UNTDID - D.95A Service code list

2.   Service code list

     Change indicators

     a plus sign (+)    for an addition
     an asterisk (*)    for an addition/subtraction/change to a entry
                        for a particular data element
     a pound sign (#)   for changes to names
     a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions,
                        notes and functions
     a minus sign (-)   for a deletion
     a X sign (X)       for marked for deletion


  0001  Syntax identifier

  Desc: Coded identification of the agency controlling a syntax and
        syntax level used in an interchange.

  Repr: a4

   UNOA   UN/ECE level A
             As defined in ISO 9735.
   UNOB   UN/ECE level B
             As defined in ISO 9735.
   UNOC   UN/ECE level C
             As defined in ISO 9735.
   UNOD   UN/ECE level D
             As defined in ISO 9735.
   UNOE   UN/ECE level E
             As defined in ISO 9735.
   UNOF   UN/ECE level F
             As defined in ISO 9735.


  0007  Partner identification code qualifier

  Desc: Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers
        of interchanging partners.

  Repr: an..4

        1 DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet)
             Self explanatory.
        4 IATA (International Air Transport Association)
             Self explanatory.
        5 INSEE/SIRET
             Self explanatory.
        8 UPC (Uniform Product Code)
             Self explanatory.
        9 DUNS with 4 digit suffix
             Self explanatory.
       12 Telephone number
             Self explanatory.
       14 EAN (European Article Numbering Association)
             Self explanatory.
       18 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
             Self explanatory.
       22 INSEE/SIREN
             Self explanatory.
       30 ISO 6523: Organization identification
             Self explanatory.
       31 DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung)
             German standardization institute.
       33 BfA (Bundesversicherungsanstalt fuer Angestellte)
             German social security association.
       34 National Statistical Agency
             Self explanatory.
       51 General Electric Information Services
             Self explanatory.
       52 IBM Network Services
             Self explanatory.
       53 Datenzentrale des Einzelhandels, Germany
             German data centre for retail trade.
       54 Bundesverband der Deutschen Baustoffhaendler, Germany
             German building material trade association.
       55 Bank identifier code
             Self explanatory.
       56 Statens Teleforvaltning
             Norwegian telecommunications regulatory authority (NTRA).
       57 KTNet
             Korea Trade Network Services.
       58 UPU (Universal Postal Union)
             Self explanatory.
       59 ODETTE
             Organization for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission
             in Europe (European automotive industry project).
       91 Assigned by seller or seller's agent
             Self explanatory.
       92 Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent
             Self explanatory.
   ZZZ    Mutually defined
             Self explanatory.


  0025  Recipient's reference/password qualifier

  Desc: Qualifier for the recipient's reference or password.

  Repr: an2

  Note: To be used as specified in the partners interchange agreement.

   AA     Reference
             Self explanatory.
   BB     Password
             Self explanatory.


  0029  Processing priority code

  Desc: Code determined by the sender requesting processing priority
        for the interchange.

  Repr: a1

   A      Highest priority
             Self explanatory.


  0031  Acknowledgement request

  Desc: Code determined by the sender for acknowledgement of the

  Repr: n1

        1 Requested
             Acknowledgement is requested.


  0035  Test indicator

  Desc: Indication that the interchange is a test.

  Repr: n1

        1 Interchange is a test
             Self explanatory.


  0051  Controlling agency

  Desc: Code identifying the agency controlling the specification,
        maintenance and publication of the message type.

  Repr: an..2

             French construction project.
   AB     DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung)
             German standardization institute.
   AC     ICS (International Chamber of Shipping)
             Self explanatory.
   AD     UPU (Union Postale Universelle)
             Universal Postal Union.
   CC     CCC (Customs Co-operation Council)
             Self explanatory.
   CE     CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie
             EDI project for chemical industry.
   EC     EDICON
             UK Construction project.
   ED     EDIFICE (Electronic industries project)
             EDI Forum for companies with Interest in Computing and
             Electronics (EDI project for EDP/ADP sector).
   EE     EC + EFTA (European Communities and European Free Trade
             Self explanatory.
   EN     EAN (European Article Numbering Association)
             Self explanatory.
   ER     UIC (International Union of railways)
             European railways.
   EU     European Union
             Self explanatory.
   EX     IECC (International Express Carriers Conference)
             Self explanatory.
   IA     IATA (International Air Transport Association)
             Self explanatory.
   KE     KEC (Korea EDIFACT Committee)
             Self explanatory.
   LI     LIMNET
             UK Insurance project.
   OD     ODETTE
             Organization for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission
             in Europe (European automotive industry project).
   RI     RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network)
             Self explanatory.
   RT     UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4/GE.1/EDIFACT Rapporteurs' Teams
             Self explanatory.
   UN     UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4, United Nations Standard Messages (UNSM)
             UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), Committee on
             the development of trade (TRADE), Working Party on
             facilitation of international trade procedures (WP.4).


