Change Indicators
4043 Class of trade, coded Desc: Code identifying the class of trade. Repr: an..3 AG Agency Description to be provided. BG Buying group A temporary group of buyers formed for purchasing purposes. BR Broker A person or group acting as an agent for others, accepting responsibility in return for a fee. CN Consolidator (master distributor) A person or group acting as a clearing house for goods or services. DE Dealer A person or group buying directly from a manufacturer for resale. DI Distributor A person or group acting explicitly as distributor of merchandise or goods. JB Jobber A person or group buying merchandise to resell it to a retailer. MF Manufacturer Self explanatory. OE OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) A manufacturer selling its goods to a company reselling them using own labels. RS Resale Self explanatory. RT Retailer A person selling goods or services in small quantities or by the piece. ST Stationer Description to be provided. WH Wholesaler A person or group buying goods in large quantities for resale by a retailer. WS User Identifies the end-user of goods or services.
Contents of D95B