Change Indicators
4509 Credit cover reason, coded
Desc: Reason of reply to a request for credit cover.
Repr: an..3
1 Requested financial information not provided
Party requested has not provided financial information.
2 No financial information available
No financial information is available on buyer.
3 Debtor is out of business
Debtor ceased trading activities.
4 Debtor is new company
Debtor is newly incorporated.
5 Debtor is not registered
Debtor is not formally registered as legal entity.
6 Debtor is non-trading company
Debtor without trading, e.g. holding company.
7 No comment
No information can be disclosed.
8 Only insolvency risk covered
Only the risk of insolvency is covered.
9 Subject to acceptance of bill of exchange
Limit cover conditional to buyer's acceptance of bill of
10 Document against acceptance
Limit given on documents against acceptance terms.
11 Document against payment
Limit given on documents against payment terms.
12 Adverse information is publicly available
Adverse information on buyer is publicly available.
13 Credit limit full
No approval or increase in credit possible.
14 Lack of turnover
Limit reduced. E.g. cancelled due to absence of activity.
15 Other
Reasons not otherwise specified here.
Contents of D95B