  0057  Association assigned code

  Desc: Code, assigned by the association responsible for the design
        and maintenance of the message type concerned, which  further
        identifies the message.

  Repr: an..6

  Note: Use codes defined by association given in 0051.


* 0065  Message type identifier

  Desc: Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its
        controlling agency.

  Repr: an..6

+  APERAK  Application error and acknowledgement message
             The function of this message is:
             a)  to inform a message issuer that his message has been
             received by the addressee's application and has been
             rejected due to errors encountered during its processing
             in the application.
             b)  to acknowledge to a message issuer the receipt of his
             message by the addressee's application.
   AUTHOR Authorization message
             Message sent by the Ordering Customer (or Payor or Agent
             on behalf of the Ordering Customer) or by a third party
             having authority on the Ordering Customer's payments to
             the Ordered Bank, to authorize the Ordered Bank to
             execute a given financial transaction.
             This financial transaction might relate to both: multiple
             messages like PAYMUL and DIRDEB and single instruction
             messages like PAYORD and PAYEXT.
             An Authorisation Message could also be sent from the
             Ordered Bank to the Ordering Customer or its
             Authorisation Authority to request authorisation for a
             given financial transaction.
   BANSTA Banking status message
             Message sent by the receiver of a previously sent-message
             to report on the status of processing of this original
             message. It indicates, at the application level, the
             acceptance or rejection of the message or the ability for
             the receiver of the message to execute or not the
             instructions received.
   BAPLIE Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message
             Message to transmit information about equipment and goods
             on a means of transport, including their location on the
             means of transport. The message can be exchanged between
             (liner's) agents, tonnage centers, stevedores and ships
   BAPLTE Bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message
             Message to transmit information about the total numbers
             of equipment and quantity of goods on a means of
             transport. The message can be exchanged between (liner's)
             agents, tonnage centers, stevedores and ships
   BOPBNK Bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message
             Message sent by banks to the Balance of Payment (BOP)
             compiler for reporting of the banks' own transactions,
             aggregated individual customer transactions and portfolio
             transactions. The message could also be used for
             reporting the assets and liabilities positions of the
   BOPCUS Balance of payment customer transaction report message
             Message sent by banks to the Balance of Payment (BOP)
             compiler for reporting - one by one - individual customer
             transactions (debit and credit) processed during a
             specific time period. Actually, this transaction
             information can be distilled - one by one- from PAYORD /
              PAYMUL / PAYEXT and BOPINF messages respectively.
   BOPDIR Direct balance of payment declaration message
             Message sent by non-bank residents to report directly to
             the Balance of Payment (BOP) compiler on: transactions
             via bank accounts held at a resident bank, transactions
             via bank accounts held at a non-resident bank,
             transactions and clearing via accounts with non-bank non-
             residents,  foreign assets and liabilities, information
             in the context of a BOP-related survey (stocks and
             flows); for those countries which base their compilation
             of the BOP on surveys.
   BOPINF Balance of payment information from customer message
             Message sent by a payee to its bank on receipt of one
             specified amount as a settlement of a transaction with a
             non-resident. The Balance of Payment (BOP) compiler has
             to be informed of the transaction via the payee's bank.
+  CALINF Call info message
             A message from a liner agent to a stevedore providing
             information concerning the planned arrival of a vessel
             and the expected container operations.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COARRI Container discharge/loading report message
             A message by which the container terminal reports that
             the containers specified have been discharged from a
             seagoing vessel (discharged as ordered, overlanded or
             shortlanded), or have been loaded into a seagoing
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  CODECO Container gate-in/gate-out report message
             A message by which a terminal, depot, etc. confirms that
             the containers specified have been delivered or picked up
             by the inland carrier (road, rail or barge).  This
             message can also be used to report internal terminal
             container movements (excluding loading and discharging
             the vessel).
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  CODENO Permit expiration/clearance ready notice message
             Notice specifying the cargo for which either the validity
             of the permits/Customs documents expires at short notice
             or for which regulatory Customs clearance has taken
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COEDOR Container stock report message
             A message to report containers that are in stock of the
             sending party (i.e., a terminal, depot or container
             freight station).
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COHAOR Container special handling order message
             Order to perform a specified special handling and/or
             service on containers.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
   COMDIS Commercial dispute message
             Message providing notice of commercial dispute against
             one or more invoices is usually raised by the buyer to
             notify the seller that something was found wrong with the
             goods delivered or the services rendered (goods damaged,
             delivery incomplete, delivery late, etc.). The dispute
             must be resolved before the related invoice can be
             The message will be used to: - notify a dispute; -
             correspond about an existing dispute (structured
             information); - notify the settlement of a dispute.
             The message will serve at the same time as the dispute
             notice and as the dispute answer.
   CONAPW Advice on pending works message
             Message to enable a contractor who intends to start works
             to advise public authorities and water, gas, telephone,
             electricity distributors of his intention and to request
             them to send back plans or information under any form
             concerning existing networks.
