United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
1373 Document status code [B]
Desc: Code specifying the status of a document.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
1 Accepted
The specified document is accepted.
2 Accompanying goods
Notice that a specific document will be accompanying the
3 Conditionally accepted
The specified document is conditionally accepted.
4 To arrive by separate EDI message
Notice that a specific document/message will be
transmitted via a separate EDI message.
5 Information only
Notice that the specific document or message is for
information only.
6 To arrive by manual means
Notice that a specific document or message will not be
sent via EDI.
7 To be raised and sent
Request for a specific message to be formatted and
transmitted or a request for a specific document to be
raised and sent.
8 Rejected
The specified document is rejected.
9 To be printed
The document or message is to be printed.
10 Document currently valid
Specific document is currently valid.
11 Document not available
Specified document is not available.
12 Document exhausted by declaration and attached
Customs declaration to which the document is related
completed or exhaust the allowance stated on the
document. The document is attached to the Customs
13 Document not exhausted by declaration and attached
Customs declaration to which the document is related
does not complete or exhaust the allowance stated on the
document . The document is not attached to the
declaration but has already been lodged in the Customs
14 Document exhausted by declaration and previously lodged
Customs declaration to which the document is related
completed or exhaust the allowance stated on the
document. The usage of the document is complete. The
document is not attached to the declaration but has
already been lodged in the Customs station.
15 Document not exhausted by declaration and previously lodged
Customs declaration to which the document is related
does not complete or exhaust the allowance stated on the
document. The document can continue to be used for
future declarations until the allowance is exhausted.
The document is not attached to the declaration but has
already been lodged in the Customs station.
16 Document not attached
Specified document is not or cannot be attached.
17 Document with the goods
Document not attached to the Customs declaration but is
attached to the goods.
18 Document attached, to be returned after endorsement
Specified document is attached to the Customs
declaration and will be required to be returned to the
declarant after Customs endorsement.
19 Document applied for
Application has been submitted for that document.
20 Received for shipment
Indicates that the document has legal validity from the
date of receival of the cargo.
21 Shipped on board
Indicates that the document has legal validity from the
date that cargo is loaded on board a vessel.
22 Status 0
Message is at status 0.
23 Status 1
Message is at status 1.
24 Status 2
Message is at status 2.
25 Message under development
Message is under development.
26 Document not freighted
Document not to include freight figures.
27 Document freighted
Document to include freight figures.
28 Archived
The document or message has been archived.
29 Provisional
The document or message has no official status.
30 Documents enclosed in the first transmission
The documents are enclosed in the first transmission.
31 Documents enclosed in the second transmission
The documents are enclosed in the second transmission.
32 Document not required, waiver issued
The document is not required, waiver of requirement has
been issued.
33 Already on file with receiver of this message
The document is already on file with the party receiving
the message.
34 Retained by sender of this message, or by sender's agent or
The document is in the possession of the sender or
sender's agent or representative.
35 Document incomplete
The document is incomplete.
36 Document previously submitted
The document has already been submitted.
37 Document complete
The document is complete.
38 Final
The document has been finalised.
39 On hold
The document or message will not be processed until
further release information.
40 Validity suspended
The validity of the document is or has been suspended.
41 Validity revoked
The validity of the document is or has been revoked.
42 In error
The specified document is in error.
43 Received
The document is received.
44 Accepted with warnings
The document is accepted, but has generated warnings.
45 In process
Indicates that the document is being processed.
46 Under query
Indicates that the document has been halted pending
response to a query.
47 Paid
Indicates that the document has been paid.
48 Acknowledged
Indicates that the document is acknowledged as
understood and submitted for further processing.
49 Conditionally accepted
Indicates that the document is accepted under conditions
stated and proceeded accordingly unless disputed.
50 Rejected, no further processing
Indicates that the document has been rejected, and a
clarification or reason is required.
+ 51 To arrive by electronic means
Notice that a specific document or message will be sent
by electronic means.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 1373 is used in the following Batch Segments:
DataElement 1373 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
C503 C709
Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 1366 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories