Change Indicators
* 7187 Process type identification Desc: Specification of a process or subprocess. Repr: an..17 1 Wood preparation Self explanatory. 2 Causticizing Self explanatory. 3 Digesting Self explanatory. 4 Brownstock washing Self explanatory. 5 Bleaching Self explanatory. 6 Pulp drying Self explanatory. + 7 Freezing Freezing process. + 8 Processing of structured information The information to be processed is in structured form. + 9 Processing of identical information in structured and unstructured form The information to be processed is identical and given in structured and unstructured form. + 10 Processing of different information in structured and unstructured form The information to be processed is different and is given in structured and unstructured form. + 11 Processing of unstructured information The information to be processed is in unstructured form.
Index of D.95A data elements