   CONDPV Direct payment valuation message
             Message of instruction sent by the contractor to the
             party responsible for payments, to pay the subcontractors
             for work completed.
+  CONDRA Drawing administration message
             The message will be used for the administration of each
             exchange of a set of engineering/CAD files. It will give
             additional information about the files; for example,
             their nature, a list of their contents and technical
             information necessary to interpret them.
             The whole process of exchanging engineering or CAD
             (Computer Aided Design) files between different parties
             within one project will be supported by EDIFACT messages.
             The message CONDRA is one of these messages.
+  CONDRO Drawing organisation message
             The message CONDRO is intended to describe the general
             (project) organisation and structure, valid for a whole
             project or environment.
             The whole process of exchanging engineering or CAD
             (Computer Aided Design) files between  different parties
             within one project will be supported by EDIFACT messages.
             The message CONDRO is one of these messages.
   CONEST Establishment of contract message
             Message to formally establish and issue the contractual
             Bill of Quantities (BoQ). This documentation becomes the
             contractual basis for all future work and payment for the
   CONITT Invitation to tender message
             At the pre-construction stage of a construction project,
             the Client will  wish to  appoint a  contractor  to
             execute  the works. The first step in this appointment
             process is to issue an invitation  to  tender  (ITT)  to
             contractors  this  will require a  commercial offer  to
             be  made by the contractor to the client.
   CONPVA Payment valuation message
             Message used between a contractor and the client's
             representative, during the process of approving the value
             and payment for work completed for a given period of
   CONQVA Quantity valuation message
             Message used by a contractor to submit progress details
             to a client or his representative. The message may be
             used also for subsets of the project where work has been
             contracted out to other parties. In these cases the
             exchange would be between the subcontractor and the party
             that subcontracted the work.
   CONRPW Response of pending works message
             Message to reply to a CONAPW message and to enable
             service providers to respond to a contractor giving
             details of any services and networks in the location
             where construction work is to be undertaken.
   CONTEN Tender message
             Message sent by main contractor or subcontractor for the
             purposes of submitting a tender which is a commercial
             offer to execute the project work defined in the bill of
             quantities within the invitation to tender.
   CONTRL Syntax and service report message
             Message syntactically acknowledging or rejecting, with
             error indication, a received interchange, functional
             group or message.
   CONWQD Work item quantity determination message
             Message used between a contractor and the client's
             representative or other partners within the construction
             process, for justifying the work item quantities given in
             messages that describe the work items or their progress
+  COPARN Container announcement message
             The message contains an order to release, to make
             available, to accept or to call down containers or to
             announce the impending arrival of containers.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COPINO Container pre-notification message
             A message by which an inland carrier notifies of the
             delivery or pick-up of containers.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COPRAR Container discharge/loading order message
             A message to order to the container terminal that the
             containers specified have to be discharged from a
             seagoing vessel or have to be loaded into a seagoing
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COREOR Container release order message
             Order to release containers, and giving permission for
             them to be picked up by or on behalf of a specified
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages.  These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COSTCO Container stuffing/stripping confirmation message
             Confirmation that specified goods/consignments have been
             stuffed into or stripped from LCL-containers.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages.  These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
+  COSTOR Container stuffing/stripping order message
             Order that specified goods/consignments are to be stuffed
             into (already or still to be delivered) or stripped from
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages.  These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.
   CREADV Credit advice message
             Message sent by the account servicing financial
             institution to the account owner to inform the account
             owner that its  account  has  been  or  will  be credited
             for  a specified amount on the date indicated, in
             settlement of the referenced business transaction(s).
   CREEXT Extended credit advice message
             Message sent by the account servicing financial
             institution to the account owner to inform the account
             owner that its account has been or will be credited for a
             specified amount on the date indicated, in settlement of
             the referenced business transaction(s), and to provide to
             the payee full details of the transactions to which the
             extended credit advice relates.
+  CREMUL Multiple credit advice message
             A Multiple Credit Advice message is sent by an Account
             Servicing Financial Institution to the Account Owner or
             to a third party, which has agreed bilaterally in
             advance, that its account(s) has been or will be credited
             for specified amount(s) on the date(s) indicated, in
             settlement of the referenced business transaction(s).
   CUSCAR Customs cargo report message
             Message to permit the transfer of data from a carrier to
             a Customs administration for the purpose of meeting
             Customs cargo reporting requirements.
   CUSDEC Customs declaration message
             Message to permit the transfer of data from a declarant
             to a Customs administration for the purpose of meeting
             legislative and/or operational requirements in respect of
             the declaration of goods for import, export or transit.
   CUSEXP  Customs express consignment declaration message
             Message to permit the transfer of data from an express
             carrier to a Customs administration for the purpose of
             meeting Customs cargo reporting and/or clearance
