United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
4465 Adjustment reason description code [C]
Desc: Code specifying the adjustment reason.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
1 Agreed settlement
An adjustment made based on an agreement between
2 Below specification goods
Goods of inferior quality.
3 Damaged goods
An adjustment due to the damage of goods.
4 Short delivery
An adjustment made because the delivered quantity was
less than expected.
5 Price query
An adjustment due to a price query.
6 Proof of delivery required
The buyer requires that proof of delivery be made before
7 Payment on account
Buyer is to make payment later.
8 Returnable container charge included
Adjustment made to deduct the returnable container
9 Invoice error
Invoice not in accordance with the order.
10 Costs for draft
Cost of draft has been deducted from payment.
11 Bank charges
Bank charges have been deducted from payment.
12 Agent commission
Agent commission has been deducted from payment.
13 Counter claim
Buyer claims an existing (financial) obligation from
seller which (partly) offsets the outstanding
14 Wrong delivery
Delivery not according to specifications.
15 Goods returned to agent
Goods returned to agent.
16 Goods partly returned
Goods partly returned.
17 Transport damage
Goods damaged in transit.
18 Goods on consignment
Buyer does not accept invoice(s) charge as it relates to
goods where the ownership remains with the seller until
19 Trade discount
Trade discount deducted from payment.
20 Deduction for late delivery
Penalty amount deducted for later delivery.
21 Advertising costs
Advertising costs deducted from payment.
22 Customs duties
Customs duties deducted from payment.
23 Telephone and postal costs
Telephone and postal costs deducted from payment.
24 Repair costs
Repair costs deducted from payment.
25 Attorney fees
Attorney fees deducted from payment.
26 Taxes
Taxes deducted from payment.
27 Reclaimed deduction
Buyer reclaims an unspecified deduction from the
invoice(s) (to be) paid.
28 See separate advice
Buyer or seller refers to separate correspondence about
a related shipment(s) and/or invoice(s) and/or a
29 Buyer refused to take delivery
Buyer refused to take delivery.
30 Direct payment to seller
Buyer states to have paid to seller.
31 Buyer disagrees with due date
Buyer disagrees with due date.
32 Goods not delivered
Buyer has not received the goods.
33 Late delivery
Goods delivered too late.
34 Quoted as paid to you
Factor informs the seller that a certain invoice(s) was
paid by the buyer directly to the seller.
35 Goods returned
Buyer returned the goods to seller.
36 Invoice not received
Buyer claims he did not receive the invoice for which
payment is requested.
37 Credit note to debtor/not to us
Factor informs the seller that he did not receive copy
of a credit note sent to the buyer.
38 Deducted bonus
Buyer has/will deduct a bonus he is entitled to from the
39 Deducted discount
Buyer has/will deduct the discount he is entitled to
from the payment.
40 Deducted freight costs
Buyer has/will deduct freight costs from the payment.
41 Deduction against other invoices
Deduction against invoices already settled.
42 Credit balance(s)
Buyer makes use of existing credit balance(s) to offset
(partly) the outstanding invoice(s).
43 Reason unknown
Factor informs the seller that the reason of a
commercial dispute raised by the buyer is unknown.
44 Awaiting message from seller
Buyer or factor are waiting for a (reply) message from
the seller before a commercial dispute can be settled.
45 Debit note to seller
Buyer issued debit note to seller.
46 Discount beyond terms
Buyer has taken a discount larger than the discount
terms agreed with the seller.
47 See buyer's letter
See correspondence from buyer.
48 Allowance/charge error
Error made by seller in the amount of allowance/charge.
49 Substitute product
Product delivered not fully according to specification.
50 Terms of sale error
Terms of sale not according to purchase order.
51 Required data missing
A message sent by buyer to seller or by seller to buyer
did not contain data required to take action/decision.
52 Wrong invoice
Invoice issued to wrong party.
53 Duplicate invoice
Invoice sent twice.
