United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
4405 Status description code [C]
Desc: Code specifying a status.
Repr: an..3
1 For transport status, use UN/ECE Recommendation 24.
Code Values:
1 To be done
Remark that the requested service in the order remains
2 Done
The instruction has been completed.
3 Passed on
The information has been passed on.
4 Final
The amount has the status of finality.
5 Subject to final payment
The amount is subject to finality.
6 Minimum
The amount quoted is a minimum tariff.
7 Fixed
The amount quoted is a fixed tariff.
8 Maximum
The amount quoted is a maximum tariff.
9 Information
The amount is quoted for information only, it is not
part of the charges to be deducted or added.
10 0 day available
The amount is available today.
11 1 day available
The amount is available on the next banking office day
after the booking date.
12 2 days available
The amount is available on the second banking office day
after the booking date.
13 3 days available
The amount available on the third banking office day
after the booking date.
14 Uncollected funds
Funds not collected by beneficiary.
15 Nil
The amount or quantity is zero.
16 None advised
No status or condition has been advised.
17 Requested
A status or condition has been requested.
18 Free of charge
No charge is to be made.
19 Rounded
The quantity has been the subject of a rounding
20 Permanent
Intended to last or function indefinitely.
21 Temporary
Lasting or intended to last or function for a limited
22 Subject to agreed condition
Subject to agreed condition.
23 Added
In addition to.
24 Deducted
A deduction from.
25 Included
Is included in.
26 Subject to clearing
Clearing operations are to be applied.
27 Subject to bilaterally agreed condition
Bilaterally agreed conditions are to be applied.
28 Transaction expected to be executed
The transaction is expected to be executed.
29 Debit
The object has a status of debit.
30 Credit
The object has a status of credit.
31 Positive debit
The object has a status of positive debit.
32 Negative debit
The object has a status of negative debit.
33 Positive credit
The object has a status of positive credit.
34 Negative credit
The object has a status of negative credit.
35 Started
To specify an event has started.
36 Revised
To indicate a revision has been made.
37 Stolen
A consignment or goods have been stolen.
38 Assigned
A value has been assigned to an item.
39 Approved
Approval has been given.
40 Withdrawn
Item is withdrawn.
41 Rejected
Item is rejected.
42 Approval pending
Approval is pending.
43 Postponed
Further action is delayed.
44 Replaced
Item has been replaced.
45 No status
There is no status information to report.
46 Does not exist
Non existent.
47 Draft version
A preliminary version.
48 Live version
A version with a live status.
49 Expired version
A version which no longer has a live status.
50 Part-time
Using only part of the available time.
51 Full-time
Using the whole of the available time.
52 Not a student
Not enrolled in an educational program.
53 To be extracted
To be removed.
54 Impacted tooth
Tooth wedged between another tooth and the jaw.
55 Extracted
56 Estimated
The value is estimated.
57 Undefined incident
An undefined incident has occurred.
58 Quantity error
The quantity is an error.
59 Monetary amount error
The monetary amount is an error.
60 Product not ordered
The product was not ordered.
61 Uncertain
The value is uncertain.
62 Significant
63 Not accepted
The item has not been accepted.
64 Order or request cancelled
The referenced order or request has been cancelled.
65 Negative
Negative status.
66 Unsigned amount
The status of the amount is unsigned.
67 Preliminary
Preparatory to.
68 Split
Divided into parts.
69 Recommended
The object is favoured in preference to other
70 Issued
Has been given out.
71 Available for ordering
Goods are available for ordering.
72 Not available for ordering
Goods are not available for ordering.
73 Confirmed
Officially acknowledged.
74 Expiry date exceeded
The expiry date has been exceeded.
75 Prescribed
Advised the use of.
76 All published issues since subscription start
Applies to all published issues since subscription
77 All published issues since issue specified in claim
Applies to all published issues since issue specified in
78 All published issues from and including issue specified in
Applies to all published issues from and including issue
specified in claim.
79 Specified published issue only
Applies to specified published issue only.