   CUSREP Customs conveyance report message
             Message to permit the transfer of data from a carrier to
             a Customs administration for the purpose of meeting
             Customs reporting requirements in respect of the means of
             transport on which the cargo is carried.
   CUSRES Customs response message
             Message to permit the transfer of data from a Customs
             administration to the sender of Customs data. It may also
             be used by Customs to transmit electronic Customs
             clearance of goods.
   DEBADV Debit advice message
             Message sent by the account servicing financial
             institution to the account owner to inform the account
             owner that its account has been or will be debited for a
             specified amount on the date indicated, in settlement of
             the referenced business transaction(s).
+  DEBMUL Multiple debit advice message
             A DEBMUL message is sent by an Account Servicing
             Financial Institution to the Account Owner or to a third
             party, which has agreed bilaterally in advance, that its
             account(s) has been or will be debited for specified
             amount(s) on the date(s) indicated, in settlement of the
             referenced business transaction(s).
   DELFOR Delivery schedule message
             Message from buyer to supplier giving product
             requirements regarding details for short term delivery
             instructions and/or medium to long term product/service
             forecast for planning purposes according to conditions
             set out in a contract or order. The message can be used
             to authorize the commitment of labour and materials
   DELJIT Delivery just-in-time message
             Message providing the ability for a customer to convey
             precise delivery sequence and just-in-time schedule
             requirements to a supplier, and is intended to supplement
             the delivery schedule message (DELFOR).
   DESADV Despatch advice message
             Message specifying details for goods despatched or ready
             for despatch under agreed conditions.
   DIRDEB Direct debit message
             Message sent by the creditor to the creditor's bank
             instructing it to claim specified amounts from the
             debtor(s) and to credit these amounts to a single account
             it services for the creditor in settlement of the
             referenced transaction(s).
   DOCADV Documentary credit advice message
             Message to indicate to the beneficiary the terms and
             conditions of a documentary credit that has been
             originated by the issuing bank and received by the
             advising bank (or an intermediary advising bank).
+  DOCAMA Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message
             The Advice of an Amendment of a Documentary Credit
             message is originated by the Advising Bank, or
             Intermediary Advising Bank, and sent to the Beneficiary.
             It is used to inform the Beneficiary of the terms and
             conditions of an amendment to a documentary credit
             requested by the Applicant.
+  DOCAMI Documentary credit amendment information message
             The Documentary Credit Amendment  Information message is
             used to indicate the terms and conditions of an amended
             documentary credit from the Issuing Bank to the Applicant
             and/or Applicant's Bank.
+  DOCAMR Request for an amendment of a documentary credit message
             The Request for an Amendment of a Documentary Credit
             originated by the Applicant, or Applicant's Bank, and
             sent to the Issuing Bank. It is issued to  request the
             Issuing Bank to amend the terms and conditions of an
             issued Documentary Credit or to cancel the Documentary
   DOCAPP Documentary credit application message
             Message from a party requesting the issuance of a
             documentary credit to the party providing such service.
             In this message, the conditions under which the sender of
             the message requires the documentary credit to be issued
             are given.
+  DOCARE Response to an amendment of a documentary credit message
             The Response to an Amendment of a Documentary Credit
             originated by the Beneficiary and sent to the parties
             involved in the documentary credit. It is issued to
             advise the acceptance or non acceptance of an amendment.
   DOCINF Documentary credit issuance information message
             Message to indicate the terms and conditions of an issued
             documentary credit from the issuing Bank to the applicant
             and/or the applicant's bank.
+  FINCAN Financial cancellation message
             A Financial Cancellation Message is sent by the Ordering
             Customer (or Payor or Agent on behalf of the Ordering
             Customer)or by a third party having authority on the
             Ordering Customer's payments to the Ordered Bank to
             request cancellation of a given financial message or
+  FINSTA Financial statement of an account message
             This message can be used to cater for various
             communication functions between financial institutions
             and their customers.  The most frequent function is to
             provide a statement of booked items confirming entries on
             a customer's account. The message type may contain
             several accounts (quoted in the B-level).
+  GESMES Generic statistical message
             The compilation of statistics is a continuous chain
             starting with raw data collection, followed by a number
             of harmonization and aggregation processes leading to
             aggregated statistical data.
             Raw data collection is realized by means of surveys,
             sampling, direct reporting from individuals, economic
             operators.  Harmonization and aggregation processes are
             very often handled by statistical bodies or authorized
             economic operators in case of direct reporting.
             A Generic Statistical Message (GESMES) is used by an
             organisation involved in this elaboration process to
             transmit a statistical data set.
             It permits the transmission of the following, either in
             the same and/or different messages:
             -the statistical concepts comprising the data set and
             their structure
             -if required, all related information ( code sets,
             labels, methodological notes, footnotes, etc.),
             -the statistical figures of the data set.
             This message could be used by producers and users of
             statistical information such as: National Statistical
             Offices, ministries, private and public administrations,
             private companies etc.
   HANMOV Cargo/goods handling and movement message
             Message from a party to a warehouse/distribution centre
             identifying the handling services and where required the
             movement of specified goods, limited to warehouses within
             the jurisdiction of the distribution centre.
   IFCSUM International forwarding and consolidation summary message
             Message used for consolidation purposes from a party
