Annex Semantic Notes These notes are not exhaustive, they are there only for clarification. The following Semantic Notes concern the use of the BGM Segment: - If the MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE is a "12", "27" or "29" indicating that the total message was not processed, rejected or accepted. No segments, other than mandatory segments, need be used in the message Header, Detail or Summary sections. However for positive reporting purposes all the segments of the ORDERS or ORDCHG message, being responded to, may be used in ORDRSP. - If the MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE is a "28" indicating an accepted ORDERS or ORDCHG message with amended heading information or "34" indicating amendment in the message, then all segments in the heading section must be used from the ORDRES or ORDCHG message being responded to. This includes both amended and non amended segments. If the ORDERS message was "NOT PROCESSED"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "12" indicates acknowledgement that the transmitted message has been received and understood by the seller, but remains to be processed within his application system. If the Order or Order Change message was "NOT ACCEPTED"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "27" indicates that the seller declines to supply the goods or declines to accept the changes requested in a Purchase Order Change Request. If the ORDER or ORDER CHANGE message was "ACCEPTED, WITH AMENDMENT IN HEADING SECTION"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "28" indicates that the seller accepts to supply the goods or services requested in the Purchase Order (or a Purchase Order Change Request), but requires one or more changes to the terms set out in the referenced message Heading Section. The complete Heading Section data is transmitted to replace all data previously sent. The Detail Section is considered as acknowledged without change. If the ORDER or ORDER CHANGE message was "ACCEPTED, WITHOUT AMENDMENT"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "29" indicates that the seller according to the terms set out in the Purchase Order or a Purchase Order Change Request accepts to supply the goods or services requested or where appropriate accepts the cancellation. If the ORDER or ORDER CHANGE message was "ACCEPTED, WITH AMENDMENT IN DETAIL SECTION"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "30" indicates that the seller accepts to supply the goods or services requested in the Purchase Order (or a Purchase Order Change Request), but requires changes in one or more line items (as indicated in the LIN segments). The Heading Section is considered as acknowledged without change If the ORDER or ORDER CHANGE message was "ACCEPTED WITH AMENDMENT"; use of MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE "34" indicates that the seller accepts to supply the goods or services requested in the Purchase Order and Purchase Order Change Request, but requires changes in the Heading as well as Detail Section. The following Semantic Note concern the use of the LIN segment and D/E 1229 Action Request Code for segment group 25. If the MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE is "30" indicating that there is amended detail data or "34" indicating amendments in the message, only the "amended" or "referenced" LIN segments, and all their subordinate segments, need to be included in the detail section. If the MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE is other than "30" or "34" there are no amendments to the detail section and the entire section is not required in the message. However for positive acknowledgement purposes, users may wish to resend the entire detail section of the ORDERS or ORDCHG message. The value of the ACTION REQUEST CODE in the included LIN segment will indicate the extent of amendment or reference use. If the line item has not yet been processed and is not being formally acknowledged an ACTION REQUEST CODE "4" indicates "NO ACTION". If the seller accepts to supply the line item an ACTION REQUEST CODE (D/E 1229) "5" indicates "ACCEPTED WITHOUT AMENDMENT". If the seller accepts to supply the line item, but requires one or more amendments to the terms set out in the referenced message, as indicated by the data following the LIN segment. An ACTION REQUEST CODE "6" indicates "ACCEPTED WITH AMENDMENT". If the seller declines to supply the line items in a Purchase Order, or in a Purchase Order Change Request an ACTION REQUEST CODE "7" indicates "NOT ACCEPTED". If the seller indicates that a request for change on this line item cannot be processed as the referenced item cannot be located in his application system an ACTION REQUEST CODE "10" indicates "NOT FOUND". If the line item has not changed in status and no action has been taken, and the item is transmitted for information purposes or positioning an ACTION REQUEST CODE "11" indicates "NOT AMENDED".
Contents of ORDRSP