Change Indicators
7143 Item number type, coded Desc: Identification of the type of item number. Repr: an..3 AA Product version number Number assigned by manufacturer or seller to identify the release of a product. AB Assembly Self explanatory. AC HIBC (Health Industry Bar Code) Article identifier used within health sector to indicate data used conforms to HIBC. BO Buyers color Code given by the buyer for the color of an article. BP Buyer's part number Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article. CC Industry commodity code The codes given to certain commodities by an industry. CG Commodity grouping Code for a group of articles with common characteristics (e.g. used for statistical purposes). CL Color number Code for the color of an article. CR Contract number Reference number identifying a contract. CV Customs article number Code defined by Customs authorities to an article or a group of articles for Customs purposes. DR Drawing revision number Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to a drawing. DW Drawing Reference number identifying a drawing of an article. EC Engineering change level Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to an article's specification. EF Material code Code defining the material's type, surface, geometric form plus various classifying characteristics. EN International Article Numbering Association (EAN) Number assigned to a manufacturer's product according to the International Article Numbering Association. GS General specification number Self explanatory. HS Harmonised system Self explanatory. IB ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Self explanatory. IN Buyer's item number Self explanatory. IS ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) Self explanatory. IT Buyer's style number Number given by the buyer to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments. IZ Buyer's size code Code given by the buyer to designate the size of an article in textile and shoe industry. MA Machine number Self explanatory. MF Manufacturer's (producer's) article number The number given to an article by its manufacturer. MN Model number Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to differentiate variations in similar products in a class or group. MP Product/service identification number Reference number identifying a product or service. NB Batch number Self explanatory. ON Customer order number Reference number of a customer's order. PD Part number description Reference number identifying a description associated with a number ultimately used to identify an article. PL Purchaser's order line number Reference number identifying a line entry in a customer's order for goods or services. PO Purchase order number Reference number identifying a customer's order. PV Promotional variant number Self explanatory. QS Buyer's qualifier for size Self explanatory. RC Returnable container number Reference number identifying a returnable container. RN Release number Reference number identifying a release from a buyer's purchase order. RU Run number Self explanatory. RY Record keeping of model year Self explanatory. SA Supplier's article number Number assigned to an article by the supplier of that article. SG Standard group of products (mixed assortment) Self explanatory. SK SKU (Stock keeping unit) Reference number of a stock keeping unit. SN Serial number Number assigned to a series of a product. SRS RSK number Plumbing and heating. SS Supplier's supplier article number Article number referring to a sales catalogue of supplier's supplier. ST Style number Number given to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments. TG Transport group number Additional number to form article groups for packing and/or transportation purposes. UA Ultimate customer's article number Number assigned by ultimate customer to identify relevant article. UP UPC (Universal product code) Number assigned to a manufacturer's product by the Product Code Council. VN Vendor item number Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying a product/service/article. VP Vendor's (seller's) part number Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying an article. VS Vendor's supplemental item number Self explanatory. VX Vendor specification number Self explanatory. ZZZ Mutually defined Self explanatory.
Index of D.95A data elements