             arranging forwarding and transport services to the party
             for which the transport of the consolidated cargo is
             destined. The message can be used to exchange information
             concerning the consolidated cargo between forwarders,
             carriers and agents enabling those parties to handle the
             consignments included in the consolidation. In addition
             it can be used for a collection of consignments
             originating from one shipper for forwarding and transport
   IFTCCA Forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message
             Message to request the calculation of the transport
             charges of a specific shipment and to answer to such a
   IFTDGN Dangerous goods notification message
             Message from the party responsible to declare the
             dangerous goods (e.g.  carrier's agent, freight
             forwarder) to the party acting on behalf of  the local
             authority performing the checks on conformance with the
             legal requirements on the control of dangerous goods,
             normally Port Authority, conveying the information
             relating to one conveyance/voyage of a means of transport
             such as a vessel, train, truck or barge, on the dangerous
             goods being loaded, unloaded, and/or in transit.
+  IFTIAG Dangerous cargo list message
             The International Forwarding and Transport Dangerous
             Cargo List Message is a message:
             - from the party acting on behalf of the carrier for the
             gathering of the dangerous goods information of the cargo
             in a certain port or place of call or loading,
             - to the party acting on behalf of the carrier in the
             next port or place of call or discharge,
             conveying the information relating to one conveyance or
             voyage of a means of transport such as a vessel, train,
             truck or barge, on the dangerous goods being carried on
             board - irrespective of the operations that will take
             place in the next port of call.
             This message provides the basic information by which the
             message recipient can notify to the local authorities
             about the loading, unloading and transit-related
             operations, by means of the International forwarding and
             transport dangerous goods notification message (IFTDGN).
   IFTMAN Arrival notice message
             Message from the party providing forwarding and/or
             transport services to the party such as has been
             indicated in the contract, giving notice and details of
             the arrival of the consignment.
   IFTMBC Booking confirmation message
             Message from the party providing forwarding and/or
             transport services to the party booking those services
             giving the confirmation information to the booking of the
             consignment concerned. A confirmation might read that the
             booking of a consignment is accepted, pending,
             conditionally accepted or rejected. The conditions under
             which requested services take place may be given in this
   IFTMBF Firm booking message
             Message from a  party definitely booking forwarding
             and/or transport services for a consignment to the party
             providing those services. The message will contain the
             conditions under which the sender of the messages
             requires the services to take place.
   IFTMBP Provisional booking message
             Message from a party requesting space and/or giving brief
             details of a planned consignment for forwarding and/or
             transport services to the party providing those services.
             In this message, the conditions under which the planned
             transport should take place can be given.
   IFTMCS Instruction contract status message
             Message from the party providing the transport/forwarding
             services to the party that issued the instructions for
             those services stating the actual details, terms and
             conditions (charges when applicable) of the service and
             of the consignment involved. In addition it can be used
             for the exchange of contract information between carriers
   IFTMIN Instruction message
             Message from the party issuing an instruction regarding
             forwarding/transport services for a consignment under
             conditions agreed, to the party arranging the forwarding
             and/or transport services.
   IFTRIN Forwarding and transport rate information message
             Message to request transport rate information and to
             answer to such a message.
   IFTSAI Forwarding and transport schedule and availability
          information message
             Message to request transport schedule or availability
             information and to answer such a request.
   IFTSTA International multimodal status report message
             Message to report the transport status and/or a change in
             the transport status (i.e. event) between agreed parties.
   IFTSTQ  International multimodal status request message
             Message to request an international multimodal status
             report message (IFTSTA) in order to provide details
             relating to transport status and/or a change in the
             transport status between agreed parties.
   INSPRE Insurance premium message
             Message used by communicating parties to notify the
             recipient about premiums due from a client. All
             information needed to produce a detailed request for
             payment can be sent.
   INVOIC Invoice message
             Message claiming payment for goods or services supplied
             under conditions agreed between the seller and the buyer.
             The UNSM invoice message, with correct data
             qualification, serves also as the specification for debit
             note and credit note messages.
   INVRPT Inventory report message
             Message specifying information relating to held
             inventories. The inventory report message is intended to
             be used in either direction between trading partners.
   MOVINS Stowage instruction message
             Message containing details of one means of transport
             vehicle, giving instructions regarding the loading,
             discharging and restowage of equipment and/or cargoes and
             the location on the means of transport where the
             operation must take place.
   ORDCHG Purchase order change message
             Message from the buyer to the seller, specifying details
             of the buyer's request to change a purchase order.
   ORDERS Purchase order message
             Message specifying details for goods or services ordered
             under conditions agreed between the seller and the buyer.
   ORDRSP Purchase order response message
             Message from the seller to the buyer, responding to a
             purchase order message or a purchase order change
             request message.
   PARTIN Party information message
             Message to enable the transmission of basic information
             regarding locations and the related operational,