54 Weight error
Weight not in accordance with the order.
55 Additional charge not authorized
Additional charge not authorised.
56 Incorrect discount
Buyer states that calculated discount on the invoice(s)
is wrongly calculated.
57 Price change
Price has been changed.
58 Variation
The adjustment is a variation from an agreed value.
59 Chargeback
Balance of one or more items charged back to seller.
60 Offset
Allocation of one or more debit items to one or more
credit items or vice-versa.
61 Indirect payment
Payment in settlement of an invoice has been made to a
party other than the designated creditor.
62 Financial reassignment
Previously assigned invoice/credit note is being
63 Reinstatement of chargeback/offset
Reversal or cancellation of a chargeback and/or offset
relating to an incorrect balance.
64 Expecting new terms
Buyer expects that seller revises the terms of payment
of an invoice.
65 Settlement to agent
Invoice has been/to be paid to seller's agent.
66 Cash discount
An adjustment has been made due to the application of a
cash discount.
67 Delcredere costs
Costs deducted from a total amount to pay for the
services of central payment.
68 Early payment allowance adjustment
Adjustment results from the application of an early
payment allowance.
69 Incorrect due date for monetary amount
Adjustment has been made because an incorrect due date
was referred to with regard to the monetary amount.
70 Wrong monetary amount resulting from incorrect free goods
Adjustment has been made because of a wrong monetary
amount resulting from an incorrect free goods quantity.
71 Rack or shelf replenishment service by a supplier
Adjustment due to the replenishment of the racks or
shelves by a supplier.
72 Temporary special promotion
Adjustment due to a temporary special promotion.
73 Difference in tax rate
Adjustment due to a difference in tax rate.
74 Quantity discount
Adjustment due to a quantity discount.
75 Promotion discount
Adjustment due to a promotion discount.
76 Cancellation deadline passed
The cancellation has occurred after the deadline.
77 Pricing discount
An adjustment has been made due to the application of a
pricing discount.
78 Volume discount
Discount for reaching or exceeding an agreed accumulated
79 Sundry discount
Adjustment has been made due to the application of a
sundry discount.
80 Card holder signature missing
The adjustment was made due to the card holder not
signing the filing document.
81 Card expiry date missing
The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor not
specifying the expiry date within the filing document.
82 Card number error
The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor
specifying an erroneous card number within the filing
83 Card expired
The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor
specifying an expired expiry date within the filing
document or electronic data.
84 Test card transaction
The adjustment was made due to a test card transaction,
used for installing, maintaining or debugging purposes.
85 Permission limit exceeded
The adjustment was made due to the permission limit
defined by card issuer or card company was exceeded
without prior authorisation. Synonym: Floor limit.
86 Wrong authorisation code
The adjustment was made due to the authorisation code
provided did not fit to the specified transaction.
87 Wrong authorised amount
The adjustment was made due to the specified amount not
meeting the authorised amount for the transaction.
88 Authorisation failed
The adjustment was made due to the authorisation needed
had failed.
89 Card acceptor data error
The adjustment was made due to the data regarding the
card acceptor is erroneous.
90 Treasury management service charge
Charge for the service of treasury management.
91 Agreed discount
The reason for the adjustment is that a mutually agreed
discount has been applied.
92 Expediting fee
The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for
expediting has been applied.
93 Invoicing fee
The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for
invoicing has been applied.
94 Freight charge
The reason for the adjustment is that freight charges
has been applied.
95 Small order processing service charge
The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for
processing of a small order (an order below a defined
threshold) has been applied.
96 Currency exchange differences
An adjustment made due to a change in a currency
exchange rate.
97 Insolvency
An adjustment made due to the partner's inability to pay
open debts.
ZZZ Mutually defined
A code assigned within a code list to be used on an
interim basis and as defined among trading partners
until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 4465 is used in the following Batch Segments:
DataElement 4465 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
E030 E979 E998
Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 1366 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories