Change indicators

EMP EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Function: To specify employment details. 010 9003 EMPLOYMENT QUALIFIER M an..3 020 C948 EMPLOYMENT CATEGORY C 9005 Employment category, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 9004 Employment category C an..35 030 C951 OCCUPATION C 9009 Occupation, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 9008 Occupation C an..35 040 C950 QUALIFICATION CLASSIFICATION C 9007 Qualification classification, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 9006 Qualification classification C an..35 050 3494 JOB TITLE C an..35
Index of D.95A segments