned by the reinsurer.
5 Type of contract letting
The type of agreement needed to specify construction
works tendered out as public or restricted.
6 Contract breakdown type
The type of contract breakdown.
7 Contractor responsibility and liability structure
The way the contractor(s) are structured to perform a
contract for the purpose of responsibility and
8 Health insurance cover agreement
Agreement on health insurance coverage.
9 Contract
The type of agreement is a contract.
10 Social security cover agreement
Agreement on social security cover.
11 Grid connection contract
Contract for connection to a grid.
12 Power supply contract
Contract for supply of power.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 7431 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
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