United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
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an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
7187 Process type description code [B]
Desc: Code specifying a type of process.
Repr: an..17
Code Values:
1 Wood preparation
A process to prepare wood.
2 Causticizing
Treatment with a caustic agent.
3 Digesting
A process of digesting.
4 Brownstock washing
Washing with brownstock.
5 Bleaching
Removing colour by treatment with an oxidizing agent (a
6 Pulp drying
The process of drying pulp.
7 Freezing
Freezing process.
8 Processing of structured information
The information to be processed is in structured form.
9 Processing of identical information in structured and
unstructured form
The information to be processed is identical and given
in structured and unstructured form.
10 Processing of different information in structured and
unstructured form
The information to be processed is different and is
given in structured and unstructured form.
11 Processing of unstructured information
The information to be processed is in unstructured form.
12 Slaughter
Slaughter process.
13 Packing
Packing process.
14 Heat sterilisation
Treated by heat sterilisation.
15 Chemical sterilisation
Treated by chemical sterilisation.
16 Fumigation
Treated by fumigation.
17 Irradiation
Treated by irradiation.
18 Fueling
Fueling process.
19 Acceptance of business conditions
Code specifying the process of accepting the terms and
conditions under which business will be conducted.
20 Pathology service
The provision of a pathology service.
21 Radiology service
The provision of a radiology service.
22 Contribution payment
The payment of a contribution.
23 Clinical donation
The process of providing a clinical donation.
24 Medical general practice
The provision of general medical services.
25 Specialist medical service
The provision of specialist medical services, other than
pathology or radiology.
26 Dispensing of medicine
The process performed by a pharmacist to prepare and
dispense medicine according to a prescription.
27 Planning
The process of developing plans.
28 Trading
The process of trading.
29 Operating
The process of operating.
30 Metering
The process of metering.
31 Settlement
The process of settling.
32 Chilling
To reduce a product's temperature to above 273K.
33 Collecting
To gather or extract from a number of persons or
34 Cutting
To penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument.
35 Harvesting
To gather, catch, hunt, or kill.
36 Inspecting
To examine officially.
37 Manufacturing
To make from raw materials by hand or by machinery.
38 Preserving
To can, pickle, or similarly prepare for future use.
39 Processing
To subject to or handle through an established usually
routine set of procedures.
40 Producing
To make produce by growing.
41 Rendering (agriculture)
To extract by melting in order to extract proteins,
fats, and other usable parts.
42 Sampling
To take a sample of or from the product.
43 Storing
To place or leave in a location (as a warehouse,
library, or computer memory) for preservation.
44 Transferring
To convey from one person, place, or situation to
45 Treating
To act upon e.g. with some agent.
46 Grinding
Treated by grinding.
47 Addition of secondary inhibitors
The process of adding secondary inhibitors.
48 Metals recovery
The process of recovering metals e.g. retorting,
smelting, chemical process.
49 Solvents recovery
The process of recovering solvents e.g. distillation,
50 Recovery for reuse
The process of recovering (reclaiming) materials for
reuse, e.g. acid regeneration, organics recovery.
51 Incineration
The process of destruction through the application of
52 On-site fuel recovery
The process of recovering a material for reuse as a fuel
on the same site.
53 Fuel blending
The process of blending fuels.
54 Chemical reduction
The process of chemical reduction.
55 Cyanide destruction
The process of destruction through the application of
56 Chemical oxidation
The process of chemical oxidation.
57 Wet air oxidation
The process of wet air oxidation.
58 Chemical precipitation
The process of chemical precipitation.
59 Biological treatment
The process of biological treatment.
60 Adsorption
The process of adsorption.
61 Air or steam stripping
The process of air or steam stripping.
62 Dewatering
The process of removing water.
63 Absorption
The process of absorption.
64 Stabilization
The process of stabilization e.g. chemical fixation.
65 Macro-encapsulation
The process of macro-encapsulation.
66 Neutralization
The process of neutralization.
67 Evaporation
The process of evaporation.
68 Phase separation
The process of phase separation.
69 Unspecified treatment
Treatment without specification.
70 Landfill or surface impoundment disposal
The process of disposing waste as landfill or in a
surface impoundment that will be closed as landfill.
71 Deep well or underground injection
The process of filling up a deep well or underground
72 Discharge to sewer
The process of discharging materials into the public
sewer system.
