This specification provides the definition of the Reinsurance
       technical account message (RETACC) to be used in Electronic
       Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in
       administration, commerce and transport.

1.    SCOPE

1.1   Functional Definition

       The RETACC is used by the sender to report to the receiver the
       latter's position in the sender's books with respect to one
       single reinsurance contract. It is in this sense a type of
       account for services rendered, and may initiate a payment flow
       either directly or via a periodical overview statement.

1.2   Field of Application

       The Reinsurance technical account message may be used for both
       national and international applications. It is based on
       universal practice related to administration, commerce and
       transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or

1.3   Principles

       The RETACC will report technical and financial accounting
       entries that are informational (i.e. the latter items such as
       reserves will not impact the balance of the account).
       In the summary section of the RETACC, the ability is given to
       split the account balance into sub-amounts using different
       criteria. Such sub-amounts may be collectable and non-
       collectable. One may even go a level further and split a non-
       collectable balance into amounts per company or participant.


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 1.


3.1   Standard terms and definitions

       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 2.


4.1   Data Segment Clarification

       This section should be read in conjunction with the Segment
       Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating

4.1.1  Header section

       Information to be provided in the Header section:

0010   UNH, Message header
       A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
       The message type code for the Reinsurance technical account
       message is RETACC.
       Note: Reinsurance technical account messages conforming to this
       document must contain the following data in segment UNH,
       composite S009:

       Data element  0065 RETACC
                     0052 D
                     0054 98A
                     0051 UN

0020   GIS, General indicator
       A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the whole

0030   Segment group 1: NAD-CTA-COM-RFF
       A group of segments to specify relevant parties for the whole

0040      NAD, Name and address
          A segment to specify the name and address and the related
          function of the party involved.

0050      CTA, Contact information
          A segment to identify a person or department to whom
          communication should be directed.

0060      COM, Communication contact
          A segment to identify a communication number of a department
          or a person to whom communication should be directed.

0070      RFF, Reference
          A segment to specify the references of the party identified
          in the leading NAD.

0080   DTM, Date/time/period
       A segment to specify the message transaction date, accounting
       period, accounting year, accounting periodicity.

0090   FTX, Free text
       A segment to provide general message information, and/or
       narrative descriptions of references or account period given.

4.1.2  Detail section

       Information to be provided in the Detail section:

0100   Segment group 2: CUX-RFF-FTX-SG3
       A group of segments to specify accounting breakdowns within the

0110      CUX, Currencies
          A segment to specify the account rendering currency
          (statement currency) of the sub-account, and if required the
          settlement currency and the exchange rate used to convert
          from original account currency into settlement currency.

0120      RFF, Reference
          A segment used to tie the sub-account to a specific
          reference and to additionally identify the layer or surplus
          number of the contract for which data are rendered.

0130      FTX, Free text
          A segment used to provide free text information regarding
          the contract section reported in the sub-account
          (particularly for facultative contracts).

0140      Segment group 3: MOA-DTM-PCD-GIS-LOC-FTX-SG4
          A group of segments to specify accounting entries for the
          sub-account, and if required the sub-account balance(s).

0150         MOA, Monetary amount
             A segment to specify the accounting entries or the sub-
             account balance(s).

0160         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment to specify pertinent dates and periods relating
             to the entry.

0170         PCD, Percentage details
             A segment to specify the percentage used to calculate the
             entry, and/or the receiver's share percentage.

0180         GIS, General indicator
             A segment to give an indicator to specify the way to
             process the entry.

0190         LOC, Place/location identification
             A segment to identify the geographical scope to which the
             entry pertains or - for facultative accounts - the
             location of the risk.

0200         FTX, Free text
             A segment used to provide free text information regarding
             the entry. More particularly, the segment can be used to
             give loss details or additional information concerning
             bucket entry codes.

0210         Segment group 4: RFF-DTM-COM-FTX
             A group of segments to refer to supporting messages or
             documents. The segment may equally be used in case of
             loss amount reporting to specify the event reference.

0220            RFF, Reference
                A segment to specify a reference to a supporting
                document or message and/or (in case of losses
                reported), the event reference.

0230            DTM, Date/time/period
                A segment to specify the date of transaction of the
                supporting document or message.

0240            COM, Communication contact
                A segment to identify the means by which the
                referenced document or message was transmitted.

0250            FTX, Free text
                A segment used to provide free text information
                regarding the document or message that is referenced.

0260   UNS, Section control
       A segment used to prevent collisions between the detail and the
       summary sections of the message.

4.1.3  Summary section

       Information to be provided in the Summary section:

0270   Segment group 5: MOA-GIS-SG6-PAI-RFF-DTM
       A group of segments that may be used to specify account totals
       and subdivide them per type of settlement. At the same type
       this group can be used to break down the account into
       sub-balances using various criteria, such as collectable or
       non-collectable, and the embedded group 6 can be used to make
       breakdowns per party in the underlying market.

0280      MOA, Monetary amount
          A segment to specify the total account balances per
          settlement currency, or the possible breakdowns e.g. the
          amounts due in instalments, or per payment means or

0290      GIS, General indicator
          A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the

0300      Segment group 6: NAD-PCD-RFF-GIS-MOA
          A group of segments used to make breakdowns of the amount
          reported, per party in the underlying market.

0310         NAD, Name and address
             A segment to identify the bank where the letter of credit
             was issued, the payer's and beneficiary's bank, the
             assuming company, the multiple cedants involved.

0320         PCD, Percentage details
             A segment used to specify the share of the party in the
             broker's order or in the 100% of the contract, expressed
             as a percentage.

0330         RFF, Reference
             A segment to specify the references of the party named in
             the leading NAD.

0340         GIS, General indicator
             A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the
             settlement by specific parties involved in the

0350         MOA, Monetary amount
             A segment to specify the share amount of the party

0360      PAI, Payment instructions
          A segment to specify the means of settlement.

0370      RFF, Reference
          A segment to specify references related to the settlement of
          the account balance.

0380      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment to specify pertinent dates and periods relating to
          the settlement of the RETACC.

0390   UNT, Message trailer
       A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
       segments in the message and the control reference number of the

4.2   Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

          COM Communication contact
          CTA Contact information
          CUX Currencies
          DTM Date/time/period
          FTX Free text
          GIS General indicator
          LOC Place/location identification
          MOA Monetary amount
          NAD Name and address
          PAI Payment instructions
          PCD Percentage details
          RFF Reference
          UNH Message header
          UNS Section control
          UNT Message trailer

Contents of RETACC