Change Indicators
6311 Measurement application qualifier
Desc: Specification of the application of the physical measurement used.
Repr: an..3
AAA Line item measurement
Line item measurement specified by the Food and Drug
X AAB Retail container dimension
Single physical dimension of a retail container.
X AAC Retail container size
Size of a retail container in terms of volume.
X AAD Other US Government agency application
Description to be provided.
X AAE Measurement
[6314] Value of the measured unit.
X AAF Customs line item measurement
Self explanatory.
X AAG Percentage of alcohol (by volume)
Self explanatory.
X AAH Dimensions total weight
Description to be provided.
X AAI Item weight
Weight at line item level.
X AAJ Visa quantity
Measurement reportable for visaed merchandise.
X AAK Licence (quantity deducted)
Quantity to be written off from the total license amount.
X AAL Cargo loaded
Total tonnage of cargo loaded onto the conveyance.
X AAM Cargo discharged
Total tonnage of cargo unloaded from the conveyance.
X AAN Weight of conveyance
Tonnage of conveyance.
X AAO Conveyance summer dead weight
Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the
X AAP Containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel.
X AAQ Non-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel.
X AAR 1st specified tariff quantity
Primary reportable quantity associated with a tariff
X AAS 2nd specified tariff quantity
Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff
X AAT 3rd specified tariff quantity
Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff
AAU Package
Commodity/product shipped or sold in discrete individual
containers which may be accumulated in a larger package.
AAV Person
Physical measurement of a person.
X AAW Accuracy
Accuracy of the measurements being sent.
AAX Consignment measurement
Measurement related to a consignment; to be specified by
the measurement code dimension value.
AAY Package measurement
Measurements of package.
AAZ Handling unit measurement
Measurements of handling unit.
ABA Unit of measure used for ordered quantities
The unit of measure in which ordered quantities are
ABB Colour
The colour of an object.
ABC Size
Dimensions or magnitude of an object.
ABD Length
The greater of the two or three dimensions of an object.
ABE Height
The distance from the bottom to the top.
ABF Width
The distance from side to side.
ABG Diameter
The length of a line segment passing through the center
of a circle, sphere, etc. from one side to the other.
ABH Depth
The distance from the top downward.
X ASW Weight ascertained
[4240] Endorsement of the true weight (mass) as
ascertained or verified by the railway (CIM 81).
X CH Chemistry
Self explanatory.
X CHW Chargeable weight
The weight on which charges are based.
X CN Core notch dimensions
Self explanatory.
X CS Core size
Self explanatory.
CT Counts
Self explanatory.
DEN Density
Code to indicate the mass of a commodity per unit of
X DR Decision result value
Description to be provided.
X DT Dimensional tolerance
Self explanatory.
X DV Discrete measurement value
Self explanatory.
X DX Dimension used in price extension
Description to be provided.
X EGW Estimated gross weight
Estimated weight (mass) of goods, including packing and
excluding carrier's.
X EN Environmental conditions
The data values to be reported reflect the environmental
conditions surrounding a situation including but not
limited to test environments.
X EVO Estimated volume
Estimated size or measure of anything in three
X FO Footage
Description to be provided.
X IV Interpolated value
Description to be provided.
X LAO Vessel overall length
Total overall length of the vessel.
X LC Limited weight/size coils
Description to be provided.
LGL Length limitations
Indicates that value/range information is understood as
length limitation.
X LL Lift limitation
Self explanatory.
X LMT Loading meters
The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and
height over that length is needed for the goods.
X NAX Number of axles
Number of axles of movable equipment or means of
transport on wheels.
X PAL Payload
The revenue-producing load carried by a means of
X PC Parting cut (sawcut)
Description to be provided.
X PD Physical dimensions (product ordered)
Self explanatory.
X PL Package limitations
Self explanatory.
X PLL Platform limitation
Self explanatory.
X RL Receiving facility limitations
Self explanatory.
X RN Length limitations
Indicates that value/range information within
measurement information is understood as length
limitation. Use code value LGL.
X SE Property specification
Indicates that the data to follow are target
X SH Shipping tolerance
Self explanatory.
X SM Shade
Description to be provided.
X SO Storage limitation
Self explanatory.
SPG Specific gravity
Self explanatory.
X SR Surface roughness
Self explanatory.
X ST Surface treatment
Self explanatory.
X SU Surface
Self explanatory.
X SV Specification value
A measurable item characteristic specified by the buyer,
seller or third party.
X TE Temperature
Self explanatory.
X TL Transportation equipment limitations
Self explanatory.
X TR Test result
Indicates that the data to follow is the test result
X TX Time used in price extension
Description to be provided.
X VO Observed value
The reported test result which includes measurement
VOL Volume
Size or measure of anything in three dimensions.
X VT True value
The reported test result with the measurement variability
WT Weights
Self explanatory.
X WX Weight used in price extension
Description to be provided.
Contents of D95B