This specification provides the definition of the Inventory
report message (INVRPT) to be used in Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in
administration, commerce and transport.
This paper provides the definition of the United Nations
Standard Inventory Report Message to be used in Electronic Data
Interchange between trading partners.
1.1 Functional Definition
A message specifying information relating to held inventories.
The Inventory report message is intended to be used in either
direction between trading partners.
1.2 Field of Application
The UN Standard Inventory Report Message may be applied for
both national and international trade. It is based on universal
commercial practice, and is not dependent on the type of
business or industry.
1.3 Principles
The exchanged information will relate to inventories of raw
materials, manufactured articles, or other stockable items, and
can be exchanged between a manufacturer and distributor
(wholesaler), or manufacturer and consignment holder, etc.
The message includes functionality to differentiate classes of
inventory, and to permit financial valuation of inventories
facilitating price protection claims, auditing, statutory
declarations, etc.
The specified quantities relating to a product can indicate
opening stock, closing stock, and goods movement (receipts or
withdrawals) of held inventory, for a given time frame.
The specified quantities can relate directly to a product or
package, and may be sub-detailed within different groups or
classes, e.g., batch, age, valuation, location, etc.
For every specified quantity it is possible to indicate the
relative package identifications of the physical units
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
Section 1.
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
Section 2.
4.1 Data Segment Clarification
This section should be read in conjunction with the Branching
Diagram and the Segment Table which indicate mandatory,
conditional and repeating requirements.
The following guide-lines and principles apply to the whole
message and are intended to facilitate the understanding and
implementation of the message:
All specified dates/times should be in the format 'yymmdd'
'hhmm' unless all the parties involved in the transaction agree
that there is a functional requirement for an alternative form.
Periods should be specified as whole numbers representing the
required period as indicated to the format qualifier (weeks,
months, etc.).
Where a choice of code or text is given only the code element
should be used wherever possible.
Conditional data that is not required in the message should not
be included.
Care must be taken that the segment qualifier in dependent
segments do not conflict with the segment qualifier of the
trigger segment of the group.
4.1.1 Header section
Information to be provided in the Header section:
0010 | UNH, Message header
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
The message type code for the Inventory report message is
Note: Inventory report messages conforming to this document
must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
Data element 0065 INVRPT
0052 D
0054 95B
0051 UN
0020 BGM, Beginning of message
A segment for unique identification of the Inventory Report
document, name and its number.
0030 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period related to the whole message.
0040 Segment group 1: RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references and where necessary,
their dates relating to the whole message, e.g., a contract,
dispatch advice number, etc.
0050 RFF, Reference
A segment for referencing documents relating to the whole
inventory report message, e.g., a contract, dispatch advice
number, etc.
0060 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the referred document.
0070 Segment group 2: NAD-LOC-SG3-SG4
A group of segments identifying names, addresses and locations
relevant to the whole message.
0080 NAD, Name and address
A segment for identifying names and addresses and their
functions relevant for the whole Inventory Report.
Indications of the parties involved is recommended for the
Inventory Report message. They are to be given in the NAD
segment. It is recommended that where possible only the
coded form of the party ID should be specified.
0090 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment indicating more details regarding specific
place/locations referred to in the NAD segment, e.g., the
location of held inventory.
0100 Segment group 3: RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references only relating to the
specified party, rather than the whole message.
0110 RFF, Reference
A segment for referencing documents and other numbers
pertinent to the NAD segment.
0120 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the referred document.
0130 Segment group 4: CTA-COM
A group of segments to identify person, function,
department, and where appropriate numbers to which the
communications should be directed.
0140 CTA, Contact information
A segment to identify person, function, department, to
whom communications should be directed.
0150 COM, Communication contact
Identifying communication types and numbers for the
entities specified in CTA, e.g., FAX, TELEX, telephone,
0160 Segment group 5: CUX-DTM
A group of segments to indicate currencies used for financial
0170 CUX, Currencies
A segment specifying currencies, and, if required, rates of
exchange for the whole message, e.g., evaluation currency.
0180 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the currencies.
4.1.2 Detail section
Information to be provided in the Detail section:
0190 Segment group 6: CPS-SG7
A group of segments providing details of all package levels of
the inventory report. This segment group provides the
capability to give the hierarchical relationship. The group
defines a local top-down packaging structure.
0200 CPS, Consignment packing sequence
A segment identifying the sequence in which packing has been
done, e.g. handling unit (pallet), package (box).
0210 Segment group 7: PAC-PCI-SG8
A group of segments identifying packaging, marks and
numbers, date and time information.
0220 PAC, Package
A segment specifying the number and type of packages.
DE7224, number of packages must not be used.
0230 PCI, Package identification
A segment specifying markings and labels used on
individual physical units (packages) described in the PAC
0240 Segment group 8: QTY-GIN-DTM
A group of segments providing package quantities with
package identification and relevant date/time
0250 QTY, Quantity
A segment to provide quantity information suitably
qualified for the packages referred to in the PAC
Segment, e.g., opening quantity, closing quantity,
adjustment quantity. This quantity segment may contain
any number of packages.
0260 GIN, Goods identity number
A segment to provide serial-, batch-, label- or
packaging number. These may be simple numbers or
ranges of numbers.
0270 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time period relevant to the package, e.g.
production date, expiration date, etc.
0280 Segment group 9: LIN-PIA-IMD-MEA-ALI-LOC-DTM-SG10-SG11
A group of segments providing detailed information on each line
of the inventory report.
0290 LIN, Line item
A segment identifying a specific line in the inventory
report. All other segments in the detail section refer to
the line item.
0300 PIA, Additional product id
A segment to allow the transmission of additional product
0310 IMD, Item description
A segment for describing the product or package.
0320 MEA, Measurements
A segment specifying physical measurements in the inventory
item, either in original or packaged form.
0330 ALI, Additional information
A segment indicating that the line item is subject to
special conditions due to origin custom preference or
commercial factors.
0340 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment indicating details regarding specific place or
location of the specified line item.
0350 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the line item.
0360 Segment group 10:RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references only relating to the
specified line item.
0370 RFF, Reference
A segment for referencing documents and other numbers
pertinent to the line item.
0380 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the referred document.
0390 Segment group 11:QTY-INV-GIN-LOC-DTM-STS-SG12-SG13-SG14-
A group of segments providing quantity, and optionally
package details, line item currencies and references.
0400 QTY, Quantity
A segment to provide quantity information, suitably
qualified for the product referred to by the LIN segment,
e.g., opening quantity, closing quantity, etc.
0410 INV, Inventory management related details
A segment identifying all the parameters required for a
full stock activity report.
0420 GIN, Goods identity number
A segment to provide specific serial, batch or packaging
numbers to which the specific quantity relates. These may
be single numbers or ranges of numbers.
0430 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment indicating details regarding specific place or
location of the quantity referred to in QTY.
0440 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the quantity.
0450 STS, Status
A segment giving transport status report, e.g., damaged,
customs refusal and totally missing.
0460 Segment group 12:NAD-LOC
A segment group to identify the owner of the inventory.
0470 NAD, Name and address
A segment to identify the owner of the stock.
0480 LOC, Place/location identification
To identify a country/place/location/related location
one/related location two.
0490 Segment group 13:PRI-CUX-DTM
A group of segments to provide price/cost/value
0500 PRI, Price details
A segment to provide the price/cost/value, suitable
0510 CUX, Currencies
A segment specifying currencies, and if required,
rates of exchange, e.g., evaluation currency.
0520 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the currencies.
0530 Segment group 14:RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references only relating to
the specified quantity.
0540 RFF, Reference
A segment for referencing documents and other numbers
pertinent to the quantity.
0550 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period as applied to the referred document.
0560 Segment group 15:CPS-SG16
A group of segments providing details of all package
levels of the inventory report. This segment group
provides the capability to give the hierarchical
relationship. The group defines a logical top-down
packaging structure.
0570 CPS, Consignment packing sequence
A segment identifying the sequence in which packing
has been done, e.g., handling unit (pallet), package
0580 Segment group 16:PAC-MEA-QTY-SG17
A group of segments identifying packages,
identification of the packages and date/time
0590 PAC, Package
A segment specifying the number and type of
packages (physical units and the physical type of
0600 MEA, Measurements
A segment specifying physical measurement of
packages / physical units described in the PAC
0610 QTY, Quantity
A segment to specify the quantity per package
described in the PAC segment.
If the QTY segment of Segment Group 16 is used, and
if and only if, the next segment to be used is the
QTY tigger of Segment Group 11 (i.e. with no
intervening segments being used), then Segment
Group 17 must be used before returning to Segment
Group 11, in order to prevent segment collision.
0620 Segment group 17:PCI-RFF-DTM-GIN
A segment group specifying markings, labels and
0630 PCI, Package identification
A segment specifying markings and / or labels
used on individual physical units (packages)
described in the PAC segment.
0640 RFF, Reference
A segment for referencing the package
identification e.g. master label number.
0650 DTM, Date/time/period
Date/time/period relevant to the package, e.g.,
production date, expiration date, etc.
0660 GIN, Goods identity number
A segment to provide serial, batch, label or
packaging number. These may be simple numbers or
ranges of numbers.
0670 UNT, Message trailer
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
segments in the message and the control reference number of the
4.2 Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)
ALI Additional information
BGM Beginning of message
COM Communication contact
CPS Consignment packing sequence
CTA Contact information
CUX Currencies
DTM Date/time/period
GIN Goods identity number
IMD Item description
INV Inventory management related details
LIN Line item
LOC Place/location identification
MEA Measurements
NAD Name and address
PAC Package
PCI Package identification
PIA Additional product id
PRI Price details
QTY Quantity
RFF Reference
STS Status
UNH Message header
UNT Message trailer
Contents of D.95B