Change Indicators
* 4279 Payment terms type qualifier
Desc: Identification of the type of payment terms.
Repr: an..3
1 Basic
Payment conditions normally applied.
2 End of month
Self explanatory.
3 Fixed date
Self explanatory.
4 Deferred
Self explanatory.
5 Discount not applicable
Self explanatory.
6 Mixed
Different payment terms negotiated under a documentary
7 Extended
Self explanatory.
8 Basic discount offered
Self explanatory.
9 Proximo
Occurring in the next month after present.
10 Instant
Payment is due on receipt of invoice.
11 Elective
Payment terms to be chosen by buyer (from options
separately advised).
* 12 10 days after end of month
Payment due ten days after end of a calendar month.
13 Seller to advise buyer
Seller will advise buyer of payment terms by separate
14 Paid against statement
Self explanatory.
15 No charge
Self explanatory.
16 Not yet defined
Self explanatory.
17 Ultimo
Payment is due the end of the current or specified month.
18 Previously agreed upon
Self explanatory.
20 Penalty terms
Self explanatory.
21 Payment by installment
Self explanatory.
22 Discount
Self explanatory.
23 Available by sight payment
Payment made at sight.
24 Available by deferred payment
Payment made at deferred date.
25 Available by acceptance
Payment on acceptance.
26 Available by negotiation with any bank
Payment made by negotiation with any bank.
27 Available by negotiation with any bank in ...
Payment made by negotiation with any bank in a specified
28 Available by negotiation by named bank
Payment made by negotiation with a specified financial
29 Available by negotiation
Payment made by negotiation.
30 Adjustment payment
Payment adjusted for outstanding credits or debits.
31 Late payment
Payment after due date.
32 Advanced payment
Payment in advance of due date.
+ 33 Payment by instalments according to progress (as agreed)
Payment by instalments according to progress (as agreed).
+ 34 Payment by instalments according to progress (to be agreed)
Payment by instalments according to progress (to be
ZZZ Mutually defined
Self explanatory.
Index of D.95A data elements