This specification provides the definition of the Equipment
       damage and repair estimate message (DESTIM) to be used in
       Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners
       involved in administration, commerce and transport.

1.    SCOPE

1.1   Functional Definition

       A message for use by the container repair, shipping and leasing
       industry. It may be used by a container equipment repair depot
       to send an owner or user a description of damages to the
       equipment, as an estimate of the repair actions and costs
       needed to rectify such damages. A recipient owner may forward
       the estimate to a lessee. The message may also be used by an
       owner or lessee as an authorization message to the repair depot
       to perform the repairs indicated in the estimate, and as an
       acknowledgment of his willingness to pay for those repairs
       indicated in the estimate for his account.

1.2   Field of Application

       The Equipment damage and repair estimate message may be used
       for both national and international applications. It is based
       on universal practice related to administration, commerce and
       transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or

1.3   Principles

       It is envisaged that the Equipment Damage and Repair Estimate
       Message may be used as follows:
       1. By an equipment depot to the owner or lessee of damaged
       equipment after the equipment has been returned by a lessee, in
       order to indicate needed repairs and to request authorization
       to perform repair work.
       2. By an equipment owner to a lessee to provide repair cost
       estimates, and to request the lessee's acknowledgment of
       willingness to pay costs allocated to lessee's account.
       3. By an equipment owner or lessee to a repair depot to give
       authorization to have the damaged equipment repaired.


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 1.


3.1   Standard terms and definitions

       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 2.


4.1   Data Segment Clarification

       This section should be read in conjunction with the Segment
       Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating

4.1.1  Header section

       Information to be provided in the Header section:

0010   UNH, Message header
       A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
       The message type code for the Equipment damage and repair
       estimate message is DESTIM.
       Note: Equipment damage and repair estimate messages conforming
       to this document must contain the following data in segment
       UNH, composite S009:

       Data element  0065 DESTIM
                     0052 D
                     0054 98A
                     0051 UN

0020   BGM, Beginning of message
       A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to
       transmit identifying number and type of message.

0030   DTM, Date/time/period
       A segment to indicate date and time of the event being reported
       or requested by the message.

0040   GIS, General indicator
       A segment to indicate whether the container is damaged and not
       available for leasing or still available for leasing (i.e.
       without damages that require repair).

0050   CUX, Currencies
       A segment to specify various currencies associated with the
       message such as labor currency, material currency and Damage
       Protection Plan currency.

0060   RFF, Reference
       A segment indicating a reference number applicable to the
       entire estimate, such as customer reference, lease number, etc.

0070   FTX, Free text
       A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary
       information (such as coverage of equipment under an Approved
       Continuous Examination Program [ACEP] complying with the
       International Convention for Safe Containers [CSC]) that
       applies to the entire message.

0080   Segment group 1: EQD-DIM-IMD
       A group of segments to identify equipment-related data,
       including equipment number, type, size, etc.

0090      EQD, Equipment details
          A segment to specify equipment-related data, including
          equipment number, type, size, etc.

0100      DIM, Dimensions
          A segment indicating the actual dimensions of the equipment,
          if the size and type is not known.

0110      IMD, Item description
          A segment to specify material of which the equipment is and
          other specialized data (such as maximum gross weight, tare
          weight, etc.).

0120   Segment group 2: NAD-MOA-SG3
       A group of segments to identify parties, such as owners,
       lessors, users, lessees, equipment depots, agents, etc.,
       sending or receiving the estimate. The group also summarizes
       responsibility for repair costs by party, with a detailed
       enumeration and allocation of such costs, including labor, tax
       on labor, materials, tax on materials, subtotal labor and
       materials, subtotal tax, and grand totals for the estimate.

0130      NAD, Name and address
          A segment to identify the name, address, and function of
          parties to whom the estimate is sent.

0140      MOA, Monetary amount
          A segment used to indicate labor, materials, and tax cost
          attributable to a party pertaining to the entire estimate.

0150      Segment group 3: CTA-COM
          A group of segments to identify individuals or departments
          to whose attention the estimate will be directed.

0160         CTA, Contact information
             A segment to identify a person or department to whom
             communications should be directed.

0170         COM, Communication contact
             A segment to identify telephone, fax, etc. numbers at
             which the person or department to receive the estimate
             may be contacted.

0180   Segment group 4: TDT-LOC-DTM
       A group of segments identifying details of the transport, if
       any, such as carrier, mode and means of transport, locations
       and related date(s) and time(s).

0190      TDT, Details of transport
          A segment to specify details of transport such as carrier,
          the means of transport, voyage number etc.

0200      LOC, Place/location identification
          A segment to specify any locations related to the transport
          details such as ports, terminals, etc.

0210      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment to specify associated date(s) and time(s).

4.1.2  Detail section

       Information to be provided in the Detail section:

0220   UNS, Section control
       A segment to avoid segment collision.

0230   Segment group 5: DTM-LOC-NAD
       A group of segments identifying dates and locations of current
       and previous inspections, and may include the date of the next
       safety inspection due as required under the International
       Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) or the U.S. Federal
       Highway Administration (FHWA), if indicated on the equipment.
       It may also indicate the date and location of manufacture, and
       name of manufacturer.

0240      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment to specify the date and time of the current or
          previous inspection, or of manufacture.

0250      LOC, Place/location identification
          A segment to specify the location at which the event
          described in the previous DTM occurred.

0260      NAD, Name and address
          A segment to indicate the name and address of the inspection
          company, manufacturer, etc. relating to the event described
          in the previous DTM.

0270   Segment group 6: RFF-DTM-NAD-MOA
       A group of segments indicating information relating to
       authorization for repair to proceed and acceptance of
       responsibility for respective charges for such repairs. The
       approval number, date, and name and address of the approving
       party, and the monetary amount authorized are included within
       the group.

0280      RFF, Reference
          A segment indicating the authorization number attributable
          to all or part of the estimate, which is provided by the

0290      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment indicating the date and time at which the
          authorization is provided.

0300      NAD, Name and address
          A segment indicating the name and address of the authorizing

0310      MOA, Monetary amount
          A segment indicating the amount of money authorized to be
          expended to the account of the authorizing party.

0320   Segment group 7: LIN-DIM-QTY-FTX-SG8-SG9-SG10
       A group of segments indicating the type and amount of damage
       found on the equipment during an inspection, and a description
       of, and allocation of responsibility for, amount, type, extent,
       and estimated cost of repairs needed to rectify such damage.

0330      LIN, Line item
          A segment indicating a number for each damage line-item in
          the message. The line number corresponding to a damage and
          repair will remain constant throughout all versions of the
          message, so that subsequent versions of the repair estimate
          may be compared to previous versions. Items to be deleted or
          altered in subsequent versions may also be highlighted in
          this segment.

0340      DIM, Dimensions
          A segment used to indicate the dimensions of the repaired

0350      QTY, Quantity
          A segment used to indicate the number of repairs of the
          identical type to be performed.

0360      FTX, Free text
          A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary
          information (such as an indication of conjunctive or
          alternate repair) that apply to a single damage and repair
          line item.

0370      Segment group 8: DAM-COD
          A group of segments describing damages, involved components
          (including material for such components), and action to be
          taken due to presence of the damage (such as repair).

0380         DAM, Damage
             A segment to specify equipment damages, such as location,
             type, and size of damage; and repair or other action

0390         COD, Component details
             A segment to specify components involved in the repair,
             by type of material.

0400      Segment group 9: RTE-QTY
          A group of segments indicating the labor rate per hour (or
          other unit time), and the number of hours (or time units)
          needed to perform the repair.

0410         RTE, Rate details
             A segment indicating the labor rate per unit of time
             (e.g. hour) at which the repair will be charged.

0420         QTY, Quantity
             A segment indicating the number of time units (e.g.
             hours) of labor to be charged for the repair.

0430      Segment group 10:NAD-SG11
          A group of segments indicating parties responsible for the
          repair described, and the allocation of charges, broken down
          category, applicable to such repairs, including any tax or

0440         NAD, Name and address
             A segment indicating the name and address of the party to
             whose account the repair will be charged.

0450         Segment group 11:MOA-TAX-MEA
             A group of segments indicating the monetary amount of
             charges for, the repair, and any tax and or discounts and
             surcharges associated with labor and or materials charges
             for the repair.

0460            MOA, Monetary amount
                A segment indicating the monetary amount of labour,
                materials, or tax applicable to the repair for which
                the indicated party is responsible.

0470            TAX, Duty/tax/fee details
                A segment indicating the rate of tax applicable to the
                associated labor or materials charges.

0480            MEA, Measurements
                A segment indicating a multiplier associated with
                charges for labor or materials. If a discount applies,
                the multiplier will be less than one; if a surcharge
                applies, the multiplier will be greater than one.

4.1.3  Summary section

       Information to be provided in the Summary section:

0490   CNT, Control total
       A segment to provide message control totals.

0500   UNT, Message trailer
       A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
       segments in the message and the control reference number of the

4.2   Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

          BGM Beginning of message
          CNT Control total
          COD Component details
          COM Communication contact
          CTA Contact information
          CUX Currencies
          DAM Damage
          DIM Dimensions
          DTM Date/time/period
          EQD Equipment details
          FTX Free text
          GIS General indicator
          IMD Item description
          LIN Line item
          LOC Place/location identification
          MEA Measurements
          MOA Monetary amount
          NAD Name and address
          QTY Quantity
          RFF Reference
          RTE Rate details
          TAX Duty/tax/fee details
          TDT Details of transport
          UNH Message header
          UNS Section control
          UNT Message trailer

Contents of DESTIM