UNTDID - D.95A Index of message types by name
1.2 Index of message types by name
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions,
notes and functions
a minus sign (-) for a deletion
a X sign (X) for marked for deletion
Code Name Status Rev
+ DOCAMA Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit 1 1
CONAPW Advice on pending works message 1 1
+ APERAK Application error and acknowledgement message 1 1
* IFTMAN Arrival notice message 2 3
*| AUTHOR Authorization message 1 2
BOPCUS Balance of payment customer transaction report 1 1
BOPINF Balance of payment information from customer 1 1
BOPBNK Bank transactions and portfolio transactions 1 1
report message
* BANSTA Banking status message 1 2
| BAPLIE Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty 2 2
locations message
| BAPLTE Bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message 2 2
IFTMBC Booking confirmation message 2 2
+ CALINF Call info message 1 1
HANMOV Cargo/goods handling and movement message 1 1
COMDIS Commercial dispute message 1 1
+ COPARN Container announcement message 1 1
+ COPRAR Container discharge/loading order message 1 1
+ COARRI Container discharge/loading report message 1 1
+ CODECO Container gate-in/gate-out report message 1 1
+ COPINO Container pre-notification message 1 1
+ COREOR Container release order message 1 1
+ COHAOR Container special handling order message 1 1
+ COEDOR Container stock report message 1 1
+ COSTCO Container stuffing/stripping confirmation 1 1
+ COSTOR Container stuffing/stripping order message 1 1
* CREADV Credit advice message 2 2
RECECO Credit risk cover message 1 1
CUSCAR Customs cargo report message 2 2
CUSREP Customs conveyance report message 2 1
* CUSDEC Customs declaration message 2 2
* CUSEXP Customs express consignment declaration 1 2
CUSRES Customs response message 2 2
+ IFTIAG Dangerous cargo list message 1 1
IFTDGN Dangerous goods notification message 1 1
* DEBADV Debit advice message 2 2
DELJIT Delivery just in time message 2 2
* DELFOR Delivery schedule message 2 2
* DESADV Despatch advice message 2 3
* BOPDIR Direct balance of payment declaration message 1 1
*| DIRDEB Direct debit message 1 2
* CONDPV Direct payment valuation message 2 2
*| DOCADV Documentary credit advice message 1 2
+ DOCAMI Documentary credit amendment information 1 1
*| DOCAPP Documentary credit application message 1 2
*| DOCINF Documentary credit issuance information 1 2
+ CONDRA Drawing administration message 1 1
+ CONDRO Drawing organisation message 1 1
* CONEST Establishment of contract message 2 2
* CREEXT Extended credit advice message 2 2
* PAYEXT Extended payment order message 2 2
+ FINCAN Financial cancellation message 1 1
+ FINSTA Financial statement of an account message 1 1
* IFTMBF Firm booking message 2 3
* IFCSUM Forwarding and consolidation summary message 2 3
IFTRIN Forwarding and transport rate information 1 1
IFTSAI Forwarding and transport schedule and 1 1
availability information message
IFTCCA Forwarding and transport shipment charge 1 1
calculation message
+ GESMES Generic statistical message 1 1
* IFTMCS Instruction contract status message 2 3
* IFTMIN Instruction message 2 3
INSPRE Insurance premium message 1 1
PRPAID Insurance premium payment message 1 1
* IFTSTA International multimodal status report message 1 3
IFTSTQ International multimodal status request 1 1
* INVRPT Inventory report message 2 2
* CONITT Invitation to tender message 2 2
* INVOIC Invoice message 2 3
+ CREMUL Multiple credit advice message 1 1
+ DEBMUL Multiple debit advice message 1 1
* PAYMUL Multiple payment order message 1 2
PARTIN Party information message 2 2
PAXLST Passenger list message 2 1
*| PAYORD Payment order message 2 2
* CONPVA Payment valuation message 2 2
PAYDUC Payroll deductions advice message 2 1
+ CODENO Permit expiration/clearance ready notice 1 1
* PRICAT Price/sales catalogue message 1 2
PRODEX Product exchange reconciliation message 1 1
IFTMBP Provisional booking message 2 2
* ORDCHG Purchase order change request message 2 3
* ORDERS Purchase order message 2 3
* ORDRSP Purchase order response message 2 3
| QALITY Quality data message 2 3
CONQVA Quantity valuation message 2 1
* QUOTES Quote message 2 3
* REMADV Remittance advice message 2 3
+ DOCAMR Request for an amendment of a documentary 1 1
credit message
* REQDOC Request for document message 1 2
* REQOTE Request for quote message 2 3
CONRPW Response of pending works message 1 1
+ DOCARE Response to an amendment of a documentary 1 1
credit message
SLSRPT Sales data report message 1 1
| SLSFCT Sales forecast message 1 1
SANCRT Sanitary/phytosanitary certificate message 1 1
STATAC Statement of account message 2 1
MOVINS Stowage instruction message 1 1
| SUPCOT Superannuation contributions advice message 2 1
| SUPMAN Superannuation maintenance message 2 1
* CONTEN Tender message 2 2
+ VESDEP Vessel departure message 1 1
CONWQD Work item quantity determination message 1 1
Contents of D.95A