73 Collection and storage, temporary
The process of collecting and temporarily storing
74 Cold treatment
The process of cold treatment.
75 Hot air treatment
The process of hot air treatment.
76 Hot water treatment
The process of hot water treatment.
77 Methyl bromide treatment
The process of treating with methyl bromide.
78 Phosphine treatment
The process of treating with phosphine.
79 Depulping
The process of removing pulp.
80 Manual removal
The process of removing by hand.
81 Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation
The process of fumigating with sulfuryl fluoride.
82 Steam treatment
The process of treating with steam.
83 Vapor heat
The process of treating with vapor heat.
84 Assembling
The process of assembling.
85 Boiling
The process of boiling.
86 Canning
The process of sealing in an airtight container.
87 Chipping
The process of chipping.
88 Cleaning
The process of making clean.
89 Coating
The process of coating.
90 Dehydration
The process of dehydrating.
91 Devitalization
The process of devitalizing.
92 Disinfection
The process of disinfecting.
93 Drying
The process of drying.
94 Dyeing
The process of dyeing.
95 Heat treatment
The process of heat treatment.
96 Husking
The process of removing husk.
97 Liquification
The process of liquifying.
98 Shelling
The process of removing shells.
99 Washing
The process of washing.
100 Land treatment or application
The process of using bio remediation for treating waste
e.g. Tilling the land for aerating the waste.
101 Pasteurization
A process of heating a food, usually liquid, to a
specific temperature for a definite length of time, and
then cooling it immediately.
102 Biological recycling
The process of biological recycling.
103 Biological refining
The process of biological refining.
104 Blending
The process of blending.
105 Breeding
The process of breeding.
106 Chemical recycling
The process of chemical recycling.
107 Combing
The process of combing (e.g. in textiles named 'top
making' of fibres).
108 Agricultural cultivation
The process of managing the growth, development, and
yield of agricultural crops.
109 Designing
The process of designing.
110 Disposing
The process of disposing.
111 Extrusion
The process of shaping a material by forcing it through
a hole.
112 Fatliquoring
The process of applying of fatliquors (e.g. for
lubricating and softening hides/skins).
113 Product finishing
The process of product finishing.
114 Ginning
The process of ginning (e.g. cleaning cotton, flax
fibres, etc).
115 Grading
The process of grading.
116 Hatching
The process of hatching
117 Marketing
The process of marketing.
118 Mechanical recycling
The process of mechanical recycling.
119 Polymerisation
The process of reacting monomer molecules together in a
chemical reaction.
120 Pre-treatment
The process of pre-treatment.
121 Printing
The process of printing.
122 Pulp dissolving
The process of dissolving into a liquid, e.g. wood pulp
or cotton linters into water.
123 Quality checking
The process of checking quality, e.g. of products.
124 Recycling
The process of recycling.
125 Refining
The process of refining.
126 Retailing
The process of retailing.
127 Retanning
The process of a second tanning stage in which
different tanning agents are generally used in
comparison to the initial tanning process.
128 Retting
The process of employing the action of bacteria and
moisture on plants to dissolve the cellular tissues and
129 Returns management
The process by which activities are associated
with returns.
130 Setting out leather
The process of reducing wrinkles from hides/skins.
131 Shaving hides
The process of making the thickness of hides uniform.
132 Shearing
The process of shearing
133 Silk reeling
The process by which cocoon baves are reeled together to
produce a single thread.
134 Softening
The process of softening.
135 Sorting
The process of sorting.
136 Spinning
The process of spinning.
137 Splitting
The process of splitting.
138 Tanning
The process of treating hides or skins with tanning
139 Thermo mechanical recycling
The process of thermo mechanical recycling.
140 Warehousing
The process of warehousing.
141 Weaving
The process of weaving
+ 142 Knitting
The process of knitting.
+ 143 Farming
The process of farming.
+ 144 Despatching
The process of despatching.
+ 145 Hide and Skin preservation
The process of hide and skin preservation.
+ 146 Sammying
The process of mechanical removal of grease from the
hides/skin by felt absorption in the sammying machine.
+ 147 Conditioning (leather)
The process of adding water to the leather to a level of
ZZZ Mutually defined
Process type mutually agreed between interchanging
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 7187 is used in the following Batch Segments:
DataElement 7187 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
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