United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
7405 Object identification code qualifier [C]
Desc: Code qualifying the identification of an object.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
AA House bill of lading
A number that is used to identify goods from a freight
AB 1st structure element name
The first element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AC 2nd structure element name
The second element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AD 3rd structure element name
The third element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AE 4th structure element name
The fourth element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AF 5th structure element name
The fifth element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AG 6th structure element name
The sixth element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AH 7th structure element name
The seventh element in a series of elements that
together define the structure of an object.
AI 8th structure element name
The eighth element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AJ 9th structure element name
The ninth element in a series of elements that together
define the structure of an object.
AK Data set
The identity of a data set.
AL Kanban card identifier
[1420] Reference number to identify a kanban card.
AM Level number
Level number in a hierarchy or other structure.
AN Manufacturing reference number
A unique number identifying a particular assembly or
other manufacturing process.
AO Position number in package
A number to identify the position within a package
according to agreed rules between partners.
AP Product
A name or number which identifies a product.
AQ Release number
Number assigned to a release.
AR Statistical concept
Statistical concept.
AS Table
A table of items e.g. figures and text represented in
rows and columns.
AT Transport packing group number
Number identifying a group of articles in a predescribed
unit load for shipment/dispatch as agreed between
AU Value list
A coded or non coded list of values.
AV Value list subset
A subset of a coded or non coded list of values.
AW Serial shipping container code
A single unique serial number which identifies shipping
containers or shipping packages.
AX Case number
A code to identify the number assigned to a given case.
AY Financial security identification number
Identification number of a financial security.
AZ Compact disk player security code number
The security code number of the compact disk player.
BA Question in questionnaire
The identity number of a question in a questionnaire.
BB Questionnaire
The identification of a questionnaire.
BC Check digit
The check digit of the primary number.
BD Vehicle telephone identification number
The number which identifies the telephone equipment
fitted to the vehicle.
BE Batch excluded
Products manufactured in Batch not to be included in
BF Door key number
The number on the key that fits the door lock.
BG Fleet number
The number of the fleet to which a vehicle is assigned.
BH Ignition key number
The number on the key that fits the ignition lock.
BI Radio security code number
The security code number of the radio.
BK Fleet vehicle unit number
The unit number of the vehicle within the fleet
allocated by the fleet operator.
BL Vehicle registration number
The registration number of the vehicle.
BM Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN)
A reference number identifying the accounting
BN Serial number
Identification number of an item which distinguishes
this specific item out of a number of identical items.
BO Fund
A code identifying a fund.
BP Special Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN)
A reference number identifying a special accounting
BQ Project
A code identifying a project.
BR Transportation Account Code (TAC)
A code identifying a transportation account.
BS Financial details
A code identifying financial details for accounting.
BT Account manager
A code identifying the account manager.
BU Package buyer assigned identifier
[1438] Unique number allocated by the buyer to identify
an individual package.
BV Predecessor constraint
Identity number is a predecessor constraint.
BW Successor constraint
Identity number is a successor constraint.
BX Batch number
Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a batch of
products produced under similar conditions.
BY Person identity number
The identity number of a person.
BZ Health-care professional identity number
The identity number of a health-care professional.
CA Private institution identity number
The identity number of a private institution.
CB Public institution identity number
The identity number of a public institution.
CC Tree structure
The identity number of a structure containing two or
more objects linked in a hierarchy.
CD Tree structure subset
The identity number of a subset of a structure
containing two or more objects linked in a hierarchy.
CE Link set
The identity number of a set of links.
CF Organisation chart
The identity number of an organisation chart.
CG Healthcare provider number (non-government)
Identity number assigned to a healthcare provider by a
non-government body.
CH Primary patient identification number
Primary number identifying a patient.
CI Insurer identification number
A unique identifier assigned to an insurer.
CJ Hospital issued healthcare provider number
Identity number of a healthcare service provider issued
by a hospital.
CK Healthcare practice identification number
Uniquely identifies the practice in which one or more
healthcare providers conduct business.
CL Agent identification number
A unique identifier assigned to an agent.
CM Insurer group identification number
The identification number of the insurer's group.
CN Chassis number
Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a chassis for
identification purposes.
CO Invoice number
Number assigned to the invoice.
CP Account number
Account identification number.
CQ Internal control number
Control number assigned for internal use.
CR Policy number
Number uniquely identifying a policy.
CS Attribute set
A set of attributes.
CT Footnote set
A set of footnotes.
CU GS1 Global Individual Asset Identifier
Unique number, consisting of the GS1 Company Prefix and
an Individual Asset Reference.
CV Legband
A band attached to the leg of a live animal to uniquely
identify the animal.
CW Authority registered number
A number registered by an authority to identify a
particular commodity or goods.
CX Identification tag, affixed
An identification tag affixed to a commodity or goods,
e.g. livestock.
CY Identification tattoo
A tattooed identification, e.g. on livestock.
CZ Identification wingband
An identification band attached to the wing of a bird.
DA GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, without serial
A unique number, consisting of a fixed 13-digits part.
It allows the unique identification of a particular type
of Returnable Asset.
DB GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, with serial number
A unique number, consisting of a fixed 13-digits part
and a mandatory Serial Number of up to 16 digits. The
fixed part allows for the unique identification of a
particular kind of Returnable Asset, the second part is
assigned to distinguish individual assets within a given
Returnable Asset type.
DC GS1 Global Identification Number for Consignment (GINC)
A unique number that identify a consignment comprised of
one or more logistic units that are intended to be
transported together.
DD GS1 Global Shipment Identification Number (GSIN)
A unique number that identify a shipment comprised of
one or more logistic units that are intended to be
delivered together.
EE Engine number
Unique number affixed by manufacturer to an engine for
identification purposes.
EF Coupon number
A number identifying a coupon which is attached to the
identified product.
EG Cheque number
A number identifying a cheque.
EH GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
A unique number, up to 14-digits, assigned according to
the numbering structure of the GS1 system, to identify a
trade item.
+ EI IMEI code
The International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
(IMEI) is a unique number to identify mobile phones. It
includes the origin, model and serial number of the
device. The structure is specified in 3GPP TS 23.003.
EM Emulsion number
Manufacturer assigned reference to a photographic
product indicating sensitivity.
IL Invoice line number
Sequential numerical assignment to identical invoiced
goods which are subject to the same conditions of sale.
ML Marking/label number
The number on the marking or label.
PN Part number
Manufacturer-assigned reference to a product part.
SC Secondary Customs tariff number
Indicate (e.g. in segment GIR) the secondary (sub-)
level of a Customs tariff number.
VV Vehicle identity number
Unique serial number assigned by the manufacturer that
distinguishes one vehicle from another.
VW Skid number
A number identifying a skid or pallet.
VX Authorisation
Official approval.
VY Insurance policy
Contract of insurance.
VZ Transport unit identification according to ISO/IEC 15459
The identification of a transport unit according to
ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International Organization for
Standardization. IEC: International Electrotechnical
WA Indivisible transport unit according to ISO/IEC 15459
The identification of an indivisible transport unit
according to ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International
Organization for Standardization. IEC: International
Electrotechnical Commission).
WB Divisible transport unit according to ISO/IEC 15459
The identification of a divisible transport unit
according to ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International
Organization for Standardization. IEC: International
Electrotechnical Commission).
ZZZ Mutually defined
Object identification mutually agreed between
interchanging parties.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 7405 is used in the following Batch Segments:
DataElement 7405 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
C206 C779 C780 C782 C783 C784 C785
DataElement 7405 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 1366 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories