This specification provides the definition of the Invitation to
       tender message (CONITT) to be used in Electronic Data
       Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in
       administration, commerce and transport.

1.    SCOPE

1.1   Functional Definition

       At the pre-construction stage of a construction project, the
       Client will wish to appoint a contractor to execute the works.
       The first step in this appointment process is to issue an
       invitation to tender (ITT) to contractors this will require a
       commercial offer to be made by the contractor to the client.

1.2   Field of Application

       This message type may be applied for both national and
       international trade. It is based on universal practice and is
       not dependent on the type of business or industry.
       The following descriptions refer to the construction industry
       as an example, but do not exclude other business sectors'

1.3   Principles

       A BoQ is a set of documentation that describes the various
       facets of work that make up a construction project. This
       documentation is often quite voluminous and typically contains
       information structured in accordance with several industry
       The BoQ is a key set of documentation for a number of stages
       within the overall construction process. This documentation, or
       parts of it, are frequently exchanged between the various
       parties involved in the project.
       A significant document used within the invitation to tender
       process is the Bill of Quantities (BoQ). This documentation
       subsequently becomes the contractual basis for the project.
       A project is typically subdivided into individual groupings of
       work and within these groups are detailed work items. It is
       down to this level of detailed work items that commercial offer
       information is to be supplied.
       If there are any project design changes during the tender
       period, which have an impact on the detailed work items in a
       BoQ, these would also be communicated in a CONITT message.
       Although the initial exchange typically takes place at the pre-
       tender stage, it may also be used post-tender.
       At the pre-tender stage, one or more competing Main Contractors
       will be sent by the Client or his representative, a BoQ
       document for the purpose of pricing the detailed work items to
       support the commercial tender offer. The Main Contractors in
       turn may wish to invite tenders from subcontractors for
       specialist portions of the project. This would be done by each
       competing Main Contractor creating subsets of the original BoQ
       document for each type of specialist work and sending that in
       turn to a number of competing subcontractors of their choice.
       Once the main contract has been established with the successful
       Main Contractor, the ITT process will in some cases be repeated
       with subcontractors. This will enable the Main Contractor to
       seek improved offers from subcontractors following the
       securement of the contract.
       This is only one of a number of messages being designed for the
       BoQ and the principles for this CONITT message are consistent
       with those adopted for each of the other BoQ messages.
       There are several concepts to be understood and these are key
       to some of the design principles adopted. Most of these have
       been created to respond to two base problems associated with
       the BoQ documentation: 
       i) A BoQ is often a very large document, it is not unusual for
       it to run to several volumes in its paper form.
       ii) Given the size of the documents, there is also the problem
       of how to advise on the structure to which the document
       conforms and the accurate indexing and sequencing of
       information within such a volume of data.
       1.3.1 Work Items 
       Each individual component of work referred to in the BoQ is
       called a "work item" and it is at this level that progress and
       payments are evaluated. For each work item a description is
       provided and this description is very precise in its wording.
       This results in two things: 
       i) A lot of repetitive descriptions for like items at least at
       the higher levels within these levelled descriptions.
       ii) A lot of similar work items, indeed the same description,
       often occurs a number of times throughout the project but
       assigned to different work items.
       Point ii) above has been addressed by a concept called "
       standard items", this enables an equivalent to a standard
       library of descriptions to be exchanged and individual work
       items to reference a standard description that need be sent,
       only once.
       Frequently within a BoQ, elements of an item's description are
       common to adjacent items. When this happens the items which
       share the same description are grouped together and the common
       part of the description is presented once at the start of the
       group. This concept is used extensively and it is possible to
       have quite a number of layers of shared heading.
       Two distinctions need to be established, firstly, the existence
       of Heading text which is related to an item. There can be
       multiples of these as in the levels of a standard description.
       The second distinction is that of "Groups". Where a group is a
       collection of more than one work item and all of these items
       have a common theme.
       For example: 
       - they all belong to the same trade 
       - all for the same part of the project, building or structure.
       Despite the large number of items that they may embrace, or the
       fact that they represent substantial parts of the project, all
       of these are recognised as "groups".
       Thus, there can be several or many items within a group and
       there can be layers of groups within groups, all of which
       collectively constitute the project.
       1.3.2 Indexing
        There are numerous variations for structuring the information
       that makes up the BoQ. Although, it is possible to introduce
       some standardisation it is clear that any message must allow
       the freedom to structure the data according to the dictates of
       a individual project. The design therefore, includes the
       ability to convey the document's structure as part of the BoQ
       message. Indeed the design allows for a different set of
       document structuring information, to be defined at group level
       as well as globally for the project. This means that a set of
       indexing rules can be defined to apply to the entire project
       and that a different set of indexing rules can be used to
       override these for a given group(s).
       To complement the indexing concept there is a component
       referred to as the "Project Index Reference". This is a faceted
       code assigned to all items of data that are to be used in
       conjunction with the index. In other words all pieces of data
       that are to be structured using the index must contain a
       structured code composed in accordance with the index and this
       is used as a "sorting" mechanism to ensure that the data is
       correctly structured.
       1.3.3 Message format 
       The actual appearance of the message bears no relation to the
       appearance of the current paper document.
       As there are unlimited permutations for assembling the BoQ data
       it has not been possible, nor desirable to make the appearance
       similar. The CONITT appearance is similar to the results of the
       data analysis exercise. Namely that there are 4 blocks or
       groupings of data, each of which can appear many times and that
       all of the mechanisms for linking and relating the components
       together are data elements within these blocks. The task of
       interpreting the indexing rules and subsequently assembling the
       data in the message will fall to local software. The complexity
       of this task has been simplified by grouping the data elements
       into the blocks described above. In this way the processing can
       follow a logical flow.
       This approach has several advantages over the existing rigidity
       of the paper document. It is clear to the message design team
       that BoQ documentation exchanged using EDI will deliver a
       variety of new opportunities to its users.
       This last principle offers the solution to the volume problem
       too. One message has a definitive number of occurrence's for
       each block of data. If for a "large" project this number is
       exceeded then multiple versions of the same message are built.
       It also enables a BoQ to be exchanges in subdivisions if so


