Change Indicators
* 5153 Duty/tax/fee type, coded
Desc: Identification of the type of duty or tax or fee applicable to
commodities or of tax applicable to services.
Repr: an..3
AAA Petroleum tax
Self explanatory.
+ AAB Provisional countervailing duty cash
Countervailing duty paid in cash prior to a formal
finding of subsidization by Customs.
ADD Anti-dumping duty
Duty applied to goods ruled to have been dumped in an
import market at a price lower than that in the
exporter's domestic market.
BOL Stamp duty (Imposta di Bollo)
Tax required in Italy, which may be fixed or graduated in
various circumstances (e.g. VAT exempt documents or bank
CAP Agricultural levy
Levy imposed on agricultural products where there is a
difference between the selling price between trading
CAR Car tax
Self explanatory.
COC Paper consortium tax (Italy)
Description to be provided.
CST Commodity specific tax
Tax related to a specified commodity, e.g. illuminants,
CUD Customs duty
Duties laid down in the Customs tariff, to which goods
are liable on entering or leaving the Customs territory
CVD Countervailing duty
A duty on imported goods applied for compensate for
subsidies granted to those goods in the exporting
ENV Environmental tax
Tax assessed for funding or assuring environmental
protection or clean-up.
EXC Excise duty
Customs or fiscal authorities code to identify a specific
or ad valorem levy on a specific commodity, applied
either domestically or at time of importation.
EXP Agricultural export rebate
Monetary rebate given to the seller in certain
circumstances when agricultural products are exported.
FET Federal excise tax
Tax levied by the federal government on the manufacture
of specific items.
FRE Free
Self explanatory.
GCN General construction tax
General tax for construction.
GST Goods and services tax
Tax levied on the final consumption of goods and services
throughout the production and distribution chain.
ILL Illuminants tax
Tax of illuminants.
IMP Import tax
Tax assessed on imports.
IND Individual tax
Self explanatory.
LAC Business license fee
Government assessed charge for permit to do business.
LCN Local construction tax
Local tax for construction.
LDP Light dues payable
Fee levied on a vessel to pay for port navigation lights.
LOC Local sales taxes
Assessment charges on sale of goods or services by city,
borough country or other taxing authorities below
state/provincial level.
LST Lust tax
Tax imposed for clean-up of leaky underground storage
MCA Monetary compensatory amount
Levy on Common Agricultural Policy (EC) goods used to
compensate for fluctuating currencies between member
MCD Miscellaneous cash deposit
Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an
investigation period prior to a final decision being made
on any aspect related to imported goods (except
valuation) by Customs.
OTH Other taxes
Unspecified, miscellaneous tax charges.
PDB Provisional duty bond
Anti-dumping duty paid by posting a bond during an
investigation period prior to a formal decision on
dumping by Customs.
PDC Provisional duty cash
Anti-dumping duty paid in cash prior to a formal finding
of dumping by Customs.
PRF Preference duty
Self explanatory.
SCN Special construction tax
Special tax for construction.
SSS Shifted social securities
Social securities share of the invoice amount to be paid
directly to the social securities collector.
STT State/provincial sales tax
All applicable sale taxes by authorities at the state or
provincial level, below national level.
SUP Suspended duty
Duty suspended or deferred from payment.
SUR Surtax
A tax or duty applied on and in addition to existing
duties and taxes.
SWT Shifted wage tax
Wage tax share of the invoice amount to be paid directly
to the tax collector(s office).
TAC Alcohol mark tax
Self explanatory.
TOT Total
Self explanatory.
TOX Turnover tax
Tax levied on the total sales/turnover of a corporation.
TTA Tonnage taxes
Tax levied based on the vessel's net tonnage.
VAD Valuation deposit
Duty paid and held on deposit, by Customs, during an
investigation period prior to a formal decision on
valuation of the goods being made.
VAT Value added tax
A tax on domestic or imported goods applied to the value
added at each stage in the production/distribution cycle.
Index of D.95A data elements