             administrative, financial, manufacturing and trading
   PAXLST Passenger list message
             Message to permit the transfer of passenger/crew data
             (where national privacy legislation permits and with
             agreement of all parties involved) from a customs,
             immigration or other designated authority in the country
             of departure to the appropriate authorities in the
             country of arrival of the means of transport.
   PAYDUC Payroll deductions advice message
             Message sent by a party to a service providing
             organisation, to  detail payments by payroll deductions,
             on behalf of employees, made to the service providing
   PAYEXT Extended payment order message
             Message sent by the ordering customer (or payor or agent
             on behalf  of the ordering customer) to the ordered bank,
             to instruct the ordered bank to debit an account it
             services for the ordering customer, and to arrange for
             the payment of a specified amount to the beneficiary (or
             payee or agent in favour of beneficiary) in settlement of
             the referenced business transaction(s), and to provide to
             the payee full details of the transactions to which the
             extended payment order relates.
   PAYMUL Multiple payment order message
             Message sent by the ordering customer (or payor or agent
             on behalf of the ordering customer) to the ordered bank,
             to instruct the ordered bank to debit an account it
             services for the ordering customer, and to arrange for
             the payment of specified amounts to several beneficiaries
             (or payees) in settlement of the referenced business
   PAYORD Payment order message
             Message sent by the ordering customer (or payor or agent
             on behalf of the ordering customer) to the ordered bank,
             to  instruct the ordered bank to debit an account it
             services for the ordering customer, and to arrange for
             the payment of a specified amount to the beneficiary (or
             payee or agent  in favour of beneficiary) in settlement
             of the referenced business transaction(s).
   PRICAT Price/sales catalogue message
             Message to enable the transmission of information
             regarding pricing and catalogue details for goods and
             services offered by a seller to a buyer.
   PRODEX Product exchange reconciliation message
             Message used as a communication between two trading
             partners with agreements for the loan of products to each
             other, to provide information about movements of products
             from and to various locations on particular dates.
   PRPAID Insurance premium payment message
             Message used by communicating parties to notify the
             recipient about premiums to be collected, paid, not paid
             or partly paid, either individually or in series via
             bordereaux or statements.
   QALITY Quality data message
             Message to enable the transmission of the results of
             tests performed to satisfy a specified product or process
             requirement. The content includes, but it is not limited
             to, test data and measurements, statistical information,
             and the testing methods employed.
   QUOTES Quote message
             Message which provides potential sellers with the ability
             to provide price, delivery schedule, and other conditions
             for potential sales of goods or services.
   RECECO Credit risk cover message
             Message to apply for preliminary credit assessment (used
             during negotiation with prospective clients); apply for
             credit protection; reply to credit requests; revise
             amount and expiry date of credit protection and terms;
             cancel credit protection.  The message will serve at the
             same time as the request for credit risk cover and as the
             answer (approval or rejection to that request).
   REMADV Remittance advice message
             Message which provides a detailed accounting relative to
             a payment, or other form of financial settlement, on a
             specified date for the provision of goods and/or services
             as detailed in the advice.
   REQDOC Request for document message
             Message to enable a party to request the sending, or re-
             sending, of data, either as a document or message, or in
             some other agreed form.
   REQOTE Request for quote message
             Message which provides potential buyers with the ability
             to solicit price, delivery schedule, and other conditions
             from potential sellers of goods or services.
   SANCRT Sanitary/phytosanitary certificate message
             Message to permit an inspection authority to attest to
             the status (health, hygiene, freedom from disease or
             insect pests) of animal, plant or fish product, and
             provides basic details about the means of conveyance of
             that product.
   SLSFCT Sales forecast message
             Message to enable the transmission of forecast data
             related to products or services, such as corresponding
             location, period, product identification, pricing,
             monetary amount, quantity, market sector information,
             sales parties. It enables the recipient to process the
             information automatically and use it for production,
             planning, marketing, statistical purposes, etc.
   SLSRPT Sales data report message
             Message to enable the transmission of sales data related
             to products or services, such as corresponding location,
             period, product identification, pricing, monetary amount,
             quantity, market sector information, sales parties. It
             enables the recipient to process the information
             automatically and use it for production, planning,
             marketing, statistical purposes, etc.
   STATAC Statement of account message
             Message from a seller or his agent to a buyer or his
             agent, providing information about the status of the
             account at a specific point in time. It is used as an aid
             to reconciliation. At the same time it may be a reminder
             of payment due.
   SUPCOT Superannuation contributions advice message
             Message sent by a party to an organisation administering
             a superannuation scheme, to detail contribution payments
             made for members of the superannuation scheme.
   SUPMAN Superannuation maintenance message
             Message sent by a party to an organisation administering
             a superannuation scheme, to specify membership
             maintenance information about superannuation scheme
+  VESDEP Vessel departure message
             A message from a stevedore to a liner agent informing the
             latter party of the closing of a vessel's file and giving
             information on the actual container operations.
             This message is part of a total set of container-related
             messages. These messages serve to facilitate the
             intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the
             information exchange.


