United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and
a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either
batch and interactive messages)
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch
and interactive messages)
5375 Price type code [C]
Desc: Code specifying the type of price.
Repr: an..3
Code Values:
AA Cancellation price
Price authorized to be charged in the event of an order
being cancelled.
AB Per ton
To indicate that the price applies per ton.
AC Minimum order price
A code to identify the price when the minimum number is
AD Export price
A code to identify a price for the export market.
AE Range dependent price
A code identifying the price for a specific range of
purchase quantities.
AF Competitor price
Price given by competitor.
AG Daily Price
A daily fixed sum of money for a product or service
which is or may be bought or sold.
AH Service Price
A sum of money for a service which is or may be bought
or sold.
AI Active ingredient
The price is referring to the active ingredient.
AJ Dynamic Price
A sum of money for a product or service is or may be
bought or sold.that is flexible and determined real-time
in response to market demands.
AK Basic Price
A sum of money for which a product or service is or may
be bought or sold without any discount or surcharge
being applied.
AL Extra Price
A sum of money which is an addition to the price for
which a product or service is or may be bought or sold,
such as for a special meal.
AM Discount Price
A sum of money which is discount against a price for
which a product or service is or may be bought or sold..
AN Cancellation Price
A sum of money for cancelling a product or service which
is or may be bought or sold.
AO Refund Price
A sum of money that is paid back to somebody, especially
because somebody paid too much or because somebody
returned a product or service.
AP Commission Price
A sum of money that is paid to somebody for selling a
product or service and that increases with the amount of
a product or service that is or may be bought or sold..
AQ As is quantity
The price is referring to the measured quantity.
AR Penalty Price
A sum of money that is paid or has to be paid because of
breaking a law, rule, or contract.
CA Catalogue
Code specifying the catalogue price.
CT Contract
Code specifying the contract price.
CU Consumer unit
The price is referring to the consumer unit.
DI Distributor
Code specifying the distributor price.
EC ECSC price
Price registered at European Commission Steel and Carbon
office (DG III).
NW Net weight
Code specifying the net weight price.
PC Price catalogue
Code specifying the catalogue price.
PE Per each
Code specifying the price per item.
PK Per kilogram
Code specifying the price per kilogram.
PL Per litre
Code specifying the price per litre.
PT Per tonne
Code specifying the price per tonne.
PU Specified unit
Code specifying the price per specified unit.
PV Provisional price
Code specifying a provisional price.
PW Gross weight
Code specifying the gross weight price.
QT Quoted
Code specifying the quoted price.
SR Suggested retail
Code specifying the suggested retail price.
TB To be negotiated
Code specifying that the price has to be negotiated.
TU Traded unit
The price is referring to the traded unit.
TW Theoretical weight
Weight calculated on ordered dimension (length, width,
thickness) not on final dimension (e.g. steel products).
WH Wholesale
Code specifying the wholesale price.
WI Gross volume
The price is calculated based on gross volume.
Data Element Cross Reference
DataElement 5375 is used in the following Batch Composite Elements:
DataElement 5375 is used in the following Interactive Composite Elements:
Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 1366 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories