Change Indicators
* 7293 Sector/subject identification qualifier [B] Desc: Identification of the subject areas to which the specified conditions apply. Repr: an..3 1 Construction industry Self explanatory. 2 Governmental export conditions Self explanatory. 3 Chemical industry Self explanatory. 4 Electronic industry Self explanatory. 5 Automotive industry Self explanatory. 6 Steel industry Self explanatory. 7 Factoring Factoring industry. 8 Defence industry A code to identify the defence industry. 9 Alcohol beverage industry Alcohol beverage industry. 10 Police Applies to police formalities. 11 Customs Applies to customs regulations. 12 Health regulation Applies to health regulation. 13 Balance of payments Balance of payments. + 14 National legislation National regulations specified by the relevant government. + 15 Government To identify requirements and conditions applicable to government activity.