Change Indicators
4493 Delivery requirements, coded
Desc: Indication of general instruction for delivery.
Repr: an..3
BK Ship partial - balance back order
Partial shipping is allowed. The rest of the order should
be delivered as soon as possible.
CD Cancel if not delivered by date
An order or the rest of an order should be cancelled if
not delivered at specified date.
DA Do not deliver after
Self explanatory.
DB Do not deliver before
Self explanatory.
DD Deliver on date
An order should be delivered exactly on specified date.
IS Substitute item
A substitute item may be delivered, if the ordered item
is not available.
P1 No schedule established
Self explanatory.
P2 Ship as soon as possible
The order should be delivered as soon as possible.
SC Ship complete order
The order should be delivered only complete, not partial.
SF Ship partial, if no freight rate increase
Partial shipping of an order is allowed, if the total
freight rate do not increase.
SP Ship partial - balance cancel
Partial shipping is allowed. The rest of the order should
be cancelled.
Index of D.95A data elements