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 1.


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 2.


4.1   Data Segment Clarification

       This section should be read in conjunction with the Branching
       Diagram and the Segment Table which indicate mandatory,
       conditional and repeating requirements.

4.1.1  Header section

       Information to be provided in the Header section:

0010 | UNH, Message header
       A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
       The message type code for the Invitation to tender message is
       Note: Invitation to tender messages conforming to this document
       must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

       Data element  0065 CONITT
                     0052 D
                     0054 95A
                     0051 UN

0020   BGM, Beginning of message
       A segment which identifies the document name and the message
       function code.

0030   RFF, Reference
       This segment is used to identify the unique project reference

0040   DTM, Date/time/period
       The document date will be recorded using this DTM segment.

0050   AUT, Authentication result
       A segment used to authenticate the message by exchanging a
       password or some other form of identification agreed between
       the trading partners.

0060   AGR, Agreement identification
       This segment will be used to identify the "type of contract and
       form of tender" that apply to this contract.

0070   Segment group 1: IND-RCS-SG2
       A group of segments to record both the structure and contents
       of the indexing used for the BoQ document.

0080      IND, Index details
          A segment to qualify whether the index applies to the whole
          project, part of a project (a group of items), or whether
          the index provides an alternative view (analysis) of the
          work items. The segment also indicates in the index
          qualifier whether it contains index structure information or
          describes the index contents.

0090      RCS, Requirements and conditions
          A segment used to indicate the action request (add , change
          etc.) to be applied to the index data.

0100      Segment group 2: GIS-SG3
          A group of segments to specify the position and detailed
          component parts of the index information.

0110         GIS, General indicator
             This indicator segment specifies one of six positions
             within the index structure to which the detailed
             information applies.

0120         Segment group 3: BII-IMD
             A group of segments to specify the detailed components of
             the index information.

0130            BII, Structure identification
                A segment used to specify a structured index number
                that is to be associated with the descriptions that
                follow in segment IMD.

0140            IMD, Item description
                A segment to specify the descriptions in both full
                text and abbreviated form . These descriptions to be
                associated with the contents of segment BII.

0150 | Segment group 4: BII-RCS-GIS-NAD-LOC-APR-ALI-QTY-DTM-RTE-SG5-
       This information is subordinate to the data provided within the
       Header section and relates to groups of work items as described
       in section 1.3.1 of this document. A segment group recording
       all the details that apply to a group of items. There can be
       many "Groups of items" within a project and all are to be
       recorded within this part of the message.

0160      BII, Structure identification
          A segment used to convey a structured index number that
          uniquely identifies each group of items recorded for the

0170      RCS, Requirements and conditions
          The action to be applied to segment group 4 data is recorded

0180      GIS, General indicator
           This indicator segment identifies what category of item

0190      NAD, Name and address
          The recording of the name and address information applying
          to this group of items.

0200      LOC, Place/location identification
          In addition to the name and address details above this is
          the identification of a location description and an
          abbreviated or short name by which the grouping is to be

0210 |    APR, Additional price information
          A segment to record a multiplication factor called
          "Timesing" that applies to the entire project or a specific
          grouping of items.

0220      ALI, Additional information
          This segment would be used to denote, in a coded form, what
          rules were adopted for the rounding of all financial values
          within this group of items.

0230      QTY, Quantity
          This segment enables grouping control quantities to be
          recorded. These are not to be confused with message control
          totals that appear later and use the CNT segment.

0240      DTM, Date/time/period
          Any date details required for the group of items will be
          recorded using the DTM segment. There are a considerable
          number of different date qualifiers that could apply.

0250      RTE, Rate details
          This segment is used to record a cost rate that may apply to
          this grouping.

0260      Segment group 5: RFF-DTM-GIS-FTX
          Some base data about how the information for this group of
          items was compiled. It will identify the standard method
          conventions adopted, the author of the data and it will also
          refer to any "request for quotation" messages that are to be
          read in conjunction .

0270         RFF, Reference
             This segment will be used to specify a series of
             references, including the reference to a "Request for
             Quotation" message, standard method identity, the
             identity of the author of the data and the identity, if
             appropriate any software tool used during the preparation

0280         DTM, Date/time/period
             The date of the Request for Quotation message that is to
             be processed in conjunction with this BoQ message.

0290         GIS, General indicator
             An entry in this segment will acknowledge or note the
             existence of variations to the standard method rules
             referenced in the associated RFF.

0300         FTX, Free text
             In the event of variations to the standard method rules
             this segment will provide any necessary narrative to
             explain the changes.

0310      Segment group 6: CUX-DTM-FTX
          Details of which currency rules apply to this group of

0320         CUX, Currencies
             Recording details of the currency that applies to the
             group of items being defined.

0330         DTM, Date/time/period
             This segment will be used to recorded any dates that are
             applicable to qualify the currency details recorded in

0340         FTX, Free text
             Any narrative necessary to explain or qualify the
             currency information.

0350      Segment group 7: ALC-RFF-DTM-RNG-FTX-SG8
          A group of segments used to convey details of the price
          fluctuation calculations to be applied.

0360         ALC, Allowance or charge
             A segment to identity whether the data recorded in this
             segment group represents an actualization or a revision

0370         RFF, Reference
             A segment providing a reference to the (usually standard)
             formula rules to be applied.

0380         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment to record the contract base or control date to
             be used in the formula.

0390         RNG, Range details
             Where the formula makes reference to data within a range
             the details of the range will be identified in this

0400         FTX, Free text
             A segment to convey the actual formula and narrative
             relating to the formula. This will be used only in the
             exceptional case of a non-standard formula being used.

0410         Segment group 8: PCD-RFF
             A group of segments to specify the remaining components
             of the price fluctuation calculation.

0420            PCD, Percentage details
                A segment to specify a percentage value to be used as
                a coefficient in conjunction with the reference given
                in the following RFF.

0430            RFF, Reference
                A segment to specify the reference of a work section
                applicable to a set of calculation components.

0440      Segment group 9: RCS-BII-FTX
          This segment group is used to record, in textual form, any
          terms and conditions that are deemed to apply to part or all
          of the group of items.

0450         RCS, Requirements and conditions
             The identity of the particular conditions that are to
             apply and a coded reference to denote whether this is to
             be added or changed etc.

0460         BII, Structure identification
             A structured index reference to identify to what range
             within the group of items the conditions apply.

0470         FTX, Free text
             The narrative description of the condition or term
             identified by this segment group.

0480      Segment group 10:ARD-MOA-FTX-SG11-SG12
          This segment group is used to record any financial values
          that apply for a group of items. There are considerable
          number of different values and qualifiers that will apply.

0490         ARD, Amounts relationship details
             A segment to record the qualifier to the financial value.
             This qualifier is in addition to the qualifier used
             within the following MOA segment.

0500         MOA, Monetary amount
             A segment to record the value of the monetary amount
             being defined.

0510         FTX, Free text
             Any narrative qualification necessary to complete the
             details about a financial value will be recorded in this

0520         Segment group 11:TAX-MOA-LOC
             Where specific tax rules apply to the entire project or a
             grouping within the project they will be recorded in this
             segment group.

0530            TAX, Duty/tax/fee details
                Where the financial value being described within
                segment group 10 is a taxation or duty value, details
                of the tax or duty will be recorded here.

0540            MOA, Monetary amount
                A segment to specify the actual monetary amount of the
                tax or duty.

0550            LOC, Place/location identification
                A segment to specify any location details used to
                qualify the tax details.

0560         Segment group 12:ALC-ALI-SG13-SG14-SG15-SG16-SG17
             Where it is necessary to express the components that
             contribute to a monetary value this segment group will be

0570            ALC, Allowance or charge
                A segment identifying the charge or allowance and
                where necessary it's calculation sequence.

0580            ALI, Additional information
                A segment indicating that the allowance or charge
                specified is subject to special conditions owing to
                origin, customs preference or commercial factors.

0590            Segment group 13:QTY-RNG
                Components of a financial value expressed in terms of
                quantities are recorded in this segment group.

0600               QTY, Quantity
                   Any quantity details used to define or make precise
                   the monetary value are recorded in this segment.

0610               RNG, Range details
                   Details of the range that applies to the quantity
                   components are expressed in this segment.

0620            Segment group 14:PCD-RNG
                Components of a financial value expressed in terms of
                a percentage are recorded in this segment group.

0630               PCD, Percentage details
                   This segment is used where the financial
                   information is expressed as a percentage or a
                   percentage is required for further qualification.

0640               RNG, Range details
                   Details of the range that applies to the percentage
                   components are expressed in this segment.

0650            Segment group 15:MOA-RNG
                Any components of a monetary amount that are
                themselves expressed as monetary amounts are recorded
                in this segment group.

0660               MOA, Monetary amount
                   The monetary amount component is recorded in this

0670               RNG, Range details
                   Details of the range that applies to the monetary
                   amount components are expressed in this segment.

0680            Segment group 16:RTE-RNG
                Components of a financial value expressed in terms of
                a rate are recorded in this segment group.

0690               RTE, Rate details
                   Any rate details used to define or make precise the
                   monetary value are recorded in this segment.

0700               RNG, Range details
                   Details of the range that applies to the rate
                   components are expressed in this segment.

0710            Segment group 17:TAX-MOA
                Components of a financial value expressed in terms of
                a tax or duty are recorded in this segment group.

0720               TAX, Duty/tax/fee details
                   Any tax details used to define or make precise the
                   monetary value are recorded in this segment.

0730               MOA, Monetary amount
                   A segment to specify the actual monetary amount of
                   the tax or duty component.

0740      Segment group 18:NAD-LOC-FII-FTX-SG19-SG20-SG21
          Name and address information relating to Parties, Banks and
          Contacts are recorded in this segment group.

0750         NAD, Name and address
             Company name and address that relate to this group of
             items and that have not been previously notified are
             recorded in this segment. Each name and address recorded
             is qualified by the use of the party qualifier 3035.

0760         LOC, Place/location identification
             A segment used to record more specific location
             information of the party specified in the NAD segment,
             e.g. a location within a construction site.

0770         FII, Financial institution information
             Bank details associated with these parties recorded in
             the preceding NAD segment are given here.

0780         FTX, Free text
             This segment allows for any narrative that may need to
             accompany the name and address information about a

0790         Segment group 19:RFF-DTM
             This group of segments will record unique reference
             numbers by which the party will be known and referenced.
             This will ensure that each party is uniquely identified
             even if there is more than one party with a similar

0800            RFF, Reference
                Details of any unique referencing used within the
                project to identify the party. Not to be confused with
                the party qualifier in the NAD.

0810            DTM, Date/time/period
                Date and time details that are used to qualify the
                party reference number are recorded in this segment.

0820         Segment group 20:DOC-DTM
             This segment group is used to identify documentation
             related specifically to the party being defined.

0830            DOC, Document/message details
                The identity of the documentation is recorded in this

0840            DTM, Date/time/period
                Date details used to qualify the documentation are
                recorded in this segment.

0850         Segment group 21:CTA-COM
             The information about who to contact within each of the
             parties detailed in this segment group.

0860            CTA, Contact information
                This segment will contain the identity of the
                individual, within a company, who is the contact

0870            COM, Communication contact
                Here is recorded the telephone number etc. that the
                contact can be reached via.

4.1.2  Detail section

       Information to be provided in the Detail section:

0880   UNS, Section control
       A service segment placed at the beginning of the detail section
       to avoid collision.

0890   Segment group 22:BII-RCS-GIS-SG23-SG24-SG25-SG27-SG30-SG31-
       A group of segments recording all the details that apply to an
       item. There can be many items within a project, details of all
       items,  regardless of where they appear in the BoQ will be
       recorded in this segment group.

0900      BII, Structure identification
          A segment used to convey a structured index number that
          uniquely identifies each item recorded for the project.

0910      RCS, Requirements and conditions
          The action to be applied to this segment group data is
          recorded here.

0920      GIS, General indicator
          Through a list of coded qualifiers this segment is used to
          define precisely various features about this item e.g.: - it
          will distinguish between standard, work or sub item types. -
          identify whether this item is of an agreed, disputed or
          provisional status. - a qualification of the type of rate
          that has been associated with this item. - identifying to
          what category this item resides.

0930      Segment group 23:RFF-DTM
          A group of segments recording additional reference
          information against an item of work.

0940         RFF, Reference
             Where project documentation has been prepared in
             accordance with a Standard Methodology the item's
             reference to that Standard Method is recorded here. Also
             recorded here is the unique reference number assigned to
             a sub item. This reference would be used in conjunction
             with the item index no. in the BII of this segment group.

0950         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment to record a date for the Standard Method of
             Measurement reference.

0960 |    Segment group 24:DIM-APR-FTX
          A group of segments which may be used where Segment Group 23
          refers to a sub-item number. It would contain sets of
          dimension details to further describe the quantities.

0970         DIM, Dimensions
             A segment used to record where applicable, the length,
             width and height for portions of work measured.

0980 |       APR, Additional price information
             A segment to record a multiplication factor called
             "Timesing" that applies to a set of dimensions.

0990         FTX, Free text
             A segment to record an annotation for each set of

1000      Segment group 25:LIN-SG26
          A group of segments to record descriptive text for items and
          headings for groupings of items.

1010         LIN, Line item
             A segment to record a qualifier as to whether it is a
             description for an item or a heading for a group of
             items. This would also include a number identifying the
             level the description applies to, within a set of
             levelled headings.

1020         Segment group 26:IMD-RFF-GIS
             A group of segments to record the description line
             details together with text reference numbers and change
             action codes used to identify who is authorised to apply

1030            IMD, Item description
                This segment is used to convey any descriptive
                material to be recorded for the item. This descriptive
                material can apply to the item description and item
                heading information. The distinction is explained in
                section 1.3 of this paper.

1040            RFF, Reference
                A segment used to record up to five text reference
                numbers per item description line.

1050            GIS, General indicator
                A segment used to record up to five text change action
                codes per item description line.

1060 |    Segment group 27:QTY-GIS-APR-SG28
          This segment group is used to record the complex range of
          quantity values and prices that apply to an item.

1070         QTY, Quantity
             Many different quantity values can be applied to an item
             during it's execution. All of these quantities will be
             recorded in this segment.

1080         GIS, General indicator
             This segment is used to provide the qualifiers that apply
             to the various quantities in the previous segment.

1090 |       APR, Additional price information
             Item quantities are frequently accompanied by some
             multiplicands. This APR segment is used to record these.

1100         Segment group 28:PRI-GIS-SG29
             A group of segments to record a series of prices and
             monetary amounts relating to each QTY value.

1110            PRI, Price details
                A segment to record up to three price values for each
                QTY value.

1120            GIS, General indicator
                A segment to record up to three qualifiers for each

1130            Segment group 29:ARD-MOA
                A group of segments to record the monetary amounts ,
                currency, tax details resulting from the
                multiplication of QTY and PRI values.

1140               ARD, Amounts relationship details
                   A segment to qualify the monetary amount as to it's
                   purpose in the business exchange.

1150               MOA, Monetary amount
                   A segment to record the value and currency of the
                   monetary amount.

1160      Segment group 30:TAX-MOA-LOC
          A group of segments in which is detailed taxation
          information, which applies to the item . There are often
          several different types of tax which need to be applied.

1170         TAX, Duty/tax/fee details
             Details of the taxation to be applied is recorded here.

1180         MOA, Monetary amount
             A segment to record the value and currency of the
             monetary amount.

1190         LOC, Place/location identification
             A segment to specify location codes relating to the tax
             details recorded in this segment group.

1200      Segment group 31:BII-GIS
          Where it is necessary to record a relationship about the
          current item and it's association with another item, this
          segment group will be used.

1210         BII, Structure identification
             Record here the structured index number of the other item
             to which the current item relates.

1220         GIS, General indicator
             This is the segment where a coded reference describing
             the item relationship is recorded.

1230      Segment group 32:ALC-RFF-DTM-RNG-FTX-SG33
          A group of segments used to convey details of the price
          fluctuation calculations to be applied to the item.

1240         ALC, Allowance or charge
             A segment to identity whether the data recorded in this
             segment group represents an actualization or a revision

1250         RFF, Reference
             A segment providing a reference to the (usually standard)
             formula rules to be applied.

1260         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment to record the contract base or control date to
             be used in the formula.

1270         RNG, Range details
             Where the formula makes reference to data within a range
             the details of the range will be identified in this

1280         FTX, Free text
             A segment to convey the actual formula and narrative
             relating to the formula . This will be used only in the
             exceptional case of a non- standard formula being used.

1290         Segment group 33:PCD-RFF
             A group of segments to specify the remaining components
             of the price fluctuation calculation.

1300            PCD, Percentage details
                A segment to specify a percentage value to be used as
                a coefficient in conjunction with the reference given
                in the following RFF.

1310            RFF, Reference
                A segment to specify the reference of a work section
                applicable to a set of calculation components.

1320      Segment group 34:IMD-QTY-MOA-PRI
          A segment group to record where necessary alternative index
          information for an item. The validity of an alternative
          index would be defined in the Segment Group 3 IMD.

1330         IMD, Item description
             A segment used to record an alternative index description
             (previously defined in Segment Group 3 IMD), that relates
             to this item.

1340         QTY, Quantity
             A segment to record the quantity and measurement unit
             that relates to the coded entry for the item.

1350         MOA, Monetary amount
             A segment to record the currency and value associated
             with the item.

1360         PRI, Price details
             A segment to record the monetary rate of the code
             associated with the item.

4.1.3  Summary section

       Information to be provided in the Summary section:

1370   CNT, Control total
       Various control total checks may be taken and the resultant
       values would be recorded in this segment. Typically these
       checks will be counts of quantity and monetary values that
       apply to the entire message.

1380   UNT, Message trailer
       A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
       segments in the message and the control reference number of the

4.2   Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

          AGR Agreement identification
          ALC Allowance or charge
          ALI Additional information
          API Additional price information
          APR Additional price information
          ARD Amounts relationship details
          AUT Authentication result
          BGM Beginning of message
          BII Structure identification
          CNT Control total
          COM Communication contact
          CTA Contact information
          CUX Currencies
          DIM Dimensions
          DOC Document/message details
          DTM Date/time/period
          FII Financial institution information
          FTX Free text
          GIS General indicator
          IMD Item description
          IND Index details
          LIN Line item
          LOC Place/location identification
          MOA Monetary amount
          NAD Name and address
          PCD Percentage details
          PRI Price details
          QTY Quantity
          RCS Requirements and conditions
          RFF Reference
          RNG Range details
          RTE Rate details
          TAX Duty/tax/fee details
          UNH Message header
          UNS Section control
          UNT Message trailer

Contents of CONITT