  0073  First/last sequence message transfer indication

  Desc: Indication used for the first and last message in a sequence
        of the same type of message relating to the same topic.

  Repr: a1

   C      Creation
             First transmission of a number of transfers of the same
   F      Final
             Last transmission of a number of transfers of the same


  0081  Section identification

  Desc: A character identifying the next section in a message.

  Repr: a1

  Note: See ISO 9735 version 2.

   D      Header/detail section separation
             To qualify the segment UNS, when separating the header
             from the detail section of a message.
   S      Detail/summary section separation
             To qualify the segment UNS, when separating the detail
             from the summary section of a message.


  0083  Action, coded

  Desc: A code indicating acknowledgement, or rejection (the action
        taken) of a subject interchange, or part of the subject

  Repr: an..3

        1 Acknowledged (this level and all lower levels)
             Self explanatory.
        2 Acknowledged - errors detected and reported
             Self explanatory.
        3 One or more rejected - next lower level
             Self explanatory.
        4 This level and all lower levels rejected
             The corresponding referenced-level and all its lower
             referenced-levels are rejected. One or more errors are
             reported at this reporting-level or a lower reporting-
        5 UNB/UNZ accepted
             Self explanatory.
        6 UNB/UNZ rejected
             Self explanatory.
        7 This level acknowledged, next lower level acknowledged if
          not explicitly rejected
             The corresponding referenced-level is acknowledged. All
             messages or functional groups at the next lower
             referenced-level are acknowledged except those explicitly
             reported as rejected at the next lower reporting-level in
             this CONTRL message.
        8 Interchange received
             The subject interchange has been received. UNB, UNZ and
             UNA if present, is acknowledged. The other parts of the
             interchange will be acknowledged or rejected in a
             subsequent CONTRL message.


  0085  Syntax Error, coded

  Desc: A code indicating the syntax error detected.