80 Publication issue cancelled
Publication issue has been cancelled.
81 Definitive
The status is definitive.
82 Supplementary
An addition to something.
83 Under legal appeal
An application to a court for a reconsideration of the
84 Legally assigned
Transferred legally to another party.
85 Updated
Brought up to date.
86 Ratified
Made valid or binding by some formal or legal act.
87 Under consideration
Being considered.
88 Countersued
A response to institute legal proceedings in which an
entity has filed a law suit.
89 Legal item dismissed
Refused further hearing to a legal matter.
90 Disputed
Questioned validity.
91 Enforced
Compelled observance.
92 Legal documentation filed
Submitted a petition, document or application to the
appropriate authority.
93 Judgement for defendant
A judgement for the defendant was rendered.
94 Judgement for plaintiff
A judgement for the plaintiff was rendered.
95 Unchanged
96 Legal documentation not filed
No petition, document or application was submitted to
the appropriate authority.
97 Pending
Awaiting decision or settlement.
98 Debt released
Released a debt.
99 Law suit filed
A law suit was filed.
100 Satisfied
Adequately met, fulfilled or complied with all
101 Set aside
Set aside by using one's authority.
102 Settled
Concluded by mutual agreement.
103 Settled out of court
The matter has been settled out of court.
104 Stayed
A stopping of the proceedings.
105 Terminated
Brought to an end.
106 Arranged
Planned or provided for.
107 Not arranged
Not planned or provided for.
108 Instructed to start
Received instruction to start.
109 Instructed to stop
Received instruction to stop.
110 Stock quantity corrected
A difference in quantity between stocks has been
111 Inactive
Not in operation.
112 Active
In operation.
113 Incomplete data
The data is incomplete.
114 Booked when overbooked
The booking has been made although there is no more
115 Provisional
The object is in a provisional status.
116 Ticketed
The ticket has been issued.
117 Washed
The object is washed.
118 Unwashed
The object is not washed.
119 Out of date
The information is out of date.
120 Alternative
The information is an alternative to the request.
121 Complete
122 Partial
Not complete.
123 Contracted
Governed by a contract.
124 Technically limited
Governed by technical limitations.
125 Adjusted
The information is adjusted.
126 Expected delivery
The consignment which is/was expected.
127 Measured
The referenced item has been measured.
128 Ready for loading
The referenced item is ready for loading.
129 Not heat treated
The object is not heat treated.
130 Heat treated
The object is heat treated.
131 Fully cooked
The object is fully cooked.
132 Not fully cooked
The object is not fully cooked.
133 Hothouse grown
The object is hothouse grown.
134 Knocked down
The object is disassembled.
135 Solid
The object is a solid.
136 Liquid
The object is a liquid.
137 Gas
The object is in a gaseous form.
138 Sludge
The object is a semi-solid material.
139 Normal security measures required
Minimum appropriate protective security measures shall
be maintained at all times on the means of transport.
140 Heightened security measures required
Appropriate additional protective security measures
shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of
heightened risk of a security incident.
141 Exceptional security measures required
Specific protective security measures shall be
maintained for a limited period of time when a security
incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be
possible to identify the specific target.
142 Ship security procedures not maintained during ship-to-ship
Ship security procedures, specified in the approved ship
security plan, have not been maintained during each of
the ship-to-ship activities specified.
143 Ship security procedure maintained during ship-to-ship
A confirmation that ship security procedures in terms of
the approved in the Ship Security Plan were maintained
during ship-to-ship activity.
144 Special or additional security measures taken
The ship has taken special or additional security
measures, beyond those specified in the approved ship
security plan.
145 Security related matter to report
A status indicating that there is a security related
matter to report for the specified leg in the itinerary.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 4405 is used in the following Batch Segments:
DataElement 4405 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
C206 C516 C555 C850
DataElement 4405 is used in the following Interactive Segments:
DataElement 4405 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
E017 E023 E206 E958 E971 E980 E982
Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 1366 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories