Change Indicators
5375 Price type, coded
Desc: Code identifying the type of price of an item.
Repr: an..3
AA Cancellation price
Price authorized to be charged in the event of an order
being cancelled.
AB Per ton
To indicate that the price applies per ton.
AI Active ingredient
The price is referring to the active ingredient.
AQ As is quantity
The price is referring to the measured quantity.
CA Catalogue
Self explanatory.
CT Contract
Self explanatory.
CU Consumer unit
The price is referring to the consumer unit.
DI Distributor
Self explanatory.
EC ECSC price
Price registered at European Commission Steel and Carbon
office (DG III).
NW Net weight
Self explanatory.
PC Price catalogue
Self explanatory.
PE Per each
Self explanatory.
PK Per kilogram
Self explanatory.
PL Per litre
Self explanatory.
PT Per tonne
Self explanatory.
PU Specified unit
Self explanatory.
PV Provisional price
Self explanatory.
PW Gross weight
Self explanatory.
QT Quoted
Self explanatory.
SR Suggested retail
Self explanatory.
TB To be negotiated
Self explanatory.
TU Traded unit
The price is referring to the traded unit.
TW Theoretical weight
Weight calculated on ordered dimension (length, width,
thickness) not on final dimension (e.g. steel products).
WH Wholesale
Self explanatory.
Contents of D95B