  Repr: an..3

        1 UNA not supported
             Notification that the UNA character string cannot be
             understood or complied with.
        2 Syntax version or level not supported
             Notification that the syntax version and/or level is not
             supported by the recipient.
        3 Message version/release not supported
             Notification that the message type, version number and/or
             release number in the UNG and/or UNH segments are not
             supported by the recipient.
        4 Service segment missing/invalid
             Notification that a service segment is missing, contains
             invalid data or cannot be processed for any reason.
        5 Trailer check in error
             Notification that data contained in the trailer does not
             agree with data in the header and/or that the functional
             group or message or segment count is incorrect.
        6 Data segment missing/invalid
             Notification that a data segment is missing, contains
             invalid data or cannot be processed for any reason.
        7 Interchange recipient not actual recipient
             Notification that the Interchange recipient (S003) is
             different from the actual recipient.
        8 Too many data elements in segment
             Indication that a data segment contains too many data
        9 Mandatory data element missing
             Indication that a mandatory data element is missing in a
             service or data segment.
       10 Data element attribute error
             Indication that a data element does not conform to the
             relevant message or segment specification.
       11 Password invalid
             Indication that the password in segment UNB is invalid.
       12 Invalid value
             Notification that the value of a simple data element,
             composite data element or component data element does not
             conform to the relevant specifications for the value.
       13 Missing
             Notification that a mandatory (or otherwise required)
             service or user segment, data element, composite data
             element or component data element is missing
       14 Value not supported in this position
             Notification that the recipient does not support use of
             the specific value of an identified simple data element,
             composite data element or component data element in the
             position where it is used. The value may be valid
             according to the relevant specifications and may be
             supported if it is used in another position.
       15 Not supported in this position
             Notification that the recipient does not support use of
             the segment type, simple data element type, composite
             data element type or component data element type in the
             specific in the identified position.
       16 Too many constituents
             Notification that the identified segment contained to
             many data elements or that the identified composite data
             element contained too many component data elements.
       17 No agreement
             No agreement exist that allows receipt of an interchange,
             functional group or message with the value of the
             identified simple data element, composite data element or
             component data element.
       18 Unspecified error
             Notification that an error has been identified, but the
             nature of the error is not reported.
       19 Invalid decimal notation
             Notification that the character indicated as decimal
             notation in UNA is invalid, or the decimal notation used
             in a data element is not consistent with the one
             indicated in UNA.
       20 Character invalid as service character
             Notification that a character advised in UNA is invalid
             as service character.
       21 Invalid character(s)
             Notification that one or more character(s) used in the
             interchange is not a valid character as defined by the
             syntax level indicated in UNB. The invalid character is
             part of the referenced-level, or followed immediately
             after the identified part of the interchange.
       22 Invalid service character(s)
             Notification that the service character(s) used in the
             interchange is not a valid service character as advised
             in UNA or not one of the service characters in the syntax
             level indicated in UNB or defined in an interchange
             agreement. If the code is used in UCS or UCD, the invalid
             character followed immediately after the identified part
             of the interchange.
       23 Unknown Interchange sender
             Notification that the Interchange sender (S002) is
       24 Too old
             Notification that the received interchange or functional
             group is older than a limit specified in an IA or
             determined by the recipient.
       25 Test indicator not supported
             Notification that a test processing could not be
             performed for the identified interchange, functional
             group or message.
       26 Duplicate detected
             Notification that a possible duplication of a previously
             received interchange, functional group or message has
             been detected. The earlier transmission may have been
       27 Security function not supported
             Notification that a security function related to the
             referenced-level or data element is not supported.
       28 References do not match
             Notification that the control reference in UNB/UNG/UNH
             does not match the one in UNZ/UNE/UNT.
       29 Control count does not match number of instances received
             Notification that the number of functional groups/
             messages/segments does not match the number given in
       30 Functional groups and messages mixed
             Notification that individual messages and functional
             groups have been mixed at the same level in the
       31 More than one message type in group
             Notification that different message types are contained
             in a functional group.
       32 Lower level empty
             Notification that the interchange did not contain any
             messages or functional groups, or a functional group did
             not contain any messages.
       33 Invalid occurrence outside message or functional group
             Notification that an invalid segment or data element
             occurred in the interchange, between messages or between
             functional groups. Rejection is reported at the level
       34 Nesting indicator not allowed
             Notification that explicit nesting has been used in a
             message where it shall not be used.
       35 Too many segment repetitions
             Notification that a segment was repeated too many times.
       36 Too many segment group repetitions
             Notification that a segment group is repeated to many
       37 Invalid type of character(s)
             Notification that one or more numeric characters were
             used in an alphabetic (component) data element or that
             one or more alphabetic characters were used in a numeric
             (component) data element.
       38 Missing digit in front of decimal sign
             Notification that a decimal sign is not preceded by one
             or more digits.
       39 Data element too long
             Notification that the length of the data element received
             exceeded the maximum length specified in the data element
       40 Data element too short
             Notification that the length of the data element received
             is shorter than the minimum length specified in the data
             element description.
       41 Permanent communication network error
             Notification that a permanent error was reported by the
             communication network used for transfer of the
             interchange. Re-transmission of an identical interchange
             with the same parameters at network level will not
       42 Temporary communication network error
             Notification that a temporary error was reported by the
             communication network used for transfer of the
             interchange. Re-transmissions of an identical interchange
             may succeed.
       43 Unknown interchange recipient
             Notification that the interchange recipient is not known
             by a network provider.